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Former MP For Mabvuku-Tafara, James Chidhakwa, Narrates His Abduction And Torture

1 year agoWed, 25 Oct 2023 09:01:17 GMT
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Former MP For Mabvuku-Tafara, James Chidhakwa, Narrates His Abduction And Torture

Former Member of Parliament (MP) for Mabvuku-Tafara, James Chidhakwa, has narrated how he was abducted and tortured by suspected state security services.

He said he was picked by about seven people who were driving a Toyota Fortuner. He was waiting to pick up his wife from work when he was picked up around 7pm. He narrated in Shona:

While I was parked at my wife’s workplace, a blue-gold Toyota Fortuner pulled up next to me. Suddenly, the people inside the car approached me. One person came to my door, and another tried to open the other doors. Even though the doors were locked, the windows were open, so they unlocked the doors and forcefully pulled me out. I cried out for help, but sadly, no one came to rescue me.

I was forced into the Fortuner, and they covered my head with a sack. Then, in a remote place, they took out a knife and cut my shirt. They took my shoes and threw them into the jungle. They injected me with something using a syringe, but I don’t know what it was. After that, they started beating me severely and without reason. They were quiet people, not speaking much, but in the car, they kept saying, “You’re the change champions.” They also asked about my political affiliation, whether I belonged to (Nelson) Chamisa’s faction or that of (Sengezo) Tshabangu. I asked them if Tshabangu had a party but they didn’t respond.

Once they finished beating me, they reversed the vehicle and ran the car wheels over my legs, causing immense pain. Then, they drove away, leaving me injured with broken feet and arm, cuts on my legs and head, and marks from a knobkerrie on my back.

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When I started seeking help, some artisanal miners saved me and brought me to the police where I was given a letter for medical treatment. I contacted my family, and we went to the Parirenyatwa hospital with the police letter. 

We understand that these actions indicate the regime’s fear and panic. When the country takes a different path than what they expected, they become anxious. We know that ZANU PF, (President Emmerson) Mnangagwa, are feeling uneasy, especially because SADC is about to hold a summit about Zimbabwe and Chamisa is causing them trouble, and they don’t know how to handle it.

But for me, this is part of the struggle. I’m not worried or angry because I know that in the fight for change, we encounter such obstacles. It’s ZANU PF’s strategy to instil fear in citizens, but I want to tell my fellow change champions that fear is just an opinion, and we don’t subscribe to that opinion. We are determined to make our country democratic, and we firmly believe that Mr. Chamisa should lead us. We have no doubt that we should continue fighting. They have given me strength and motivation.

Doctors are currently investigating the substance they injected into me. They are conducting blood tests to find out more.

They (the assailants) believed that my power came from my hair, so they cut it and took it with them. I’m unsure what they plan to do with it.

Gift Ostallos Siziba, the deputy spokesperson of the CCC, stated that they visited Chidhakwa on Wednesday morning. Siziba claimed that ZANU PF is fearful of the public’s determination to restore legitimacy in Zimbabwe since they know they did not win the 23 August 2023 elections. These attacks are occurring openly in front of the public, he said.

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John Demus · 1 year ago
Thank you Jesus, you are alive. May his angels keep you safe forever.
Rass1 · 1 year ago
Ummm pakaipa.Get well soon fellow rasta. RASTAS NEVER DIE.
377 · 1 year ago
if i was to ubduct someone for political reason I would not ever mansion his political party because that would expose and tarnish my party 's image. Ngano dzakadai dzinoda vana vadiki. Kuna movie chairo harimbodai.
@anonymous · 1 year ago
You are a pathetic human being but then all you zanupf bootlickers have mental challenges resulting in poor comments. We all know that this is the work of zanupf through their proxy's the state agents to instill fear among the citizens.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
What does it point to when the victim, barely less than 24 hrs is asked about the events which took place leading to his abduction, and he rushes to point out that it is ZANU PF and ED. Is it not that he has rushed to conclude on that without any proof after all. It is now the CCC label to apportion any adversary which happens to them as ZANU PF. This is why now we are forced to say it was a stage managed and well planned thing. Why can they not leave everything to police to investigate. Iwe unofunga kuti ZANU ingadei kumunhu asisiri MP? He is now a useless person with no effect at all. This is your CCC internal factional fights. Wake up and SEE the fire burning in CCC.
lolo · 1 year ago
pauchazviitwa uchaudza vamwe
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Fiction novel
BLUE GOLD COLOUR ????? · 1 year ago
Simba ririmubvudzi rinengura sereDhunyazi. P****i tibvire kure mbwaaaa yemunhu. Svitoooo wakanakirwa
Saint · 1 year ago
zvorwadza izvi 💔💔
Führer · 1 year ago
Akanganwa kutanga ngano yake nekuti paivapo😒😒😒
Jombo · 1 year ago
Simba revanhu muchariona
izvi havakuitika handizvo tinoda runyararo munyika medu uyewo tine tarisiro nema talks akuda kutanga pakati pava ED & Chamisa ekuti dai pachigadzirwa a proper provisional government ichafambisa basa rematongerwo achaita nyika

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