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Finance Minister Ncube Defends Increase In Taxes And Fees In The 2024 National Budget

1 year agoWed, 06 Dec 2023 05:41:06 GMT
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Finance Minister Ncube Defends Increase In Taxes And Fees In The 2024 National Budget

The government of Zimbabwe has defended the proposed increase in taxes and fees included in the 2024 National Budget, stating that they are necessary to provide critical services across the country. The budget includes plans to raise tollgate fees, and passport fees, and introduce a wealth tax, and a tax on soft drinks, among other measures. Some citizens have expressed displeasure with these proposals.

Finance and Investment Promotion Minister, Professor Mthuli Ncube, claims that the aim of increasing passport fees is to ensure that passport services are accessible to all parts of the country, according to ZBC News. He said:

When this is done, we will definitely review the fees downwards. As for the proposed increase in tollgates, we want to upgrade our roads, for instance, the Bulawayo-Victoria Falls which is being attended to. It is costly to construct roads it needs lots of money. As for the wealth tax, Zimbabwe like most countries in Africa has challenges with inequality and wealth tax is one way of redistributing the wealth and we have linked it to the value of property. Money in wealth tax will be used to develop urban infrastructure such as water which is currently a challenge.

We have since increased royalties for platinum and lithium to 7% from something that was as low as 2.5 %, that was progress. In the budget, I propose that there must be further beneficiation for instance, lithium must be refined to lithium carbonates. If this is not done, a company will pay an export tax as a penalty for meeting the beneficiation target. Once the minerals are beneficiated like that, will earn more in export earnings and that’s positive for the country.

The government’s statement about increasing passport fees to ensure accessibility is unclear. It is also unclear how the government plans to use the passport fees, especially considering that in 2021, they engaged a security printing company, Garsu Pasaulis, to set up modern infrastructure for producing new e-passports and other identification documents in a build, own, operate, and transfer (BOOT) deal. Typically, in a BOOT model, the company invests its own resources and recoups the costs during its operation of the facilities. Therefore, it is unclear why the government needs to increase passport fees if the infrastructure has already been established.

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Several people have criticised the proposed budget, saying it takes too much money from citizens who are already heavily taxed. Some argue that taxes in other countries are justified because they receive good services in return, but in Zimbabwe, service delivery is poor or nonexistent. They believe their taxes are being misused. The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe governor, John Mangudya, defended the proposed budget saying that Zimbabwe has had less access to credit from international financial institutions, so the government needs to find revenue from within the country to meet its financial obligations.

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Anonymous · 1 year ago
Clemence · 1 year ago
once this budget gets approved, we are askin for good services in return Honorable Minister. Tax payers money require a lot of respect.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Mhuri take uripi irikumafuro ma**** .baba varikuba nekutsanyirira ma zimbo
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Mthuli you are a plan in Zimbabwean s foot. You are a Disgrace to Zimbabwe and us Ndebele people. After all you are not Ndebele but Shona. Ncube, Sibanda, Mpofu Nyoni you are all Karanga ****s. Shame on you and ED why punish suffering people. Creat an economy that promote investment and jobs. You looters.
clowns · 1 year ago
zanu is a clown circus
🧐 🤔 · 1 year ago
In the last analysis, you'd see that no one likes being taxed in, whatever, however forms
mk · 1 year ago
tax haina kuipa asi asi zve zimbabwe zvakanyanya
gm · 1 year ago
gold ririkuenda kupi
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Taxes don't pay for anything, they create demand for the local currency. . They are a way for central banks to justify printing money. The government is choosing austerity to finance it's profligacy. Most ordinary Zimbabweans are taxed to the bone Mthuli wants to squeeze the bone marrow. The currency issue is the biggest hurdle. Government doesn't want it's own money that the real issue.
ah souls · 1 year ago
a bunch of clown ah souls !!
XXX · 1 year ago
Professor Mthuli Ncube may defend his Budget Proposal, it will still remain a bad budget. He must remove or reduce some of the taxes. For example the 1% tax on soft drinks is punitive to the poor. The tollgate increase on "gonyeti" is heavy. A gonyeti from Beitbridge to Chirundu may pay out about 300 USD in tollgate fees. The increase on passport fees from 120 USD to 200 USD is to high. Noone is disputing the reasons which Professor Mthuli Ncube explained are his reasons for these taxes. Citizens are only saying these taxes are nureasonable Professor Mthuli Ncube must moderate his proposals. EHE ICHO !!!!!
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Tax was created by Central bankers in I order to steal your livelihood kudhara kwanga kune tribute kune mutongi kuita kuti Musa tapwe nevhanhu vane mweya wechihwindi, imieconomics dzamurikuvhaira nafzo takadzidza tikaona kutizvakuuya nevarungu, hhanzi nebhaibheri thinking they are wise they became foolish ndozvamuukuita vanhu vese vakutsigira zvikuitika, ukafunga kuti bhaibheri rakauya nevarungu hauzivi history Saka hapana chaunoziva kunze kwekuratidza you were educated nevarungu funga rapist achikudzidzisa zvekusabata chibharo, Mucha mama kusvika makutya Mwari vakakusikayi, vanhu vatema ndovasingazive Mwari wavo, funga muporofita anoti akazvarwa patsva naJesu anotsigira munhu anoti nehanda ndiye akanunura Zimbabwe iye nehanda chaiye asina kana tsoka yakatsika muzimbabwe, nehanda is from Tanzania the true nehanda, this one was imported by your liberators who never shot a white man yet claim ownership, munorwadza mese vanhu varipano saka makadzidzei pamaienda kuchikori. You give up your wealth for pieces of paper and claim development, kana mazogaraa muri **** dzevanhu, hamushandise brain Inga urimudiki pawairowa muoma aipindira hondo dzacho asi hezvo makura mazungaira, muchaona Zimbabwe ichinaka asi hamuzodya zve ndataura hangu mwana wevhu
Anonymous · 1 year ago
These people are agents of the British. How can you make people in 2023 pay Hut Tax like Rhodes BSAC? The hut tax then never benefited the majority Shona from whom most of it was acquired. It benefited the minority. This property tax Is also tribalism In government robes. What is possibly the number of these properties in Mashonaland provinces compared to Matebeleland? Compare the number of these properties In Harare to Bulawayo. Mtuli Is hurt by this and wants to steal Shona people's hard earned wealth. How many of these properties do you find in Bulawayo? He Is an **** given a title by the same British who envy our wealth of resources. Can you classify $100 000 USD as wealth? Why tax extra wealth tax on cars worth over USD $30 000 Instead of trying to steal a portion of what many people spent 25 years to pay for? This Mtuli guy and his handlers have always wanted to get their grubby hands on the USD 1 billion from the diaspora remittances but have failed. Now they want to tax the product of those remittances, property Investments. Not to primitive 21st century HUT TAX.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
How does increasing tenants rentals distribute wealth evenly? The owner of the property is not going to pay it, he is going to pass it onto the tenant, including the top up he has to pay on his own property. Maybe go and get the money back from the boards of Zinara who "misappropriated" those funds. Not penalise the citizens and businesses to pay for their corruption. Increasing toll fees, increasing the costs of all products bought is shops, as they need to be transported. Where are all the other tax tariffs being spent, that were meant for "infrastructure development"? These taxes are to make everyone poor, whilst politicians live the high life. Communism in practice. These do not redistribute wealth, it concentrates it in a small circle of those immune to taxes and the holders of misappropriated tax and toll fees.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
In proper functioning economies and responsible govts, these taxes are justified, as they are used correctly. In the case of the Zimbabwe govt...can they be trusted to use these taxes correctly? NO is what I hear all round. This is a deviant lot.
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Pay taxes first. Accountability later
vee · 1 year ago
Zanupf dictionary: Sanctions - psuedo word for corruption, misappropriation of funds and penalty for failing to pay back loans. The word often used towards elections or defending the government reputation. (This doesn't consider investments, overseas employment opportunities, grants and scholarships issued to the same government by the west)
EPHRAIM SUMANJE · 1 year ago
Ukanyimwa xhikwereti nokuti haubhadhare yowti masanctions
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Pasi nema sanctions
ccc · 1 year ago
kkkkk, maccc ndivo vatiri kuda kutax maningi, kupinda mujeri kwakaita skala, anofanira kubvisa tax, chamisa anofanira kubvisa tax kutaura apublic futi, naBiti vese,
cox · 1 year ago
mthuli aand croc have killed and further eroded the economy leaving no hope for resuscitation. why should Zimbabwe live off credit lines to sustain its economy.. if they didn't loot and arrest fraudsters and corrupt judges and ministers , zimbabwe would be soaring on high on the global map.
mk · 1 year ago
Anonymous · 1 year ago
For sure
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
You left out sanctions...
· 1 year ago
**** sanctions! zanu pf is very corrupt.
@chi baby Che zanu · 1 year ago
please bear in mind that all people have been Zanu Pf, but as long as we keep on defending policies which aren't people oriented, people will try to desist from that which threatens their existence. we are one country, and lets give space to everyone. when there is talk about things that affect pples livelihood, we shouldn't be myopic as to see life as party politics. Ngati batsiraneyi kuvaka Nyika
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Our tax base wasnt wide enough. That has been a discussion for the past decade. Zimbos havent been tax compliant too. Kunana UK 🇬🇧 kuya unofira mujeri for failing to remit Ptax chaiyo.. Muno people were just too relaxed. Most of those houses ari worth more than 100 000 were built out of funds which were never taxed. If you understand what money laundering is about, you'll appreciate that there's a process called 'cleaning up'. Most of those properties have been used to clean up dirty money. That's a digression anyway... For now, every economic activity must be taxed. That most activities are informal does not warrant not paying tax. Speaking about incidence of VAT , it goes without saying that the burden always falls on the final consumer of taxable products. Its however of paramount importance to take into consideration the reason behind the move. There's nothing wrong with protecting supermarkets.... Those are the investors we make noise about....
🧐 🤔 🤨 🙄 🤪 · 1 year ago
That's so true, chibaby you've nipped everything in the bud, Every activity informal trading at most is not taxable, like established shops and supermarkets, whereas the informal activities are making a killing so to counter that Mthuli was spot on to review this tax issues and introduce other taxes, Its very straightforward he highlighted sugar most probably he got inspired by cholesterol issues in our lives, 👍 that's Akin to this wealth tax much concentration of money on few individuals leads to high level cholesterol and subsequently heart failure so its imperative that some dose of hystamine or blood thinners to have the fluency of this currency flow, to save you from consuming lots sugar and distribution sweetness to those lacking😊
gm · 1 year ago
chasara mu zimbabwe munhu wegawega mu zimbabwe uchanzi bhadara life tax, uchanzi bhadara kuti urikurarama mu zimbabwe ,havana hanya nevanhu.
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
All these taxes ain't new globally. It's just that matanga kunzwa nhasi nyaya dzemitero
mk · 1 year ago
iyi yakanyanya kukama mombe kusvika nyatso yavekubuda ropa
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Kuvaka kunorwadza thatn kuparadza. Bvunza ma opposition vaikumbira ma sanctions. It was so easy... Now kuvaka kwakurwadza. Chavanoda ndechekuti sitiuation irambe yakadai vagowana chekus****podza.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Muzimbabwe hamuna masunctions asi zanu ndo musunctions if you know, 45years power hungry only self serving get away makajaidzwa vana chi baby chana mupurwa
🧐 🤔 🤨 🙄 🤪 · 1 year ago
@chibaby.... Apa waratidza sugar yese, ende uneyese vaudze wena, vakanyanyorasika ava zvinhu zviri Crystal clear kuti all this acclaimed mess, well, kwavari it's caused by sanctions, nyangwe Ana Zuze va zvi expose dzidzo yavo sei, when your academic buttered face becomes nothing as sanctions skirts along, however, to counter this is kuve Mu Vene aka kwana, your degreed programn should shift base kumabvazuva its only option
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Vaya vaifarira ma sanctions... Mazviona ka zvazvinoita. Nyika haimbofe yakamira kuvakwa. If you thought inviting sanctions would dislodge the people chosen government makanyeperwa..... Tarisai zvinoitika kana tisina access to international credit lines. Anyway... 2030 tichasvika nenharo.
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Saka muchaita sei ma CCC because economic sabotage haichaita. Yaive strategy ya Save. Vakafa nayo. 😂😂😂😂😂This government will never get broke. Wait for the demise of CCC. It shall be deleted from the face of earth. Chamisa's political career ichawunyana
cox · 1 year ago
Proverbs 28:12- When the righteous rejoice, great is the glory, but when the wicked rise to power, people hide themselves. Provebs 29:2- When the righteousare in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked bears rule, the people mourn.
NM · 1 year ago
anorwara uyu
chiurai · 1 year ago
Fambirai murume uyo nguva ichoripo

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