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FULL TEXT: CCC's National Assembly Meeting Resolutions

1 year agoWed, 22 Nov 2023 16:50:52 GMT
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FULL TEXT: CCC's National Assembly Meeting Resolutions

The Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) National Assembly held a meeting on November 21, 2023, and made resolutions on various pressing issues in Zimbabwe. They focused on the deteriorating human rights situation, recalls of officials, the worsening social-economic environment, election observation reports, legitimacy concerns, “stolen” elections, political dialogue, and consultation with the people.

The specific resolutions included engaging citizens in a program to address the crisis, establishing a disability bureau, updating international bodies on parliamentarians’ diminishing rights, urging SADC to address the political environment, and empowering Advocate Nelson Chamisa to pursue political dialogue for a peaceful resolution. The CCC remains committed to seeking positive change and resolving the country’s challenges. We present the party’s statement in full below:


The Citizens National Assembly (CNA) of the Citizens Coalition for Change held its 19th Session on November 21st in the context of the deteriorating political and economic situation. As the proceedings began, the assembly observed a moment of silence in remembrance of Pastor Tapfumanei Masaya, our change champion who was tragically abducted and murdered in Harare, Zimbabwe.

During the session, the CNA received the National Report from the Change Champion in Chief, Advocate Nelson Chamisa.

Additionally, reports were presented by the following bureaus:

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a) Bureau for Elections

b) Bureau for Communications

c) Bureau for Administration

d) Bureau for International Relations

Since the fraudulent and flawed August 2023 elections, the nation of Zimbabwe continues to be confronted by unprecedented developments, engineered by the ZANU-PF In response to some of the latest events, the people’s project, Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC)’s Assembly has met on the 21st November 2023 and adopted the following resolutions:

Deteriorating Human Rights Situation: The deteriorating political and human rights environment, is directly linked to the disputed and unresolved August 2023 harmonized elections. The Assembly noted with great concern, the rapidly deteriorating Human Rights situation in the country. These include the recent abductions, murders, arbitrary arrests, unlawful recalls, and the ongoing illegal detention of political prisoners, including Job Sikhala, Jacob Ngarivhume and the MRP members. The CNA strongly condemned the abduction and murder of Pastor Tapfumanei Masaya and expressed dissatisfaction with the lack of progress in bringing the culprits to justice.

The CNA also condemned the abduction and torture of Member of Parliament Hon Takudzwa Ngadziore and Hon James Chidakwa, both our change champions.

The Assembly calls on the relevant state authorities and institutions to immediately redirect Zimbabwe to the rule of law and constitutionalism. The Assembly further strongly urges on local and international human rights organisations and defenders to continue to call out the government of Zimbabwe on its impunity and arbitrary and illegal application of the law.

Unlawful, Criminal and Expensive Recalls: The Assembly re-emphasised the illegality and criminality of recalls of our elected deployees in both the parliament and local authorities. The Assembly also re-emphasized that Mr. Sengezo Tshabangu is not a member of the Citizen’s Coalition for Change and that the position of Secretary General he purports to hold does not exist in the structures of the party. Furthermore, the CNA expressed disappointment and disapproval of the continued unlawful recalls of its MPs and councillors by an imposter, with support and collusion from the Speaker of Parliament and the Ministry of Local Government. These illegal recalls were made despite official communication from the CCC leadership and pending court processes. The CNA also expressed dismay at the incumbent’s lack of concern for the needs of ordinary citizens. It cited the allocation of over USD 5 million for unlawful by-elections, initiated by an imposter, while citizens are suffering from a lack of basic medical supplies in hospitals.

Worsening Social-Economic Environment (Deepening Poverty) – The Assembly has expressed deep concern over the deteriorating socio-economic conditions, characterized by high inflation rates, frequent power outages, and deepening poverty. The citizens are facing immense difficulties in making ends meet.

Collapsed Health System – The Assembly was also alarmed by the complete breakdown of the healthcare system, leading to the outbreak of the cholera pandemic. Citizens are losing their lives to preventable diseases due to the unavailability of medication in public hospitals. Accordingly, the Assembly’s taskforce on service delivery and disaster mitigation is pushing our council deployees to raise the bar on issues of water sanitation and awareness on fighting cholera. Additionally, victims of road accidents are also losing their lives as there are no ambulances to transport them to the nearest emergency hospital for treatment.

Illegitimacy, Stolen Election: The Assembly’s position remains that the root cause of Zimbabwe’s challenges lies in the disputed elections which produced an illegitimate and illegal government. Resultantly. the Assembly urges citizens, stakeholders, and all interested parties to work together towards a fresh free and fair election that produces a legitimate government. The Assembly noted that the party is doing everything possible, using all the available legal and political avenues, in Zimbabwe’s tragic political environment, to resolve the worsening crisis in Zimbabwe, return Zimbabwe to the rule of law, constitutionalism and legitimacy.

The Election Observers Reports: The Assembly welcomed the objective and principled stand of the regional body, Southern African Development Community (SADC)’s organs of SA.DC Troika and SADC Summit in the decades long and worsening crisis in Zimbabwe. The Assembly further noted the European Union report which basically is an endorsement of the SADC observer mission report. Zimbabwe needs urgent inclusive electoral reforms as a product of a comprehensive political settlement.

Political Dialogue: The Assembly reaffirmed its decision, mandating the leader, President Nelson Chamisa to pursue political dialogue as the only way to decisively resolve the nation of Zimbabwe’s ongoing and worsening political crisis through peaceful resolution of the political stalemate. The Assembly reiterated that dialogue must be principle driven and value laden.
It must also be centred on three key national issues namely:

i) Disputed elections

ii) The Reforms Agenda (principally, political, security, economic and electoral reforms)

iii) Establishment of a Transitional Framework.

Expanded Consultation with the people of Zimbabwe: The Assembly reiterated that the primary responsibility to resolve Zimbabwe’s never ending crisis remains with Zimbabweans. Resultantly, the Assembly resolved to intensify and accelerate its citizens’ consultation, with the aim to formulate best processes and practices to achieve democratization. The CNA made the following specific resolutions:

1. To engage citizens in a political program of action aimed at resolving the crisis in the country.

2. To establish a disability bureau that focuses on issues affecting persons with disabilities (PWDs).

3. To mandate its parliamentary caucus to engage and update the IPU and SADC on the diminishing privileges and rights of parliamentarians under the Speaker of the National Assembly.

4. To further engage and update SADC on the deteriorating political environment and the need for SADC to fulfill its responsibility of maintaining regional peace, stability, and security by utilizing available instruments to resolve the political crisis in Zimbabwe.

5. Finally, the CNA reaffirmed its mandate for the Change Champion in Chief Advocate Nelson Chamisa to pursue political dialogue as a means of resolving the current political crisis and finding a peaceful resolution to the situation in Zimbabwe.

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Passmore Chamonyonga · 1 year ago
Ummmm guys politics it's not easy. It's a long juney
Humba · 1 year ago
ED,and his fellow members,bigup man, the country is going peacefully,uchitochembera uchingoti heee shanda iwe aika
· 1 year ago
Kumeso kunenge kwembiti ine manyoka
gg · 1 year ago
Thats nonsense. wasting people's time. a group child politicians. dont waste our time. wait for 2028 probably you will have matured
· 1 year ago
Will ZANU have stopped cheating then?
@chipo gumbo it looks like I touched a raw nerve .Tshabangu is has also been given the services of his handlers' lawyer.
Form 3 · 1 year ago
politics dzepa paper dzakasiyana nedzepa ground..Ccc ndeye theory, Zanu practical.
Kaiser Sozés · 1 year ago
practical yekutadza kugenarator 2000MW in 43+ years practical yekushaya mishonga muzvipatara practical yerailway transport yakafa practical yekutadza ku repair maroads practical yekushaya mabhuku evana muzvikoro nezvikoro zvacho I'm not to sure of your definition of practical coz as it stands there is nothing on the ground to show
Form 3 · 1 year ago
Zanu pf is not desperate for dialogue..zvenyu zvekuti SADC or EU yati this n that hazvibvise Zanu pahutongi..Tichabata next election ichitonga yoga..SADC n EU vanopa muono vavo nema recommendations...
· 1 year ago
Hezvo tiri pano
Kaiser Sozés · 1 year ago
magetsi adzoka here?
chipoko chaPrigozhin · 1 year ago
mkomana ngaamuke abike doro dialogue nani wacho? Groceries, fuel, zesa, water zvichiri kuwanikwa saka wat's the purpose of dialogue. Zanu haibvume kana isati yapinwa pin ya John Cena pazviri zvaka chanaka kumadara aya
mhondoro · 1 year ago
manyatso tawura chokwati apa ngokushaike zwinu sa 2006-7 ndopaino gona zve GNU chete
Observer · 1 year ago
@ Zuze (the OG) thanx for yr analysis on Chamisa's "keep them guessing strategy". I concur with yr opinion. Keep it up bro
Zuze · 1 year ago
Obrigada Signor 🙏🏾 Thank you sterek 🙏🏾 Ndatenda very much 🙏🏾 Dankie 🙏🏾 Mercí beucoup 🙏🏾 Asante sana 🙏🏾 Ngiyabonga kakhulu 🙏🏾
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Another talk show, pay your polling agents and discuss serious issues such as the future of the party and resolutions to fix what has gone wrong, it's easy to sit in a corner and make noise without suggesting anything better.
chipo gumbo · 1 year ago
Stop those scripts iwe. Chabangu is forming a party within your party. Right now he is choosing who should conteste, who should not. Kana vanhu ivavo vaasarudzavawinner who do you think they will listen to. He has managed to divide and share your votes. The number of recalled councilors is way to many. If he picks his people. How will you control them becoz they won't ascribe to your instructions
.. · 1 year ago
And is he having any followers if thats the case?
The script was written a long time ago and all what Tshabangu is doing is to follow the script written by his ZANU handlers. The courts will oblige and block CCC candidates and ZANU will sail through without a single vote cast. ZANU has invested a lot in Tshabangu .
Zuze · 1 year ago
@VYBZ Ketero, what matters most is the quality of discourse not quality of furniture. Whether Mutorashasnga, Dotito or Hlambabaloyi, it doesn't matter. We are a People's movement. Simba rehove tori mumvura. Where the people are, is where we are. As for furniture, of course ZANU steals our resources and can squander money on massive edifices like Shake Shake Building. while they are fighting tooth and nail to ensure CCC doesn't get its fair share of Political Parties Finances. I know Tshabangu has already budgeted for it. and on record as having opened an account for it. Good Eating. Bond Appetit
Zuze · 1 year ago
Erratum:- final salutation should read - "Good eating. Bon Appetit"
fugu pfee · 1 year ago
CCC has got a vision I'm thinking of joining them
Vybz Kartel · 1 year ago
The resolutions of CCC's National Assembly have no effect at all since the man-in-charge, Hon Tshabangu never attended the meeting. As you can see in the picture, one can easily conclude that the meeting was held on borrowed premises - presumably a church in Mutorashanga or a warehouse at one of the tobacco auction floors.
Zuze · 1 year ago
You're spot on @Vybz Kartel. That picture tells a story. Imagine a whole opposition leader, aspiring to become the president of our motherland in his dreams, jumps into a plastic bucket chair soon after delivering his speech to the so-called Citizens National Assembly !? Ummm, guys !! 💀
007 · 1 year ago
shld they hold such in meikles park hotel..differs tu that party inotora mari dzevanhu vachida kuita conference
Vybz Kartel · 1 year ago
#Ngaapinde Hake Mukomana muBUCKET CHAIR. @Zuze, I like your line of thinking.
Zuze · 1 year ago
Fake Zuze. My proper comment is found elsewhere, in my true tradition.
r tazy · 1 year ago
I urge you all to wait for vision 2030
POLAD Secretariat · 1 year ago
We welcome the request by the Bureau of CCC to join POLAD.A bit late but all the same tinokutambirai nemufaro. Welcome to POLAD👏👏👏
· 1 year ago
In your dreams. CCC is bigger than POLAD, much, much bigger. Hlalani pansi madoda
powerful !!!!! · 1 year ago
POWERFUL !!!!!!!
m · 1 year ago
ndi nero hre uyo
🏃Chi baby che Zanu🌊 · 1 year ago
@NM..Sikala vachimo. vamboti vadii
NM · 1 year ago
ummmm zvinenharo zvinhu zvenyu izvi
NM · 1 year ago
sikala wakazodii weduwe
Fortune mupukuta · 1 year ago
CCC huchi
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Same script of tired resolution emerging time and again when the CCC pressure group meet. Same words like flawed elections, illegitimacy, political dialogue, human rights etc. So who are you telling all that without any clue of solving these issues. Is it not that you CCC need ZANU PF? ZANU pf is more comfortable running this country without you western sponsored party and members of CCC. Ok now you have come out with resolutions, what is next? Stop it imi ma CCC. Bvumai kuiti makadyiwa chete.
cid · 1 year ago
true @ annoymus
Donkey poison · 1 year ago
45years zanu ichinyepera maZimbabwean ZANU is danger to the citizens they think people a fools chihurumende chehumbava
Jue Saidi · 1 year ago
haaa but tingataure hedu zvimwe uyu anonzi chamisa acharema kupfuura kurema.inguva chete yasara.munhu anongoramba akanyarara asingataure ummmm
Zuze · 1 year ago
You're right Citizen Jue. In a war situation an astute general keeps his enemies guessing. General Chamisa has perfected The Art of War. At political party level Tshabangu and handlers are at Sixes and Sevens because while they are always in the media, Chamisa has steadfastly remained mum. They are worried about his silence because they can't gauge his next move. Ditto ZANU on flawed election. Apart from snippets on Twitter (full of Biblical innuendo), ZANU has no clue as to what the Champio-in-Chief is thinking, planning or doing. A lot of people have been calling on Chamisa to "do" something, without explicitly saying what is it that he should do. That is what ZANU would want to know. But they have no handle on Chamisa. I don't know what's in his mind either, but his diplomatic offensive seems to be yielding results. ZANU would like to think that the election dispute us over and done with and they have things under control. Far from it. SADC Summit in Angola resolution on Zimbabwe is pending. And all SADC Heads are mum. Ominous quiet. The damning EU observer report is out. Zimbabwean government refused EU the right to present that report in person. Citing, according to Charamba that the "Delegation was too large for a simple Handover" Implication is that the EU had plans more than just delivering a report. Mnangagwa, head-in- sand ostrich style sees nothing of the brewing diplomatic storm. Chamisa must be aware of something we don't.
cid · 1 year ago
Nhaiwe MUTO wanzwawo kuti chii panyaya ikutaurwa pamusoro apo?unogona kuti msoro wako wakazara ndove😊Unongofunga vulgar that's why uchi gara usina data, ukangoriita busy ku downloader ****o nxaa
@wuto from cid · 1 year ago
iwe unorwara at MUTO,,,wavharwa neChirungu ingotaura
Wuto · 1 year ago
Name ndi Wuto baba vako iwe @cid Muto ndouya waibuditswa na amai vako
Christopher Takundwa · 1 year ago
Weather uri we Zanu PF or CCC tese tiri kutambudzwa nevari kuti tambudza
Iwewe zvako · 1 year ago
Viva Chamisa pasi nechimbwasungana conman tshabhangu
cid · 1 year ago
apa hapana chinyowani chava taura, ma solution ndoakudiwa🤔ma problems ese amukutaura tomaziva isu se povho coz tisu torarama mugheto everyday "SOLUTIONS PLIZ"
Wuto · 1 year ago
Am back on the platform bítch to haunt you hokoyo neni iwe @cid mwana we ngomwa
· 1 year ago
The resolutions are very valid, but they aren't solutions! ZANU PF will never agree to any meaningful political or electoral reforms. The ruling party will never have political dialogue with CCC.
Sean · 1 year ago
Very true my brother,but reforms are debated in parliament, outside parliament wil just be a talk
@Sean · 1 year ago
Myopic thinking there. Parliament is made up of two political parties, ZANU and CCC. Whatever MPs say in parliament is because it's their party's position. So essentially, any dialogue must of necessity be at party political level. Note also that not all senior party personnel are in Parliament, Chamisa for one and Mnangagwa plus his deputies for the other. Parliament can only be a vehicle to operationalise legal instruments agreed by political principals.
Muzondi Maposvo · 1 year ago
Hooo makuda dialogue manje , it's too late zanu haiidi izvozvo inoda election chete
· 1 year ago
Ichokwadi. ZANU PF inoti yakahwinha sarudzo dzegore rino saka haitaure nevakadyiwa.
WiFi · 1 year ago
Wagona kutaura pawati INOTI YAKAHWINA, asi ichiziva zvayo chokwadi
Ini Zvangu · 1 year ago
Who are the members of the Citizens National Assembly?
007 · 1 year ago
directed to whu?? lets just don't argue just 4 the sack of arguing
Ini Zvangu · 1 year ago
.. directed to anyone who has the information . I just want to know not to argue @Mr James Bond
kwadabu · 1 year ago
those whu were around wen the party was formed
Kudos to the CCC for updating the citizens. This transparency and accountsbility is a step in the right direction as it reduces the secrecy and and the ambiguity. It's refreshing to note that the resolutions were collectively arrived at, by the CCC National Assembly. Unlike the past scenarios where decisions just issued out of the orifice between one man's gluteus maximus. I however do not like the noun "Bureau". Bureaucracy is synonymous with administrative red tape, rigidity and complexity by unelected government officials who impose ambiguous and rigourous procedures to so simple things. Seeking dialogue with Zanu PF is also a mature approach to ending the internecine war between the Vene Vayo and the CCC. Even the Hamas of Palestine, through dialogue, have secured a temporary ceasefire with Israel. I hope this marks a change of approach, from strategic ambuguity to transparency, accountability and strategic clarity.
🌚🌚🌚🌚🇱🇷🇺🇦 · 1 year ago
Zimbabwe is sitting on a precarious position as SADC can apply sanctions on errant member
@Weasel · 1 year ago
One moment you criticise Chamisa for autocratic leadership. When CCC proposes a Disability Bureau, you criticise it as bureaucratic. Since you, Mr-Know-it-All personally don't like Bureau, what is your alternative? Dololo. CCC is NOT in government and cannot therefore be prescriptive on Disability issues, this it can only be in an Advisory Capacity. What advisory vehicle do you propose? You just can't criticise for the sake of criticising without proferring an alternative. Secondly, on dialogue CCC has always been harping on dialogue. Selective memory you have there. It is ZANU that has been intransigent by insisting that any dialogue should be under the auspices of POLAD. POLAD is an Association of Losers. What value does POLAD add when ALL of the so called participants have a ZERO presence in Parliament? When all POLAD gurus are resoundingly rejected by voters? Mnangagwa wants to negotiate with people who have no mandate, refusing to sit down with Chamisa who leads the only opposition in Parliament, a man who has by ZEC's own flawed numbers, the support of 45% of voters. @Weasel, spare us the false objectivity. Any sane person living in Zimbabwe today has two options. TWO options ONLY. Either ZANU or CCC. No fence sitting. Your criticism of CCC and Chamisa brings hollow.But that's subject matter for another day.
@Weasel · 1 year ago
Erratum:- last paragraph shoul read "Your criticism of Chamisa rings hollow..."
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
ma plastic chairs akagarwa nevanhu ndanzwa tsitsi. kana kuchurch kwedu hakuna zvakadaro
Cde skuz apo · 1 year ago
zanu during the struggle vaisangana muma bhawa emasese wani nemudzmba ku Highfield wani. I same scenario . ngavaite zvinoenderana nezvainazo. dougi akatora Mari Tshabangu akatovhura account kuti atambire pay

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