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70 People Arrested While Performing Rituals At Accident Scene In Mbare

1 year agoSun, 26 Nov 2023 17:11:40 GMT
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70 People Arrested While Performing Rituals At Accident Scene In Mbare

Seventy (70) people were arrested by the police on Friday, 24 November for obstructing the free movement of traffic and people as they were performing rituals at the scene of a hit-and-run accident in Mbare, Harare.

In a statement, the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) said a man was killed in a fatal hit-and-run road traffic accident in Mbare on Wednesday.

Two days later, 70 mourners who were aboard two trucks and were en route to Granville Cemetery (Kumbudzi) disembarked at the scene of the accident and started to sing and dance resulting in their arrest by the police. ZRP said:

Police in Harare are investigating a fatal hit-and-run road traffic accident in which a male adult died after being hit by an unknown motorist at the intersection of Remembrance Drive and Ardbenie Road, Mbare on 22/11/23. The motorist did not stop after the accident.

Meanwhile, on 24/11/23 at around 1400 hours, 70 people were arrested for obstructing the free movement of traffic and people at the scene of the accident.

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The suspects, who were aboard two lorries en route to Mbudzi Cemetery, had disembarked from the lorries before gathering at the centre of the intersection to allegedly perform rituals whilst singing and dancing.

In Zimbabwe, there is a cultural belief in avenging spirits, which is often referred to as “Ngozi”.

According to this belief, avenging spirits are the restless spirits of individuals who have died under tragic or unjust circumstances, such as murder or accidental death.

These spirits are believed to seek justice or revenge for their untimely demise.

The relatives of the deceased would perform some rituals at the accident or murder scene or at the grave to incite the spirit of the deceased to seek vengeance.

It is believed that the avenging spirit will haunt the murderer and his family or her family, bringing misfortune, illness, or even death until the wrong is acknowledged and resolved through traditional rituals and appeasement of the spirit.

More: Pindula News



nhubu · 1 year ago
kepekepe BHORA
mk · 1 year ago
chirungu ,tarisa mu dictionary ,hit and run
cid · 1 year ago
Dictionary rakanyorwa nemunhu that's why kune anonzi ma critics vanotarisa weakness and strength of each theory ,,,,if Yu subdivide "hit" &"run"ukutii
cid · 1 year ago
May I ask when they say "Hit and Run",,,, does a car run???
.. · 1 year ago
yes..the engine
dex · 1 year ago
My Landrover, despite being 22 years of age runs sweetly after being serviced & tuned. The engine purrs as the lubricant runs around the moving parts!
Mhanduwe · 1 year ago
That's the problem with our police they are overzealous How can they arrest people who are performing rituals that will help them in arresting the motorist. The police must be cultural sensitive not to behave as if they are from America. At the end of the day you hear them say anyone with information helps to arrest the suspect bla bla bla and thes Africans are doing what will help them they arrest nxaa these ZRP officers shame
Big Boy · 1 year ago
@Mhanduwe, the police does not need any help from these rituals to catch the culprit. Siyai mapurisa aite basa rawo semadzidziro avakaita kuMorris Depot kwete zvekuda kuisa chivanhu mukati mechipurisa. Those 70 people were causing traffic jams so they were arrested as per the law, no one is above the law
@muto from cid · 1 year ago
watodya porridge here nhai muto,,,,coz ndatoona kuti unongomirira kunetsera chikafu pa den type yako
ndirayirewo kumandara papi · 1 year ago
ndipowoo address yekuMandara ndoda kuita vanhu wastak
🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 · 1 year ago
haaa ini kungo uraya wekwangu kungoenda ku mandara ne $120 chete muurayi nedzinza rake rose vanochiona kusvika vati sorry. zvekuswero enda ku police zviya kudhara ikoko.
lamboos naume · 1 year ago
unenomous · 1 year ago
Hie pple l'm new here nyaya iyi yaita kuti ndiisewo comment this was not a hit and run this guy actually threw himself on an oncoming truck after aita confrontation najegger aipusha ngoro amuvharidzira achida kuzvikanda muprivate car anga akatozvironga aitoda kuzvitsikisa
Gold Mafia boss · 1 year ago
@unenomous saka akatsika wacho akazomira here sezvo aisava nemhosva
Wuto · 1 year ago
@big baby boy I mhatà futi sengochaní biyake @cid munotaura zvisina musoro varwere venjere
kombi driver · 1 year ago
ugowanei kana wauraya
Widzo · 1 year ago
@Big boy just imagine arimwana wako ayita firo iyoyo,unotaura zvauri kutaura here?
Big Boy · 1 year ago
Yes, ndotaura zvandiri kutaura futi nyangwe ari wangu mwana afa. Ngozi mweya we****, ndinokukurudzirai kuti musiyane nazvo zvengozi
funny · 1 year ago
Man United yanga yaka leader 1 : 0 first half
Mistubish Pajero · 1 year ago
Manchester united 3 full-time
Guradyena · 1 year ago
Ndiri truck driver boys rema combi nemushika shika ndakarimaka zvekuti ndinovaisira zitreiler kutoda kuuraya chaiko
NM · 1 year ago
kkkkk kudriver hko ma**** eku overspill epworth
Hippo The GS · 1 year ago
I mean iwebigboy
Big Boy · 1 year ago
@GS, I understand your frustration. Zvinorwadza kuurairwa hama yepedyo asi ngozi is not the answer. Ngozi inobata nehama dzemhondi dzisina mhosva, which is wrong. Sei isingabate muridzi wenyaya ari ega?
hatidaro · 1 year ago
hausati waurairwa saka uchidaro zvinorwadza izvi
Saint · 1 year ago
man united how far
Big Boy · 1 year ago
Kana munhu auraiwa auraiwa, izvi zvekuzoda kumutsa ngozi hwatova huSatani husina basa
doug · 1 year ago
Vanhu vemuno vane zvitendero zvakasiyana iyo Constitution ichibvumidza freedom of worship. Havana kusungirwa kusave vechitendero chinoona satan semhandu yavo.
doug · 1 year ago
I think the police were a bit over sensitive. These people were not going to be there for the whole day, just some minutes. I am sure the black African drivers did not mind the slight delay, and people of other races may have marvelled at the happening.
Wuto · 1 year ago
mfana@cid aripo pavasungwa ivavo
Viva ATR · 1 year ago
Viva African Traditional Religion (ATR)
the arrested 70 did not commit a crime the police were duty bound to control traffic and let them perform the requisite rituals but police yakaroiwa nevakafa Saka hapana ended hapana

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