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Recalled Ian Makone Still Running Harare | Report

1 year agoFri, 01 Dec 2023 05:56:25 GMT
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Recalled Ian Makone Still Running Harare | Report

Recalled Harare mayor Ian Makone is reportedly still in charge of affairs at the municipality by hand-holding his inexperienced successor Lovejoy Chitengu.

Chitengu was recently elected mayor of Harare after Makone and his deputy Kudzai Kadzombe are several other councillors were recalled by self-proclaimed Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) interim secretary-general, Sengezo Tshabangu.

Responding to NewsDay on Thursday, Makone said Chitengu has a right to get advice from other councillors. He said:

We were recalled by people who did not have the mandate to recall us. The new mayor has a right to get advice from somewhere and not necessarily me. Even during my time as mayor, I would also seek advice from my fellow councillors.

As CCC, we have good councillors and we will never leave a vacuum because our members have been recalled.

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However, CCC leader Nelson Chamisa reportedly ordered Chitengu’s election to avoid having a capable individual who could outshine Makone.

Chitengu’s election was marred by clashes, with one of the recalled councillors, Denford Ngadziore allegedly manhandling former mayor Jacob Mafume while blocking him from participating in the polls.

Chamisa has in the past been accused of imposing his loyalists to positions without considering their capacity to serve effectively in the roles.

More: Pindula News



zec · 1 year ago
Botswana wanyepa
doug · 1 year ago
Reporting on overdrive, two different stories in one on the way to the by elections! Maybe they should also report on leaders who read speaches which are supposed to be their own, and they cannot pronounce a number of words.
Geno · 1 year ago
our national budget is a disgrace
Führer · 1 year ago
Mozviti ma democrats tibvirei kumhepo.
Kkk · 1 year ago
Costs of Passport in SADC 1. Lesotho M130 (R130,00) 2. South Africa R600 3. Zimbabwe US$200 (R4000) 4. Swaziland E80 (R80) 5. Botswana P260 (R360)
Kkk · 1 year ago
2024 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS: ⛔️Want to buy a coke? There’s a new tax for that. ⛔️Do you own a home? There’s a new tax for that. 1% house value. ⛔️Want to travel out of town? Toll gate fees have more than doubled. ⛔️Need a new passport? The price has gone up. ⛔️Do you drive a car? Fuel levies have increased. ⛔️Do you need to register a new car? The fees have gone up. ⛔️Do you keep a safe deposit box? It can now be raided by ZIMRA. ⛔️Are you a civil servant? Your $300 Covid allowance is now taxable. The entire budget is anti-people. It’s a mess. We need new leaders.🇿🇼
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣 zanu pf doesn't care about people.

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