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SADC Has Once Again Called For The Lifting Of Sanctions Imposed On Zimbabwe

1 year agoWed, 25 Oct 2023 12:44:36 GMT
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SADC Has Once Again Called For The Lifting Of Sanctions Imposed On Zimbabwe

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) has called for the lifting of all sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe, citing concerns over their impact on the country and the SADC region. SADC emphasizes that the targeted sanctions have adversely affected Zimbabwe’s development and image for over two decades.

They urge the international community to consider the report by the Special Rapporteur on the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures on human rights and propose lifting the sanctions in line with international law.

SADC believes that lifting the sanctions unconditionally will enable Zimbabwe and the region to focus on growth, good governance, human rights, and social cohesion. In a statement seen by Pindula News, João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço, President of the Republic of Angola and the Chairperson of SADC appealed for support and tangible actions from relevant actors to achieve this goal. João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço said:

1. The Southern African Development Community (SADC) reaffirms its unwavering solidarity with the Government and People of the Republic of Zimbabwe in calling for lifting all Sanctions that remain imposed on the Republic of Zimbabwe.

2. This appeal by SADC for the immediate lifting of sanctions on the Republic of Zimbabwe rests on the backdrop of growing concern over the impact these sanctions continue to pose on the country and the SADC region.

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3. As a Regional Family, SADC firmly echoes that the targeted sanctions geared at a few individuals in Zimbabwe adversely impact the country It Is now over twenty years since the imposition of these targeted sanctions – two decades marred by the inability of the people of Zimbabwe to fully achieve their potentials across various sectors as a nation.

4. This reality, which is not new to the International Community. damages Zimbabwe’s image and limits its potential for access to financial and capital markets The extent of this block to Zimbabwe’s socio-economic growth on the livelihood of its people represents a modern-clay atrocity which we as the SADC Family. strongly feel is an impediment that leaves one of our Members behind from our common quest for regional integration growth and prosperity.

5. SADC. therefore reiterates its wish that the International Community factors the Report of the Special Rapporteur on the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights made by Alena Gouhan on her visit to Zimbabwe (A/HRC/51/33/Add.2) which proposes the lifting of these sanctions within the ambit of key principles of International Law.

6. Our call for lifting sanctions on Zimbabwe is made as a firm request to the International Community 101 a new rhetoric story, and direction for the country. An unconditional lift of sanctions shall create the conditions for Zimbabwe and the SADC region to consolidate its collective efforts to spearhead national and regional growth and substantively develop in critical areas of good governance human rights and social cohesion. It is, therefore, incumbent on all parties concerned to do our parts in re-writing the discourse for the Government and people of the Republic of Zimbabwe.

7. In a time where global insecurities pose Food Security and other pertinent challenges to the African Continent and SADC Region. the sanctions imposed on the Republic of Zimbabwe create an alarming double-imposed threat to its peoples’ livelihood and survival

8. As SADC we remain welcoming to support through the necessary means. the earnest lifting of sanctions on the Republic of Zimbabwe and trust that the humanity we share as the global community shall guide the relevant move in this direction by all relevant actors through tangible actions.

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Anonymous · 1 year ago
Hatina leadership. Kusvka riini. Zvichapera here uye sei.Vatungamiri muripiko.Kana zvaramba edzai zvimwe.Zvakutibhowa
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Of what use is this perennial call for removal of sanctions knowing fully that it falls on deaf ears.What a waste of time. Look elsewhere. Do you not have plan B.We are sick and tired of cheap talk about sanctions without a solution. Leadership muripiko.
Stubborn Gentile · 1 year ago
Do you know that all living beings are addicted to something and if they get rid of it they get addicted to something else. Some are addicted to the Bible to the extent that they think they're Jews 😂😂😂 Israel is the Antichrist if you didn't know, Jews are evil and no wonder you will find Adolf Hitler in Heaven and the rest self proclaimed holy punks in Hell
Dude Fun · 1 year ago
You're also evil because you love Hitler. He was very evil. Nothing can justify the Holocaust, ****. Antisemitism is wrong. You need help. Iwewe unogona kuenda kugehena futi! 🤣
Genocide · 1 year ago
Bush Blair Rhodes Obama Clinton each of these people killed millions of people they'd make hittler blush, but they are seen as heroes, makes one wonder sometimes,l🤔
· 1 year ago
You are such a pathetic racist, hang your head in shame.
CHAWABVUNZA · 1 year ago
There is no one who doesn't know that sanctions are there, even CCC knows that sànctions are there. Everybody wants those sanctions to have been removed "yesterday". It is ZANU PF Government which malpractises undemocratic practices which EU and United States of America would not remove the sanctions if in ZImbabwe we have laws for ZANU PF and laws f5 all others. A good example is teachers wanted to peacefully demonstrate in solidarity with the Palestinians. Permission was denied. Peaceful demonstrations in ZImbabwe exist on paper and not in practice. It is only ZANU PF which demonstrates peacefully, all others are rogues. As long as ZANU PF continues to rule without the law, without democracy and without góod governance, sanctions will remain with us for the foreseeable future. This is my story and I am sticking to it. [ THE. BUSH . LAWYER4CCC ].
ak · 1 year ago
sanction hariswe neizvozvo just follow rule of law and observer human right, and ayo akaiswa kuma individuasl and I don't think kuti those individuals are Zimbabwe
🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 · 1 year ago
by perusing the comment section I have come to the conclusion that: Zimbabweans are now well informed about the truth of this sanction thing. it's a thing of the past to see a citizen frothing on mouth because of calling for the removal of these sanctions. we now know that certain looters offshore accounts were frozen. these looters are using the gullible to spread a wrong and expired narrative that sanctions are causing the economic turmoil we currently find ourselves in. by supporting Zanu pf we are saying all looting continua!!! these sanctions are targerted on certain looters and aren't a crime against Zimbabwe.
@Bvumburu · 1 year ago
Bonyo rinenge rikumuvhiringa mufungo
☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 bonyo rinoto kanganisa brain munhu akave addicted.
2 cents · 1 year ago
looking at it from an economic perspective Zimbabwe is a colony of USA. Our economy is literally held together by the USD and we generally are at the mercy of the US. I think we should first liberate ourselves financial before we go complaining about sanctions.
zozo · 1 year ago
zedera is not meant for individuals cause institutions like zb and cbz are not individuals
☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ · 1 year ago
who benefits from those institutions???who are the shareholders????
T@mbawoga · 1 year ago
Vacho vanokuitirai ma sanctions munongova pavoka ma sanctions times two nokuti dzokororo inenharo. Chinochemedza chii ipapa nhai SADC. Hatiguriko asks ngavasa gura kuno plus futi totanga ne US dollar tori zvambaradza ne sanction nokuti ndiro rino vhairisa. Vachadzichete kuti SADC hainyengere
Zumbhani · 1 year ago
iwe ndiwe inonzi wataura zvinemsoro mhan, Thumbs up Taneta nekungoitwa hwai, The victim all the time by choice, enough is enough
my daughter · 1 year ago
Pasi naEd, ndiyo sanction hombe
@my daughter · 1 year ago
I wish if Zimbabwe was populated by more than 70% of people of your intelligence we would be far off better by now.
Remedio Fernandes · 1 year ago
'reaffirms its unwavering solidarity..." and SADC ignores the unwavering mismanangement (to put it politely) of the recent elections. " damages Zimbabwe’s image .." And the recent election debacle, has ot not damaged the image of Zimbabwe and that of SADC? "An unconditional lift of sanctions shall create the conditions for Zimbabwe ...." will enhance the looting, not so?
Bvu Bvu Bvumburu yeNdege ✈✈🍌🍌 · 1 year ago
✈✈🍌🍌 Ayeeeeeeeehwaaaaaaaaaa iiiiiiiiii manheru anhasiiiiiiiii ayaaaa hamhenoooo kuti ndicharara here😠😠😠😠😠😠 nekuti Ziguri🌽🌽🌽🌽🌽 ranguuuu rakaitaaaaaa miraaaaaa ende futiiiiiii rine haaaaaasha sh*********t oooooooh sh******t maaaaan. Ndiri kunzwaaaaa kudaaaaaaaaaa kubvuuuuuuumburudzaaaaaaa bhebhi toooooooonight ooooooooh yeeeeeeees aaaaaaaaaaaaaarggghgg daaaaaaamn it maaaaaaaaan 🥒🥒🥒🥒🥒🥒🥒RIIIIINDIII NDIIIII NDINDINDINDI BHAMBIRIRAAAAA 🥒🥒 MBOMAAA PEPEPEPEPE. Ndingadaa hangu kuvhuuuuurirwaaaa makumboooo ini nebhebhi riri kudaaaa kwezvaaaa kwezvaaaa apaaaaa 🥒🍑🍑. Haaaaaaaaaaaa heeeeeyaaaaaaaaa Ndamirira Joice naYoyoyo ndimbovapamhe zve neziguri zipombi naNetsai naConi ndichiii aaaaa Namomz vapamusika havachatode murume wavo wena tikanohodha bhagu kuseri kweT35...hanzi pombiii kunaka #RESPECT!!!
sir · 1 year ago
bvumburuyendege mmmmmmmm mambo bonde munozoridawo imi chim****iwo muchiparidza chakanaka vanhu vafe vachienda kudenga
Zuze · 1 year ago
For the Umpteenth Time, I call upon ZANU to remove the sanctions it has imposed against the Peoples of Zimbabwe
Zuze · 1 year ago
For the Umpteenth Time, I call upon ZANU to remove the sanctions it has imposed against the Peoples of Zimbabwe.
Saka · 1 year ago
Azobviswa here vanga vachimacha
xyz · 1 year ago
yes SADC has once again called for removal of sanctions on what effect, isn't it a slogan now,what would SADC say on anti-sanctions day.
Bvu Bvu Bvumbururu yeNdege · 1 year ago
✈✈🍌🍌 Inzwaaaaaaai apaaaaaa... varume vese vari mu SADC vakakumurirwaaaa hembeeeee nema bheeeebhiiii zvikanziiiii itai zveseeeeeee zvamunooooooda pavari. 😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😭😭 Yooooohweeeeeee kani yuuuuuuwiiiiii heheheh varume ve SADC vakazhaaaaamba vachiona mabheeebhiii ane mazigàrooo achikumura hembe yeees striping off their fine clothes vachiiita kutambirira. Kwakaitikaaaaaa Puuuuuuuuuungweeeeeeee👏👏👏👏❇❇❇❇❇❇❇❇ #RESPECT!!!
@Bvumbururu · 1 year ago
ukawana nguva ukwane wazvinzwa busy nekurara nevakadzi vevanhu nekaT35 kako kwnhaka kachabheuka
Britain · 1 year ago
the only sanctions you have is Zanu and it's leadership
ndunge · 1 year ago
ngavabvise ka ngavasatiitira noise sadc ndeye****
,,,, · 1 year ago
SADC is a useless body, what do you expect from them. They should demand that the zanupf Zim government respect human rights, rule of law, respect for the citizens and the constitution for sanctions to be removed.
SADC ? Which SADC ? nonsense
Stubborn Gentile · 1 year ago
Munonyepa imiiiiiii🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶
Enigma · 1 year ago
Mere words with no action EU will never bow down to demands from Sadc instead of wasting time bluffing nonsensical wishes to deaf ears these so called leaders should be on a round table signing MOUs to better their countries in trade energy health e.t.c. Rhodesia outsmarted sanctions using South Africa only what more if we were to use all of our neighbours we would be talking less of these sanctions.
sekuru muyananisi · 1 year ago
ndinoona ccc ichi ruza ku politics asi ichihsinha pakuroverera vana vezimbabwe kuti tisafe ema sanctions Ndozvitoripo Vachena vakamboshandisa method iyo kune dzimwe nyika Ku safisa vanhu ne nhamo Vanhu vobva vamukira hurumende Asi Muzimbabwe ndinoona sa zvakaramba MUKAVHARIRA MA CCC 5000 MUMBA MOTORA 500 MA ZANU PF MOTI VOTAI MURI MOGA MUMBA IMOMO PASINA VAMWE VANOWEDZERWA ZANU INO HWINHA NEKT VAMWE VANONYEPEDZERA KUITA MA CCC ASI KANA VAVE MU BALOT BOX VOCHINJA MOYO.after ma elections vanhu voshamisika kt ko inga ma ccc tange takawanda wani eheee ndakazviona kuno kumusha nameso angu awa mbune Ma ccc masikati manheru ma Zanu pf live.mukanoseacher dzinba dzema ccc vanema cards e zanu ma legeria kudzimba izvezvi BVUNZA VANA VA CHEBUNDA VAKUUDZEI DEAL OSE FOR A ME TO SAY THIS NDAKAONA KA VIDEO KA VA MIKE MADIRO🤭
Anonymous · 1 year ago
WELLDONE SADC. Asi wonzwa tumwe twuvana tuchiti heee hakuna ma sanctions in the likes of CCC nxaaa.
sence · 1 year ago
SADC AU nemaafricqn countries mazhinji shuwa kubatanidza msoro Kuti vabatsire some few individuals, kutoita analyse situation with their many different analysts to agree Kuti let's invest our time in helping a few individuals motanga kafunga here musati mamedza marutsi amunorutsirwa kuneyoutube negoogle,zvishamdiseyi munyatsonzwe Kuti masanctions chii nebasa rawo nderei, nyika hadzipemge ka idzo
Da Truth · 1 year ago
Sadc and AU ndosaka vasimuswe nemazino . Toothless lion .Ndosaka vasina kana 1 chinhu chavaka mbobudisa
Hippo The GS · 1 year ago
Taura hako
Jue Saidi · 1 year ago
kuvhurira mbeva pamuburikishiro
. · 1 year ago
kuimbira matsi, ndozvirikuitwa neAU ne SADAC-O, taneta nazvo #zvakubhowha
sekuru Gudo · 1 year ago
ko sei vasingaparidzi kuti vanhu vasiye corruption 😞

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