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CCC’s Mabvuku By-election Candidate Kufahakutizwi Contemplates Pulling Out Of Race

1 year agoWed, 15 Nov 2023 10:15:49 GMT
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CCC’s Mabvuku By-election Candidate Kufahakutizwi Contemplates Pulling Out Of Race

Munyaradzi Kufahakutizwi, the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) candidate for Mabvuku-Tafara Constituency in the 09 December by-election, said that he is considering pulling out of the race following the abduction and murder of a key member of his campaign team.

Tapfumaneyi Masaya was allegedly abducted by suspected ZANU PF supporters while conducting door-to-door campaigns for Kufahakutizwi on Saturday.

His body was found dumped at the intersection of Arcturus Road and Lobho Road, Cleveland area, Harare on Sunday.

Speaking to journalists at CCC’s Tuesday Press Conference, Kufahakutizwi said Masaya’s abduction and murder were weighing down heavily on him. He said:

We are in pain as the Mabvuku family, as the CCC family. This is a dark cloud that has fallen upon us and what has made this disturbing is that he was campaigning for me.

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He died while convincing people to vote for me.

There was no President to vote for, no council but me after my recall. I want to engage the party on whether going for the by-election is worth all this, at the end of the day we cannot preside over dead bodies. reported that some of the clothes worn by Masaya on the day, including his underwear, were found stashed in a police trunk.

Another CCC activist, Jeffrey Kalosi was abducted together with Masaya, blindfolded and assaulted before being dumped near Chabwino.

Kalosi is reportedly assisting police with investigations amid reports he has been barred from referring to the incident as an abduction.

Kufahakutizwi is among CCC legislators recalled by Sengezo Tshabangu in a move critics believe is aimed at decimating the opposition and giving ZANU PF a parliamentary majority to allow it to amend the constitution.

More: Pindula News



.. · 1 year ago
better safe than sorry
WiFi · 1 year ago
Don't pull out, we have a message to send to Scott.
scott · 1 year ago
Loud and clear...
Doug · 1 year ago
tisu magrp acho..ADMINS..🏃chitak'o che zanu, Zuze the rotten bread and Fugu pfee mupfekeri wekumanyowa. Thank you
mlambo lamboos · 1 year ago
nhy I'm ndikudawo mgrp epindula
munhu wacho · 1 year ago
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 @Chi baby che Zanu u are addicted to Pindula nekuti hauna data rekuenda pa Facebook, madhara anonyima airtime coz vanoziva kuti u will end up wavhurira ma Ben 10 your legs. U can't even shave chibhorani chiri pakati pemakumbo ako. Une sango zisango chairo 🌳🌳 pamwena uyo. Unonhuhwa fish yakawora futi, u very ugly sezvawaka kura uchiudzwa kuchikoro. Unonhùhwa pupu mukanwa futi
CIA · 1 year ago
Muzondi muposvo zvinondifadza kuurara kwevamwe iwe uri mhondi yezanu asi wakanyerwa mbudzi wako zvabvipa zvekuba unofunga veCCC havazivi kuti ayikambena iwe ndi maziva zvese tinokuzivai kuti maoko enyu ndeyekuteuea Ropa azere Nero pa zvinopera izvi zvezanubenzi
ma gemu of death · 1 year ago
ZANU PF haife hausi MDC Alliance kana CCC hairohwe ZANU PF munoidirei ma gemu of death imi musings magone isu tinomagona kana wapinda mu politics Ziva wasainira ma gemu of death dhaunda reumwe six feet ndiko kusimuka kwako ingawani ma youth e MDC mazuva aTsvangirai vaida kuuraya Peter Guhu paHarvest House but Muri Shiri munozongofa nehurimbo here ma gemu of death takuimba hwemachururu chururu ropa remhandu rakuyerera tinokuitai zvimukuyu isu vema gemu of death
NC via 𝕏 · 1 year ago
nelson chamisa @NelsonChamisa SAD DEVELOPMENTS IN ZIMBABWE..The callous politically motivated abduction and murder of Citizen Tapfumanei Masaya, is a tragic and ugly turn of politics in Zimbabwe.   This is a clear indication that Zimbabwe is sadly in the wrong hands and heading into a dangerous direction. Since the 23 August 2023 stolen election, there has been an increase in cases of arrests on trumped up charges, abductions, torture, enforced disappearances, internal displacements and crimes against humanity targeted mainly at CCC MPs, Councillors, citizens, change champions and activists.  All this is happening as tactics and antics to divert attention from that stolen and sham election.  Even the bizarre choreographed recalls and drama, including the ‘sponsored’ & ‘engineered’ script and that ‘manufactured’ rebellion nonsense are all designs and schemes to camouflage the electoral theft and heist.   But they will just not succeed on this to cover their vote manipulation tracks and tricks. Mr Mnangagwa; Stop the terrorism and end this impunity and immunity.  Stop the abuse and manipulation of state institutions. Stop the illegal elections. Stop the abuse of the citizens. @PoliceZimbabwe; Be professional,  Be for the people, the country and for the law,  Protect the citizens,  Safeguard national integrity and citizens security,  Arrest the perpetrators and criminals.  Citizens want peace but there is no peace....Give the citizens peace!!  Instead of wasting resources, over $5m dollars on illegal by elections and focusing on sideshows, let’s focus on the main show.  We must focus on addressing the disputed election, a broken nation, an ailing and failing economy, political toxicity and the deeper and bigger challenges and issues affecting our beloved nation. My thoughts and prayers go to the family of Tapfumanei Masaya, the citizens family  & all Zimbabweans at large. May God heal our wounds and land.pMay The Holy Spirit comfort us all during this difficult moment.  RIP Change Champion, Citizen Tapfumanei Masaya. November 15, 2023
. · 1 year ago
tsvangirai did the same thing in 2008 after the butchering of innocent, unarmed citizens, zvekuramwa izvi will only give the oppressive regime an upperhand, which they don't give a hoot about how it came to be
Bvu Bvu Bvumbururu yeNdege · 1 year ago
✈✈🍌🍌 Uyooooo anonzi Kufahakutizwiiiiii🤣🤣🤣🤣 ndiro gwara manje. Mukatarisa pa picture iyo, bhebhi iro rakaita kugwadama rakabata microphone hahaaha🤣🤣 zvinoratidza kuti anogona kunyatsooobata Ziguuuuri🌽🌽🌽🌽 nemaoko ake ese😆😆🤣 oridyaaaaaa hahahaha PEPEPEPEPE pepepepepe 👏👏👏 #RESPECT!!!
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Mukadota · 1 year ago
That's the best thing to do. Fighting Zanu pf is a mere waste of time
I say · 1 year ago
Never give in to evil.
zidane · 1 year ago
Muzondi Maposvo · 1 year ago
Toziva sei Kuti u were doing a door to door campaign ko wange uchibira vanhu mudzimba imomo or maybe waitaimira vakadzi vevanhu , Saka nhai Bishop ndiro shoko ramwari here ramafira
Kaiser Sozés · 1 year ago
what a load of bull sh*#t
annoying · 1 year ago
mapostori for Ed
🌚🌚🌚🌚🇱🇷🇺🇦 · 1 year ago
Pulling out is a betrayal to Bishop Masaya and that is what Zanu pf was hoping would happen. Citizens must reclaim the seat in memory ofthelate Bishop. Smith Rhodesian Army motto was Forward Ever and Bachward Never..
Rhodesian Selous Scouts · 1 year ago
we fought a bitter war with the "terrorists" until ceasefire in 79 and we never relented natural born non quitters
XXX · 1 year ago
Yes it is too painful to lose someone close to you and who was fighting for your cause. But let me urge candidate Kufahakurambwi that is he withdraws, he will have "sold out " the deceased, Pastor Tapfumanei Masaya. Pastor Masaya wants to see him complete their journey and win the race on 9 December 2023. I am sure that Pastor Tapfumanei Masaya's relatives will urge him to go ahead. EHE ICHO !!!!!
Voter · 1 year ago
So the paster died for nothing. Shame.
pfungwa shoma · 1 year ago
it's pastor you Zanoid
munhu wacho · 1 year ago
Alheit · 1 year ago
Voter, chii chinonzi paster? Ko kana uchida kuti mufundisi it's neShona halo.
ndunge · 1 year ago
ztv ikubuditsa bhora here

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