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Zimbabwe Sets New Wheat Record; Farmers Produced 100 000 Tonnes More Than National Demand

1 year agoSun, 19 Nov 2023 12:57:00 GMT
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Zimbabwe Sets New Wheat Record; Farmers Produced 100 000 Tonnes More Than National Demand

Zimbabwe produced over 465 000 tonnes of wheat in the 2023 winter wheat season, thereby surpassing the previous record of 375 000 tonnes attained in 2022.

The country requires about 360 000 tonnes of wheat for national consumption annually and this month this year’s winter wheat crop is 100 000 tonnes more than national demand.

Speaking to The Sunday Mail, the chief director responsible for agricultural engineering, mechanisation, post-harvest agro-processing and soil conservation in the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development, Engineer Edwin Zimunga, said:

We can safely say wheat harvesting is complete. From the mechanisation view, we are now shifting focus to land preparation for the summer cropping season.

Government’s investment in wheat production continues to pay off handsomely, as farmers have successfully harvested over 465 000 tonnes, representing a new record in wheat production.

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We have reason to celebrate as our farmers really answered the call from the Government to fight for food security. It is clear that the initiatives are yielding results.

The high wheat output is expected to lead to a decline in prices for basics like bread, pasta and pastries as flour is a major ingredient.

Zimbabwe produces what is called soft wheat which is typically milled into flour and used to make a wide range of foods, including bread, muffins, noodles, pasta, biscuits, cakes, cookies, pastries and cereal bars.

Grain Millers Association of Zimbabwe (GMAZ) chairperson Tafadzwa Musarara told The Sunday Mail that the country could export some of the soft wheat in return for only 30 percent hard wheat to meet the market standards of bread.

Zimbabwe has surpassed its winter wheat output target for the second successive season and this has been attributed to favourable pre-planting producer prices, uninterrupted electricity and water supply for irrigation.

Prior to the winter season, Government set a pre-planting producer price of US$520 per tonne of wheat.

Part of the money is paid in foreign currency, while the Zimbabwe dollar component is paid at the prevailing interbank rate.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 1 year ago
The beauty of it all is that Zimbabweans are making this possible. Making use of our own resources is the only foot forward for a nation that was once bled dry by colonialism. All the returns are for Black Zimbabweans from their land and that is key.
brd · 1 year ago
haiwa surplus kudiii
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Last season, if I remember, we had also had a ' bumper harvest' , but by midyear we were importing from Ukraine/Russia . ?????????????????????
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Kkkk this must reset everyone to realisation that we are not failures when we choose to work together as a team, forget foreign Class monitors who have brought so much confusion to our society, this is a good starting point a solid reference point that must be mentained without compromise, lets target the next sector one by one
👏👏👏 · 1 year ago
I salute you comrade anonymous we can achieve great things zvisina political affiliation mukati...But at times we allow the devil in our politics tourayana when we both can win as a nation
MaiKuda · 1 year ago
bhora rava pachii ma minutes
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
😕😕😕😕😕😕 Nigeria 1 - 1 Zim. Nigeria just equalized 67mins. It was offside but assistant ref kept his flag down
Jah 🦓 Tsvarie-07 · 1 year ago
Go Go warriors if it's true...
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
👏👏👏👏👏Zim 1 - 0 Nigeria. Live on ZBC 39 mins played so far. Walter Muson scored with a free kick
XXX · 1 year ago
ZImbabwe's Warriors are playing at home "away from home". I appreciate Baltemar Bristo's way of managing football. [ BALTEMAR IWE, MHANYA NEBHORA, TEAM YEDU YABAYA MA EAGLES ]. EHE ICHO !!!!!
Mai Kuda · 1 year ago
bhora ratotanga here
iphone 12 pro · 1 year ago
5 months down the line they will be shortages they will start to import from Russia 🤷🏻‍♀️
Führer · 1 year ago
@Fűhrer · 1 year ago
kuafarira wheat zvekudaro here wangu
XXX · 1 year ago
Government, especially Minister Anxious Masuka, is overjoyed with wheat farmers' production. It is upto the Government to kill the farmers' zeal and effort by not paying in double quick time. To produce this wheat farmers had overheads which they need to settle. Government must not rash to sell the "surplus wheat" as we do not know what will happen in the next season. [ VA MASUKA CHEST CONTROL, BATAI HANA, BHORA PASI ] EHE ICHO !!!!!
gatsheni · 1 year ago
now stop telling us the local wheat isn't suitable for bread yu need to import a suitable variety bla bla

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