Prepaid Electricity Split Meters
Suppliers of prepaid electricity split meters throughout Zimbabwe. Ideal for shared properties, landlords, tenants, shared business premises
OpenZimbabwe Dollar Official Rate Now $5 718 Per US$1

The official foreign currency exchange rate moved to ZWL$5 718.4090 per US$1.00, on Tuesday, 31 October.
On 24 October, the weighted average was ZWL$5 693.7825 according to the Foreign Exchange Auction Results announced by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe.
The total amount on offer yesterday was US$20 000 000.00 but US$17 798 011.00 was allotted.
19 bids totalling US$17 798 011.00 were received and all the bids received allotments.
The highest rate was ZWL$5 775.0000 while the lowest bid rate was ZWL$5,700.0000.
The highest amount allotted for the Reail Auction was for raw materials followed by machinery and equipment.