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"Delays In Road Rehabilitation Due To Budget Constraints," Says Transport Minister

1 year agoWed, 22 Nov 2023 14:52:15 GMT
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"Delays In Road Rehabilitation Due To Budget Constraints," Says Transport Minister

Zimbabwe’s Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development, Felix Mhona, has said delays in rehabilitating the country’s road network were due to budget limitations. 

Mhona assured Parliament that all stalled road projects have now been resumed nationwide. He highlighted the significance of good roads for economic growth, noting that a well-developed road system leads to a stronger economy. He affirmed the government’s commitment to utilising domestic funds to enhance the country’s infrastructure. He said: 

We are against sanctions and we are using our resources, contrary to other jurisdictions where roads are rehabilitated using the funds from World Bank and IMF.

In response to Minister Mhona’s statement, Collins Bajila, the Emakhandeni-Luveve legislator, raised concerns about the government’s plan to rehabilitate roads under local authorities. Mhona explained that although the government is working on these roads, once the rehabilitation is complete, they will be handed back to the respective councils.

The government accuses the councils of neglecting the road networks within cities. Referring to the Road Act, subsection 5 (4), the government states that if a local authority fails to fulfil its responsibilities, the Ministry of Transport will step in and take over the task of rehabilitating the road. Mhona said:

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The road will eventually be submitted back to the local authority. Indeed, we rehabilitate such roads and hand them over for maintenance to the municipal authorities.

That is why you see most urban roads being refurbished. When we take over, it means that someone has failed to do their job.

We appreciate the fact that the roads that were alluded to by the Hon. Members are going to be rehabilitated and we will take them back to the municipal authorities.

The government has periodically halted payments to its contractors in an attempt to stabilise the depreciating Zimbabwe dollar and combat hyperinflation. However, this decision has caused delays in project completion. Treasury argues that contractors have been submitting invoices using parallel market rates, which has led to instability in the foreign exchange market and inflated prices for goods and services.

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Abiud Sakwinje · 1 year ago
Ko Domboshava Road vachikuiziwo hre Minister , Surely mvura ikangonaya zvadhakwa tonga tisisina Road
Anonymous · 1 year ago
A scary scenario: the millions of Zim dollars has run out. What happens next? Everybody is waiting for their 13th cheque.
doug · 1 year ago
Not many new roads were built after 1980 and no road maintenance was done when due. Suddenly the road situation became an emergency, and roads had to be repaired using local contractors of different levels of experience and competence. Maybe due to the emergency program not having been budgeted, the contractors were paid in local currency and they went on to mop the foreign currency, mostly that from diaspora remittances. With my little understanding of accounts and economics, I thought items like roads cannot be built or repaired with money from a single budget period. It is more like using petty cash to build an office block.
wake up · 1 year ago
stop smuggling gold out to pay for your holidays and for your houses outside Zimbabwe ... simpul
Zelensky · 1 year ago
I do believe the Minister have never set foot along Nkayi ----Bulawayo road , the activities to rehabilitate the road was before elections, infact there is no road to talk about.. We will be lucky if there are no heavy downpours otherwise we were going to go back to basics, scotch carts and on foot.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Exactly, BYO-Nkayi is a nightmare for ages now.
Vybz Kartel · 1 year ago
Zimwe nde zvimwe aya mashoko enyaradzo
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Corruption not sanctions ........actually
Anonymous · 1 year ago
I am very much in agreement with your assertion... Its CORRUPTION that has hampered development in this country ...
dee~tales · 1 year ago
Harare and all other urban areas where doing great before Zanu pf and zinara took over.
· 1 year ago
the minster is lying. 🤥 there hasn't been road rehabilitation because of corruption!
Alheit · 1 year ago
The road from Gutu to Chitsa Magombedze is now forgotten Minister. I just wonder what Yeukai Simbanegavi did to us when she was MP. Simbanegavi heaped cement at Mukuviri but after she was voted the cement disappeared. Grinding mills were removed from Nyarambi and Makudo. Ndinokumbiravo kugadzira road iyoyo uye kuisa zvigayo zvangu vaMatuke ndiri mugari wepaNyarambi
widzo · 1 year ago
unokumbirira pano pekda kuisa zvigayo here nhai comrade
Alheit · 1 year ago
Yes unotokumbira vaMatuke nokuti ndivo Gutu yacho. Failure kukumbira unowisiewa pasi hedu

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