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Govt Spent $800 Billion On Free Presidential Inputs In 2023

1 year agoThu, 26 Oct 2023 13:43:52 GMT
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Govt Spent $800 Billion On Free Presidential Inputs In 2023

The presidential agricultural inputs scheme through which communal farmers receive free seed and fertiliser from the Government under Pfumvudza / Intswasa has gobbled ZW$828 billion from the 2023 National Budget.

This was said by the Chief Finance Officer in the Ministry of Lands and Agriculture Peter Mudzamiri while presenting the ministry’s 2024 budget expectations before parliament’s lands committee on Wednesday. Mudzamiri was quoted by ZimLive as saying:

In the 2023 budget, the compensation of employees took $97 billion, CBZ bank guarantee took $69 billion, the Grain Marketing Board (GMB) strategic grain reserve took $132 billion, Zimbabwe agriculture commodity exchange we invested $200 million in that organisation.

Agriculture finance cooperation took $5.5 billion and then the presidential input programme took about $828 billion.

The money spent on the presidential agricultural inputs scheme was more than the funds spent on key projects such as the construction of dams. Added Mudzamiri:

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Dam construction took $224 billion, the rest of the other ministry land items took $227 billion, the total of all these is $1.5 trillion.

Critics say the presidential input scheme is a strategy by the ZANU PF party to ingratiate itself with the rural populace in an attempt to prolong its rule.

More: Pindula News



Zvanyadza · 1 year ago
idzo dzinopenga dziri kut level remakomba riripamusor enffect momz vako vakuma80 years vonziii vachere makomba iwe itat mushe ukut vanhu vakufara nazvo ere takatotsamwa ukaon tasvika 2030 tinenge tamama nenhamo
🧐 🤔 🤨 🙄 🤪 🤩 🤗 · 1 year ago
Skiri rekuchera makomba iro riripa level yepamsoro chaipo that's very artistic even mbesa dzino kandwa must up yakadai dzino kuitira zvakanakisisa unenge wadzipa manyemwe
Zuze · 1 year ago
Hurombe munohuwanza vakuru. Kana maguta skindo endai munovata
??? · 1 year ago
Ndiani akapa ma farmers apa, government or president. Bcoz if you President, ZANU inoti ndezvedu apa government haisi ZANU.
Stubborn Gentile · 1 year ago
That's nonsense, other SADC implemented continuous harvesting methods way back and you still depend on rains. Just take a look at that soil it's not fertile soil and that needs irrigation system and a multiple fertilizers to grow good crops, but you are busy preaching about a Billion bond useless notes.
Patriot · 1 year ago
Jue Saidi · 1 year ago
zvimwe zvacho better kungonyarara pane kurotomoka sure tingataure nezve800billion
🧐 🤔 🤨 🙄 · 1 year ago
Chakanakira hu Bond riri variational at different angles of economy, rinongova bundiro to converse and relay the fiscal information

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