Two Cholera Deaths Confirmed In Harare
1 year agoTue, 14 Nov 2023 10:50:37 GMT

The Harare City Council has expressed concern over the rise in the number of cholera cases in the city.
In a statement this Tuesday, the local authority said it recorded 30 confirmed cases of cholera in Kuwadzana and the Crowborough area over the weekend of 10-12 November 2023 including 2 deaths.
The council said that the other highly affected areas are Glen View and Glen Norah.
The local authority noted several factors contributing to the spread of cholera. These are:
- Drinking of untreated borehole water
- Drinking untreated well water
- Attending and eating at gatherings
- Attending gatherings and shaking hands
- The presence of burst sewers in the communities
- Consumption of cooked food from unlicensed vendors
In order to curb the spread of cholera, the Harare City Council has recommended that residents:
- Seek early treatment to prevent death. Treatment is free at all council clinics.
- Avoid gatherings.
- Treat all borehole and well water with water guard or aquatabs before drinking
- Avoid food from unlicensed vendors
- Report any suspected cholera case or death at the nearest clinic.
More: Pindula News

doug · 1 year ago
the solution for Hre & Byo is banning of Chunks. Chunks for breakfast, lunch and dinner...what do you expect
V11 · 1 year ago
Harare cholera cases shld be reported to the police, I have a feeling that these are abductions.....!!
@chibaby chezanu · 1 year ago
unowoneka kanganiko nhaiwe ,uende na bvu bvu musadzoka
🧐 🤔 🤨 🙄 🤪 · 1 year ago
Handirambe, Hurovha uhwu, Company yakarohwa nema sanctions and the equipment and machinery is obsolete
Ku Magetsi equipment inokuya ku manza Magetsi kwete zvekutamba zviye, Resuscitation yacho would be like raising the dead, but it has a growth potential if it gets keen investors asi now there are some emerging satellite companies doing wonders with latest updated equipments and machinery everything is motorised effortlessly not 3.3kv power on the plant.
Right to the cholera issue
its Urban set up that is precolonial settlement, where kubuda kwezuva rino kurova pa Nhongo ya richidoka wo Zvimwechete kuku shungurudza, kukutambudza paunofumira ku Industry the whole month kareko zvaiva nani wayiwana something kupera kwe vhiki, ikozvino the whole month to get paid if ever you gonna get paid on time,
So ku shungurudzika uku kuma western at most kuri compounded nezvirwere, worse now it cholera
Bursts sewers azo nyanyisa, pipework iriko was not meant to cater for vanhu vanondinya sadza zvekudaro, the pipework is too narrow
Ma ghetto suburbs should have pipe work yekuti motokari can drive in it
sewer rectification plant should be within reach to reproduce water for our greens lawns and plants, ndiyo ka reclaim water, No wonder you see Jo'burg kwamodisisa uko kuri ever green much of the water there is reclaim water
hapana kudada kwavangatiudze nako they use reclaim water very treated
Bulawayo had the same until some subortage council man disconnected reclaim water and reconnected to the main line where instead of water from the tap it became tape from the water
So there is need for council man to rejuvenate their pipe network to carry sewer to a functioning reticulation plant ie Pomona is ideal
And again its not only unlicensed vendors, every food vendor can help the spread of this deadlier cholera disease
Well said lots of Nottingham Cholera article
Citizen · 1 year ago
What's needed to be done is to replace the incompetent zanupf government who have failed to upgrade the infrastructure which is their responsibility.
abc · 1 year ago
ummm vanhu ava vatove panjodzi yehupenyu sure,ndoo paunonzwa rimwe richiti mvura haiina n'anga,hakuna zvakadaro sure ,zvisinei kutyiborehole water but kana isina kuchena use watergard kana kuboilisa hako ozonwa than kurasikirwa nehupenyu
🏃♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
People must be cautious
abc · 1 year ago
ummm zvakaoma
🏃♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Sewage iyo mabasa ekanzuru. Marara azere mu town ikanzuru. Its high time councils are replaced by commissions.
🏃♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Mmmm uri kurasika papi?What revenue assignment arrangement do we have in Zim?
🏃♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Uri kutaura zvaunoziva here kana kuyi kungowawata? Saka basa remakanzuru nderei? Fungawo. Kana wakadzidza Economics of taxation kune anonzi ma revenue assignments!! Regai kungotaura politics dzepasi pemuti apa chozikanwa iri Zero
Bwanado Bwanali · 1 year ago
Chi baby Che Hararhwa kana ukataura tuchirungu twako zvinengei, isu what we know is this country's problems are caused by none other than Zanu Pf so save yourself from all the stôòpid explanations.
🏃♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Mmmm dai council yaona plan
Sabhuku · 1 year ago
plan yei yaunotaura iwe uchiSapota musangano weharahwa