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CCC Recalls Do Not Fix Chamisa, They Fix Every Zimbabwean - Mahere

1 year agoWed, 15 Nov 2023 19:05:50 GMT
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CCC Recalls Do Not Fix Chamisa, They Fix Every Zimbabwean - Mahere

Citizens Coalition for Change MP Fadzai Mahere (Mt Pleasant Constituency) said that the ongoing recalls of the party’s legislators and councillors by imposter Sengezo Tshabangu is an attack on democracy.

Tshabangu declared himself CCC interim secretary-general last month and since then, he has been haphazardly recalling the party’s MPs and councillors claiming that they have ceased to be members of the party.

Posting on X this Wednesday, Mahere said the recalls are not a problem of CCC alone or its leader Nelson Chamisa.

Mahere said the Tshabangu rampage will leave every Zimbabwean “at the mercy of a violent, corrupt, dictatorial regime” as there won’t be an alternative voice in Parliament to curb the ZANU PF-led Government’s excesses. She said:

I wish people could open their eyes. This is not a CCC problem.

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It’s a Zimbabwe problem.

Who suffers when they’re in Parliament with no counter-voice, nobody challenging the budget, nobody holding Ministers to account, nobody challenging corruption, nobody debating legislation, nobody speaking out against abductions, nobody holding State institutions to account and nobody concerned about the raging injustice and crippling poverty?

We all do.

The recalls don’t fix Adv Nelson Chamisa. They fix every single Zimbabwean who’s left at the mercy of a violent, corrupt, dictatorial regime.

We all have a duty to fight this acidic attack on Parliament. It’s truly a battle for the soul of the nation.

On Tuesday, 14 November, Tshabangu recalled 13 MPs and 5 senators. The recalled legislators are Admore Chievero (Chegutu West), Stephen Chatiza (Goromonzi South), Gift Ostallos Siziba (Pelandaba), Tapfumanei Willard Madzimbamuto (Seke), Oliver Mutasa (Zvimba East), Amos Chibaya (Mkoba North), Emma Muzondiwa (Midlands PR), Machirairwa Mugidho (Masvingo PR), Constance Chihota (Mashonaland East PR), Monica Mukwada (Manicaland PR), Sekai Mungani (Midlands PR), Linnet Mazingaidzo (Harare) and Dephine Gutsa (Mashonaland East PR).

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 1 year ago
Zimbabweans are sellouts by nature. During the war most people were killed because of being sold out.
Dzingai N · 1 year ago
ngei murikuti Tshabangu is an imposter? imposted by WHO? Chamisa and company should not act as if they don't know HIM, Ngavamubvise ka kana Asiri wavo , munhu haangomuki from nowhere and start recalling MPs,it can't just happen like that. Wapusa wapusa chaiwo at it's best, how can CCC be an alternative kana vachingoita wada watasva dhongi repa growth point
XXX · 1 year ago
May I join this debate and agree that it is not Advocate Nelson Chamisa only who is suffering, but many more Zimbabweans are suffering too. The byelections shall cost a lot of money in millions to be conducted. That money shall come from the poor. Citizens are forced to be ruled by dictators and corruptors. EHE ICHO !!!!!
maparamuro · 1 year ago
Sanctions on the country do not affect the ruling elite. Recalls of CCC MPs and councillors do not affect Chamisa. Let's go deeper. Councillors and MPs are of no use to the voters, they serve political party leaders interests. How many times have you had meetings with your MP where he asked for your view on any issues being debated in parliament? Councillors only come for budget meetings ,a formality to collect names to submit to the minister together with their budget proposal for approval. Presence or absence of these people in parliament makes no difference in the life of a voter. This is the sad reality of our politics. If MPs represented us, the first debate for this parliament would have been political reforms
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Mahere we want to fix Chamisa. We want him to stop handpicking his prostitutes into party positions. We want you Mahere, to have been elected into a party position. You are a beneficiary of Chamisa's corruption and dictatorship, and no wonder why you will stand by him no matter what.
Jah 🦓 Tsvarie-07 · 1 year ago
@ Worzell my brother you are a star, your comment needs a bit of time and understanding. truly people voted and they won but their house was not in order and they should fix that on their own...
Other Pindula Services · 1 year ago
People voted for those varikudzingiwa now the blame yavakuvavoti sei, imi murima lawyers asi makakonewa kuziva zvirikuitiwa natshabangu. chokwadi ndechekuti Cholera inouraya munhu wese hainei nekuti urimwana kana hama yatshabangu
pr · 1 year ago
in response to Yasser .if CCC had boycotted the election today we would be talking about a one part state in Zimbabwe, why because they were many parties contesting in that election to give credence to zanu. remember ED is a seasoned politician , he knew kut CCC could decide to boycott and he created vana MDC mwonzora, uza NCA . so Hon Fadzi Mahere is 120 percent correct.
YASSER ARAFAT · 1 year ago
And what value did CCC`s participation add to the political discourse of this country? My point is not that CCC only must boycott rigged elections, I am saying the entire opposition movement must just be able to burry the hatchet and coordinate in order to formidably stand against the incumbent. for your information, Zanu did not create Mwonzora, UNZA NCA or whatever. These are formations that exist due to the discord that emanates from the selfishness among those trying to oppose zanu pf. Mwonzora has been in opposition since the days of Zimbabwe Unity Movement and it cannot be true that he was created by zanu pf in 2023. MDC was formed in 1999 and again it cant be true that zanu created it in 2023. If opposition in its entirety refuse to participate zanu will not have the credibility that it is having now, that is why Abel Muzorewa`s rule in 1979 failed to subsist, because Mugabe, Nkomo and their team refused to be part of the sham that resulted in the formation of Zimbabwe-Rhodesia. CCC is playing too much Big Brother and they get so much excited and forget the kind of beast they are fighting
· 1 year ago
@Weasel. you have created another nom de guerre a.k.a Yasser Arafat?
YASSER ARAFAT · 1 year ago
We are actually different people, who coincidentally subscribe to the same political school of thought. I actually enjoy WORZELL GUMMIDGE`s articles because honestly they are well thought presentations. keep it up my dear Gummidge!!!!
Gaol · 1 year ago
U can see how they think shallow minded that's why Zim is domed ZANU is using politics of 70s people will rise if u think zanu is Zimbabwe
Anonymous · 1 year ago
When will they rise? We have been threatened with an uprising since 2008
YASSER ARAFAT · 1 year ago
Recalls are not the ones fixing us Fadzai, we are in this predicament because of your party that refused constructive advise not to rush into participating in an apparently manipulated election. due to you love of money and new vehicles you sleepwalked into the August election when everyone knew it was already rigged and you lost dismally, giving zanu pf an undeserved victory on a siver platter. You and your party are complicit in ZANU pf shenanigans because you legistimised its dictatorship by participating in that sham despite advice from all angles. You betrayed the people`s struggle for change by giving zanu another lease of political life in return for few urban seats so that you get new cars. Tshabangu will teach you a lesson, you bloody ****s!!!! muchadzionera kuhope mota idzodzo
Sabhuku · 1 year ago
having CCC legislators in Parliament has never changed anything. Zanu pf inongoita zvainoda nyangwe varipo. I'm not supporting the recalls tho
Ck · 1 year ago
Zanu is playing Zimbabweans the law is now one sided in Zimbabwe now forcing people to have a one party state so that zanu can loot everything without being monitored zanu citizens must stand up zanu must fall
Anonymous · 1 year ago
What happened to the Zanupf recalls
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Next ndiwe Fadzai Mahere wakapinda sei iwe muCCC uri mbavha wakapinda nemakumbo wavhurira Chamisa ukapinda neBack door
naume lamboos · 1 year ago
zvinebasa rei
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Siyana na Mahere mupurwa ED akapinzwa nani kuti ave president after fired from zanu, zanu think they a smart ccc member were voted by Zimbabweans now zanu wants to change the will of the people who is tshabhangu vendor mbava created by zanu to distroy Ccc thinking people are fools
Ghost · 1 year ago
That is what they all know go against the will of Zimbabwean since 1980 they a power hungry they celebrate the suffering of Zimbabweans zanu must be bunned They are no longer wanted by the citizens dictator must fall
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Next Fadzai Mahere wakabva neBack door iwe waivepi nguva yaTsvangirai uchataura chete kuti wakapinda sei
Anonymous · 1 year ago
If someone joins the political party of his/her choice, who the hack do you think that you're to question that? Iwe enda unopihwa chako chigaro in that ever sinking Zanu Pf of ypurs and just leave us alone with our ever shinning, ever living CCC
..... · 1 year ago
Ini ndaneta neCCC neZanu PF.SeZanu inokwidza BP.CCC inoda tidii?,Timache here ?Tizviuraye here?
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Recalls will fix Chamisa, his girl friends and his bootlickers. Recalls are not an attack on democracy but on Chi****cracy, Chikamarism ne puppeticracy. Tshabangu should have recalled Mahere as well.
XXX · 1 year ago
I have said it earlier on that all recalls this time around come from peri urban Constituencies with the exception of perhaps, Gift Siziba from Bulawayo and Chibaya from Gweru. This is a ZANU PF ploy of hoping to reverse the results in these byelections since they narrowly missed in the Harmonised Elections. One can actually see ZANU PF at play and not Sengezo Tshabangu, the impositor. O want to urge CCC to deploy seasoned Poling Agents who will not be chased away from the poling Stations by ZANU PF or FAZ. They should campaign harder than before. EHE ICHO !!!!!
@XXX. Maonero ako ari correct. Asi team racho rino looter mari dzema Polling agents. Polling agent inovarwira asi vanokusiya uri pachena. Kana wapondwa uchivatsigira vanongoshandisa rufu rwako kukambena asi mhuri yako vanosiya ichikanga waya. Bvunza Job Sikhala, anoto batsirwawo nana Hopewell Chin'ono. Mukomana chaiye kumba kwaJob haasvike. Ku Gutu West vaiti vakabirirwa asi ZESN yakati vakaisa 25% maPolling Agents chete.
Tk · 1 year ago
U wish wer a u from and how old a u imbwa zanu must fall mbava tshabhangu must be jailed
dhadza · 1 year ago
ndiwe wakudaidzwa kutoti imposter kuna shefu wako,ma1 yawatanga aya.
Tanaka (Chimoko Nyama) · 1 year ago
Fadzai Mahere akanaka zvake but haasvike pandiri. Ini ndiri heavy simbi. Ndiri tsvara kadenga, brunette, sponono chaiyo. Bvunzai vano ndiziva. Mukanzwa zvichinzi BEAUTY WITH BRAINS vanenge vachireva ini - me alone - Tanaka (Chimoko Nyama).
zero · 1 year ago
hamba katshana wena
Boos c · 1 year ago
Mupurwa chimoko manyama zvinorevei does that improve the economy that what they a good on zany is taking Zimbabwe to the grave mucha svinura zvenyu
Gold Mafia boss · 1 year ago
@Tanaka (Chimoko Nyama) your sentiments shows that you are **** who advertise her ass everytime she is on public, does your beauty brings food on the table, does your beauty bring employment, **** nerunako nekutsvuka hachisi chinhu nowadays
dakar · 1 year ago
there is no democracy in Zimbabwe ,its better for us to leave Zimbabwe to look for the pastures abroad rather that waiting our government to creat employment to people.Its either Chamisa be the president ,it will be complicated for to fix Zimbabwe and it will almost half a decate to fix our nation
alejandro · 1 year ago
.ms mahere u are making a lot of sense..but us as Zimbabweans we cannot do anything without the leadership of Chamisa..he has to lead.he is the one who wants to be president. so if every jack n jil can push him around like this without mobilising us then to hell with politics.taakutotsvaga mari isu..hameno zvenyu Ku paramende ikoko na Shabangu.kusvika chamisa aakugona action ..mamai..birwai
cid · 1 year ago
I don't support CCC but was watching the parliament question and answer tuday ,this lady Fadzai Mahere I think for now she is the bravest and fluent CCC member in parliament 😂I mean the questions she was asking and her confidence for example the issue of abduction and torture of opposition, I salute her🙋She even reminded that Zanu minister who have refered to her as "my dear Sister" that she was Honourable Mahere ,, if all opposition legislators were like that trust me the parliament was going to reform
. · 1 year ago
She's followed the footsteps of Chamisa I think He was someone whom she's got inspired to during his days in Parliament with the President Yes Parliament was alive then, and Nero could have had an inspirational position in Government had they not influenced this continual repressive embargo to persists, Ma sanctions kaa
Hure Mahere · 1 year ago
stop telling us NONSENSE. CHAMISA AJAKUISA BXZ ANOKUSVIRA, THAT IS WHAT SENZO IS CORRECTING ! WHY WERE U QUIT WN THE PEOPLE who were chosen by the Citizens were sidelined by ur Chikomba. GO TO HELL !
lamboos naume · 1 year ago
ska warwadziwa nei
007 · 1 year ago
y calling her such warwadzirwaa neiko nhai. lets learn to argue with facts other than uttering rabish.. pindula hope you shld upgrade to a better environment
rms · 1 year ago
taurai zvako hama yangu zvimwe zvacho unotoshaya kuti munhu apindwa nei ndokusaka vamwe vedu vachisevenzeswa kuuraya mumwe wake nemunhu agere zvake tinovengana zvisingaite vana vezimbambwe ndinoona vanhu vekumalawi vanoungana every Saturday pane imwe park vvachiafara nekuronga kubatsirana but zimbabwean moyo yedu yakaoma ndosaka tichingoshungurudzwa nevanotungamirira nyika let us love one another
🧐 🤔 🤨 🙄 🤪 · 1 year ago
Tshaba is seemingly vested a lot for this party and he right to restore sanity, this business of having Kindergarten behaviour in Parliament has so far receded as the recalls have furthermore made remaining mps to revisit their CVs,
jane · 1 year ago
zimbabweans have been suffering since independence in 1980. the zanu pf will do anything to remain in power. there's no democracy in zimbabwe.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Tshabangu is a reall traitor who loves money and he was implanted in the opposition long time ago. I'm surprised that Biti and Ncube think that they are using him to fix Chamisa yet he is doing exactly what he is being paid for by the regime. Biti and Ncube should come out clear and be careful in their fight for power
dadza · 1 year ago
ipapo ndopamunorasika,itai cauc meeting mubvise shabangu mumastructure menyu,kwete kunyepera vanhu kuti shabangu hatimuzive iye agara ariku high table kubva Tsvangirai aripo.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Taura hako vakazungaira vanhu ve CCC why they can't challenge him if they don't know about him, ndizvo zvinoita party yewapusa wapusa the next Tshabangu is going to recall Chamisa. Vachabaiwa mekuvaka vachiputsa kkkkk politics havasati vaiziva kussvika vave kuziva kuti Zimbabwe ine mutemo.
Sizzla Kalonji, on his album 'Praise Ye Jah,' in a song titled, "Did You Ever", sang the following lyrics: 🎵🎵 When yoh money start rise, yuh keep yoh secret secure. / When it start fall, yuh mek it known to the poor. / Soon you'll be coming back for more. / All when yoh cup full ah wi yuh ignore. 🎵🎵. When the politicians are eating & life is good for them, they forget about the poor people. When the politicians are in trouble, they come back to mobilise the poor people as pawns & foot soldiers to fight wars for them. When the povo ask for a constitution & structures, the povo are told to go and form their own Party. When the poor povo ask for leadership structures, they are told, "there is no such thing as collective leadership". Now that Tshabangu is threatening their 4X4s, salaries, allowances & fuel allocations, they are now making it the poor people's fight. The povo did their part and voted you in power, at least fight Tshabangu on your own instead of stressing the stressed poor. Handiti muri maLawyers. Povo yokurwirai kusvika riinhi? Imi muchazorwirawo povo riinhi?
Alheit · 1 year ago
Worzell you are spot on. This message is directed to Chamisa and the recalled mob.
😎 · 1 year ago
@wozell you nailed it wapedza ma spots ese apo
rrms · 1 year ago
@@worzell yu are a star yu don't insalute anyone yr ccomments are worth reading yu are mature and learned yr comments are debatable thumbs up

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