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HomeElections In Zimbabwe

CCC's Statement On SADC Extraordinary Summit | Full Text

1 year agoTue, 31 Oct 2023 20:23:48 GMT
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CCC's Statement On SADC Extraordinary Summit | Full Text

The Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has urged SADC leaders to address the issues raised by the SADC Electoral Observer Mission (SEOM) to Zimbabwe for the 23 August 2023 elections to preserve peace and stability in the country.

In a statement, CCC deputy spokesperson Gift “Ostallos” Siziba said the party expects the Extraordinary Summit of the SADC Heads of State, which met virtually today and will reconvene in person on 04 November in Angola, to tackle Zimbabwe’s disputed election. Reads the statement:

The Citizens Coalition for Change acknowledges the Extraordinary Summit of the SADC Heads of State and Government, which commenced today and will reconvene in Luanda, Angola, on November 4, 2023.

The Summit is addressing critical regional concerns, including the reception of a report on Zimbabwe’s flawed and disputed election.

The SADC Electoral Observer Mission declared that the election held on August 23 violated the country’s Constitution and significantly deviated from the SADC Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections.

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The ongoing Summit centers around fostering peace, security, and governance in the region. We express satisfaction that SADC appreciates its overall Policy Direction and Control Responsibility within the community, particularly in relation to the disputed elections in Zimbabwe.

Consequently, we urge SADC to urgently tackle the genuine risk posed by the sham August plebiscite to regional stability.

The crisis cannot be disregarded, as it visibly strains social services in neighboring countries and lays the groundwork for widespread insecurity.

On behalf of our citizens, we filed a petition with SADC under its SEAC Dispute Resolution mechanisms, which facilitate peaceful resolution of electoral disputes in the region, aiming to deepen democratic standards and preserve peace and stability.

It is time for decisive regional action. We call upon SADC to uphold their Observer Mission Report and facilitate a process whereby Zimbabwe can regain legitimacy, firmly rooted in the free will of the people.

This will ensure stability in the region and discourage anti-democratic regimes from obstructing the collective will of their citizens.

Only then can the regional destabilization stemming from Zimbabwe’s deepening political crisis be resolved.

More: Pindula News



never mumba · 1 year ago
this is not fair to Zimbabweans
zuvarese · 1 year ago
Tongwei makanyarara....ziziziiiiii
Da Truth · 1 year ago
@Texas Ranger who is the military .???We are the military our sons ,our daughters,our family is the military ....It all starts with miss informed pple .Look at post election results solders voted Ed out .Look for results my brother .Pashaiwa anokwenyere chete muti wakarerejesa uyu .
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Garbage par excellence 😜🤣😜🤣😜🤣😜🚮It is really high time all CCC religious followers discover the amount of time they have wasted heroe worshipping Cham Cham as if he'd deliver. The school boys sorrounding him Nod to his every Fart. He has no advisors and in that shape, his downfall is predictably very close. Pamberi ne Zanu Pf. Pasi nema crybabies 😂😂😂. Vari Ku CCC vaona kuti hachina direction they're always welcome ku Zanu pf...... Kukaita Polad Tshabangu will join zvisina pressure
. · 1 year ago
What a load of diarrhea front an anus.
Texas Ranger · 1 year ago
CCC is not afraid of ZANU what they afraid of is the military, if the military was not interfering in politics then dai ccc yakapinda kare
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Zanu ne military zvakabatana. Saka manga mati kudii? They're intertwined
Da Truth · 1 year ago
Chirungu chanyorwa ndeche mhando yepamusoro asi hachibvisi Zanupf pa Tweeter chakanaka chaiko . Zanupf haibvi nekunyora kutaura chokwadii wangu 2028 ndopoto mirira tichaona kuti todii 2028 dai Sadc ichigadzira matsmbudziko anowanikwa mu Africa dai DRC Congo yakapedzerwa ma problem Ayo .Ecowaz irinani inotumira masoja kwete Sadc kungokwira ndege vonorara muma 5 star hotel vachidya nekumwa ma wine anodhura chete vorara muma meeting vomuka yapera havo vodzoka votora ma million dollars zvavo . Africa so the dark continent.
🧐 🤔 · 1 year ago
Triple Cs would have admitted and conceded defeat and preset conditions to next elections that alone would have their queries heard and 2028 polls will be much catered for as they please, but varikungo wawata that ont its own makes them immature and desperate Asi Zanu too can tell them to go and remove the sanctions the allure to cripple our economy Nothing is so called targeted but you heard Kenyan President Ruto standing firm on travel to attract investments despite calls and claims that he s draining that countries coffers So, A president is a face of any country and core deals are done and sealed with him as ultimate signature, Its a fact no other way let's face it
Chief Bonolo · 1 year ago
Kana vachitarisa kune hondo,itaiwo hondo ndokuti vazokuonaiwo,Asada zvinomunetsa akati regai ndingoti victory for democracy,ukamubvunza music wa4 uchanzwa achiramba kkkkkkkkkk
Rusungunuko · 1 year ago
CCC is barking up the wrong tree! SADC will never intervene to solve the "crisis" in Zimbabwe! To SADC, the elections were a "victory for democracy". CCC should stop expecting SADC to help them. They need to wake up! They need to come up with a clear plan.
. · 1 year ago
same as someone somewhere squealing for the removal of sanctions they attracted, like steel to magnet
🧐 · 1 year ago
Sadc can only resolve issues that fallout before courts not it doesn't matter how you demean court proceeds but having gone through courts and having as many appeals if it fails then Sadc intervenes not feja feja iyo yamurikytanga
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Kkkkk, after the court has made a decision, SADC will not intervene, as this will be going against the sovereignty of the country.............the conundrum goes on. The world is not designed to prevent a Tarrant from being a Tarrant. The fear now is of a severe outbreak os instability and when this plays out, SADC as an institution will not be clean.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Dream on expecting any thing from sadc
najo · 1 year ago
yes goo d dreams tthen, famba Nero CCC woye
zimbabwe · 1 year ago
fancy English words will get you in power tarisa ed
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Sadcc is not a Court of law but any association guided by it's constitution not elections losers.

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