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Former Mabvuku/Tafara MP Chidhakwa Abducted And Tortured - CCC

1 year agoTue, 24 Oct 2023 06:48:05 GMT
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Former Mabvuku/Tafara MP Chidhakwa Abducted And Tortured - CCC

Zimbabwe’s biggest opposition party, Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) led by Nelson Chamisa, has reported that its former Member of Parliament (MP) for Mabvuku-Tafara, James Chidhakwa, was abducted and subjected to torture. In a statement seen by Pindula News, the party confirmed that Chidhakwa is currently receiving medical treatment at a local hospital. Read the statement:

The regime in Harare is aware that it did not win the recently concluded flawed, sham, disorganized, and shambolic elections. That is why it is behaving like a terrorist organization, abducting and torturing our innocent members. We condemn this behavior in the strongest terms.

We have received a report that our change champion, Hon Chidhakwa, was abducted, tortured, injected with an unknown substance, and subsequently dumped in Acturus at midnight by suspected state agents. His dreadlocks were shaved off using a sharp object. He is currently at a local hospital. The regime in Harare continues to unleash violence and launch attacks against our members. This behavior must STOP.

The party’s deputy spokesperson, Gift Ostallos Siziba, echoed the report saying Chidhakwa was abducted and severely assaulted by unknown individuals. He said Chidhakwa was found dumped in Acturus, injured and injected with an unknown substance. He sustained deep cuts and is currently hospitalised.

Some people find the timing of these abductions suspicious, as they often occur during significant international events, such as the upcoming SADC’s Anti-Sanctions Day on 25 October. One commentator said:

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What a coincidence. Abduction a day before Zimbabwe anti sanctions day to be observed by the international community. I smell a rat.

Some people expressed disappointment in the opposition leadership for not taking action against the alleged attackers. A commentator criticised their repetitive statements condemning the attacks, stating that mere tweets won’t deter “ZANU PF thugs”. The commentator suggested that the opposition should take decisive action, similar to what their predecessors did against the oppressive Smith regime. Otherwise, the situation will remain unchanged. Another one said:

Are you trying to tell us that since 2000 all opposition supporters are like sheep waiting to be slaughtered? Why are its shepherds always crying but not finding means to protect their sheep? This clearly shows that the shepherds are cowards and sheep are on their own.

There have been numerous cases of government critics, opposition members, human rights defenders, and journalists being abducted. The alleged victims believe that state security agents are responsible for these kidnappings and acts of torture. However, the government denies these allegations, claiming that they are false and intended to tarnish its reputation.

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Myata · 1 year ago
Chidhaka haana basa in our politics. People who must be killed or abducted are Biti, Siziba, Mahere and Chamisa
Chidhakwa akadhakwa ayenda ku**** · 1 year ago
Anonymous · 1 year ago
A zanupf modus operandi...!
Warlord · 1 year ago
Rashiwe Guzha. Captain Edwin Nleya. Patrick nebanyama. Toderai ndira. Itai dzamara all these people we want answers.. What happened to them under zanu pf rule
most popular · 1 year ago
deno maisvoda vanhu ve CCC mungadai makasiya staging these fake abductions way back but sezvo musingasvodi imi vana vamisisi muchri kungoenderera mberi neku actor tuma drama twenyu twungorine same audience. svodai please shame on you.
Verbatim bulletin · 1 year ago
Ma abductions awa achimboitirweyi iko ma elections akasu kuitwa akapera Zviripachena izvi kuti nyaya dzirikuitika ku tripple C, hadzusikufadza munhu wese akavhota, asi makakavadzano adai kunyuka awa ne nyaya yema recalls, ndiwo arikuto konzeresa I shaisano, this infighting is breeding a lot of Criminals coz different factions want to hold grips of legislative, councilors and or other recalled vacancies So apa ma tripple Cs kunyatsoshaya vekupomera for your inside squabbles and with such accusations of Zanu Pf on every thing you soil in your pants you doing more damage to your part soon it would just die down like Nzondoras and No one would support such disorders and immature set up even in future
??? · 1 year ago
kungoti dzimwe hama dzedu dzinogumira paPindula. If I a to watch the video hamaikurudzira hunhu hwakadaro
Muzondi Maposvo · 1 year ago
Akabatwa ane mukadzi wemunhu chete
ICBM · 1 year ago
this is a fake abduction,of course we are in the same train bt I really don't support these fake abductions.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
This is illogical. What influence does a former MP have? This sounds like another fake abduction.
Zimbo · 1 year ago
For the why
xyz · 1 year ago
4 the intimidation
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
These are the actions of a defeated lot. Why is it that all the people abducted end up being injected with an unknown substances.? Why do they refuse to be discussed by SADC at the extra ordinary meeting ? This ZANU PF Government has decided to "kill" CCC. This is Political Party which challenges them strongly. CCC is a viable Political Party. This is my story and I am sticking to it. [ THE BUSH LAWYER4CCC ]
Verbatim bulletin · 1 year ago
Intimidating pachavo, mind you this guy is, was, former, CCC, and so is caught up between two mysterios saka Zanu inopinda pakayi munyaya dze tripple Cs Strategic ambiguity, says alot, ma recalls, other pending recalls, the legacy of Tshabangu wa bantu, and all mu GANGO ra Nero
Rasta · 1 year ago
fire pon babylon
Bvu Bvu Bvumbururu yeNdege · 1 year ago
✈✈🍌🍌 @Netsai huuuuuuuyaaaaa kunoooo bhebhiiiiii iweeeee iwe iwe hiiiiihweeeeee iwee e. Huuuuuuuyaaaaaaaaaaaaa😚😚😚😚😙😙😙 mwaaaaah mwaaaaaah 😙😙😙😘🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🎊🥔🥔🥔🥔🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾 SHAMPOPO SHAAAAAMPOPO kupoooopaaa popaaa🍾🍾🍾🍾 #RESPECT!!!!
another commentator · 1 year ago
who are these "another commentator "? why are these dhadow commentator s who are urging others to do something ? why cant tgey lead by example so that the rest can follow. if tgey want to give advice tgey must be part and parcel of tgat advice. if tgey think the opposition is doing nothing , they must form their opposition and and do the best they can to liberate the country from tge oppresive regime rather than put blame on fellow brothers and sisters who are equally facing the same hardship. it is everyone's responsibility for those who feel disdained to to go something against the incumbent. not for one to self appoint referee of the opposition .
BUOY · 1 year ago
ko kuzomugera rasta ndookudiii😐
Rasta · 1 year ago
pandirwadza ipapo chokwadi rasta ndiro radii ndapukuta musodzi
Verbatim bulletin · 1 year ago
Zvimwe, zvima skitts wo kuti munhu ango chinja identity, kuda aizoda kutora passport here kana I'd nyowani tough but all the same you don't have to wear dreadlocks become a rasta Yaa maan
Fifi · 1 year ago
🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 · 1 year ago
idzi nyaya dzave kutotibhowa big time idzi.nhai vanhu ve CCC ma rehearsal munoita nguvai chaizvo???? becoz isu vamwe during the day we're busy fending for our families.
Scott · 1 year ago
there are videos show the extent of his injuries. truth is as human beings tofanira kunzwirana.. Don't be quick to judge usina humbowo hwakakwana. I am not a CCC supporter but as a mature voter MP ahwina ndewe munhu wese and it's best to find ways to work together for the common good. Try to create a relationship naye kana achisvikika. Ndosaka takarmba sazita wangu nekuti haysvike paari nekuda kweandimba.
🌹 NETSAI 🌹 · 1 year ago
,@scott well said my broo👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
thabangu · 1 year ago
i remember nyaya dzemarecals dzichatanga, chamisa achidzingwa muofice. dzimwe mhosva dzaaipomerwa dzaive dzekuita staging maubductions, spending lots of money in staging abductions ndofunga ndo zvanga zvakanyorwa, pozoita bulet pruf car money nechii chii staging an abduction truly costs time effort and money, and should be convincing to the gullible general public, munhu opuwa makwakwatira ecompansation kana kuti payment dzake

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