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HomeCrime and Courts

WATCH: James Chidhakwa Narrates How He Was Abducted

1 year agoWed, 25 Oct 2023 09:30:21 GMT
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WATCH: James Chidhakwa Narrates How He Was Abducted

James Chidhakwa, the former MP for Mabvuku-Tafara, has narrated his account of being abducted and tortured by suspected state security services. He described how he was approached by people in a Toyota Fortuner while waiting for his wife. They forcefully pulled him out of his car, covered his head with a sack and drove away. He said he called for help, but no one came to his aid. They cut his shirt using a knife, took his shoes, injected him with an unknown substance, and began beating him severely without explanation. Watch the video below for more.

Pindula News



gumlaz · 1 year ago
anoziva kurwadza kwemimba ndeakamboitakura asina Haana zvanoziva Saka musi wauchasangana nechimoto chakadai ndopauchazoziva kuti mhondi dziriko zveshuwa kwete zvako zvauriktaura
Verbatim bulletin · 1 year ago
Nyaya iyi iri pachena, what has he, ku CCC his a former not even mumastructures that you never had, ongoattackwer chete it's an assault, and the way he defends himself shows kuti anoziva why he got attacked , could be nyaya dze vakadzi vevannhu at most
chipo gumbo · 1 year ago
When you find your 5 year-old crying, you ask who beat him? You trust that he knows the person who assaulted them. What makes you thing such an old man is not sure who beat him up. Annonimous and patriot, you are fools to defend what you don't know. The Bible says getting involved in an argument that you know nothing about is like getting into the streets and grabbing the dog by its ears. Mudare hondo dzezanu. Amuna chamunowana. Typedzenyu ndidzo dzinotumwa kuno uraya vanhu motanga kunetsva nengozi dzevanhu vamauraya. Don't fight for zanu, zanu pf is too big for you. Don't speak for zanu, it has such a big mouth. You are not known kuzanu pf not eve' at grass roots level. Kuita miromo akaita seyancwebe kutaura kwamusinakuswera
ICBM · 1 year ago
musanetseke nenyaya iri pachena ,akatora mkadzi we one of the guyz whom he is claiming to have abducted him,ngaaudze vanhu chokwadi not to politicise nyaya dzemujolo
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Which corner of Harare inoshaya vanhu vanenge vachifamba panguva dztaurwa idzi kuma to seven nemazarire anenge akaita muharare iwayo? Zvese zveku bvumburudzwa kubudiswa mumotor hapana kana one munhu akazviona? Nhaataure nyaya yake mushe muface uyu
Patriot · 1 year ago
we shall be free from the West and their agents
Anonymous · 1 year ago
What does it point to when the victim, barely less than 24 hrs is asked about the events which took place leading to his abduction, and he rushes to point out that it is ZANU PF and ED. Is it not that he has rushed to conclude on that without any proof after all. It is now the CCC label to apportion any adversary which happens to them as ZANU PF. This is why now we are forced to say it was a stage managed and well planned thing. Why can they not leave everything to police to investigate. Iwe unofunga kuti ZANU ingadei kumunhu asisiri MP? He is now a useless person with no effect at all. This is your CCC internal factional fights. Wake up and SEE the fire burning in CCC.
WiFi · 1 year ago
The modus operandi is the same to Dzamara abduction
Anonymous · 1 year ago
He did not say the truth on the side he is between Chamisa or Tshabangu. This where the case is. It is their internal fighting at play. Chamisa side is fighting those perceived to be on Tshabangu side. Muchapedzwa kurohwa imi muchingoti heee ZANU yet ari Chamisa and his group fighting Tshabangu faction. Tell me, what has ZANU PF has to do with that dreaded former office bear? Sorry hako Chidhakwa. Iyi inyaya yenyu mega ma CCC mave kurwusana. Chamisa CCC vs Tshabangu CCC.Now choose the best and safe faction otherwise unokuvara mubhora.
kudzie · 1 year ago
God have mercy on us ,Our former mp was kidnapped by suspected zanu thugs and beaten him without apparent reason . fortunately he is still alive ,wish him a quick recovery. we put everything in the hands of God to do his will .
Tambaoga · 1 year ago
how cn you fake that.akarohwa mkomana hey
hydra · 1 year ago
maybe maybe he's truly inocent maybe akazvamburwa zveshuwa maybe he was unfortunately the one chosen to be used to make the fake abduction Chamisa:ngatizvamburisei kamface kemadreds Kaya kaida kuonererwa, tikashandise for news dzemaabductions to distract people from the tshabangu debacle and also tidenhe SADC, murovei ndozokupqyi kamari kataida kubuditsisa sikala mjere kaya
laugh emoji1
Imbwayenharo Chemberedzenhamo · 1 year ago
its been ling time
Imbwayenharo Chemberedzenhamo · 1 year ago
where is Zuze and pfee, are they still alive. Greetings comment section
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
ndiripo busy kumunda nekuma torture camps😂😂
Curious · 1 year ago
just asking, in this day and age, the age of people taking out their phones first in the presence of an emergency, you are telling me when you screamed no one took a picture or video zvayo of what happened asi wanga Uri panhu Pari convenient chaipo Kani I ask nekuti I heard from your party personel that you stage abductions
Tambaoga · 1 year ago
kkk people fear for their lives .ungatore picture pa scene yakadaro unonyudzwawo.Those guys vanotyisa.
· 1 year ago
Iwe VP fainted but hapana kana abe pic rancho
WiFi · 1 year ago
Curious remember Dzamara, abducted in broad daylight at a barbershop where is he. If you don't speak out one day they will come for you and there will be no one to speak out for you. Chaona nzako chapitha mawa chili kwaiwe. Remember that
Marko Charuma · 1 year ago
umm zvakaoma hazvo
Rass1 · 1 year ago
Get well soon fellow rasta.RASTAS NEVER SURRENDER.

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