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ZAPU Spokesperson Msongelwa Ndlovu Resigns

1 year agoFri, 08 Dec 2023 12:27:49 GMT
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ZAPU Spokesperson Msongelwa Ndlovu Resigns

ZAPU spokesperson Msongelwa Ndlovu has resigned from the position of party secretary for information, publicity and marketing and has been replaced by Richard Gandari.

The party’s secretary general Mthulisi Hanana confirmed the departure of Ndlovu and the deployment of Gandari.

In a communique to the party’s national executive council, national people’s council and party members, seen by the Chronicle, Hanana also announced the appointment of J J Dube to the position of what the party calls the head of a think tank. It says:

President (Sibangilizwe Nkomo) has with immediate effect appointed Cde Richard Gandari as Secretary for Information Marketing and Publicity. Cde Gandari takes over from Cde Msongelwa Ndlovu.

The President has also appointed Cde JJ Dube to head the Think Tank. Following the elections, the Presidency suggested that the Think Tank be headed by someone who is based in Zimbabwe.

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Cde Dube is a seasoned ZAPU cadre and his experience will come in handy. We wish both comrades well in their new roles.

The publication cited a ZAPU insider as saying that Ndlovu’s departure is linked to deep divisions on operational matters in the party.

Nkomo, who is the son of the late former Zimbabwe Vice President, Joshua Nkomo, is accused of exhibiting dictatorial tendencies.

More: Pindula News



dk · 1 year ago
kkkkk, anogona kutokuvigai ED wacho
jimmalo · 1 year ago
mukuru uyo haarware achangodonha achitaura ndiye nyengu vanomba vandisa vandisa asi rufu anenge asvika
Yoyoyo · 1 year ago
😁😁I love wiwi kupfura beer
Yoyoyo · 1 year ago
😁😁 @fugu pfee I know its you ari kushandisa zita rangu. Ndaona Time ye comment yako nepawashandisa zita rangu. Philimon Kambiro waimbozviti Pk kudhara, saka ndiwe unoswera uchishandisa mazita edu nhai, even ra Zuze nana Bvepfepfe zvakaoma
cid · 1 year ago
Zve Zapu atori ma drama ayo useless party 😂wagona wa resigner Yu saved yo self embarrasement Kkkkk @Putin,Wuto na Yoyoyo ko why muri obsessed neni @ cid original @ Yoyoyo nhasi hauna kumbotaurwa zve weti 😂
Yoyoyo · 1 year ago
😁😁 @Cid it's Friday vanhu ngavambofara. Tinosangana pamberi apo patichatukana zvedu, tichiudzana mashoko anopisa
@yoyoyo from cid · 1 year ago
at least wava munhu ini ndikutoona zvangu bhora mu stadium 😂 thanks nekusataura zve wiwi
Yoyoyo · 1 year ago
😁😁 @Cid uri kuona which match? Kuri kupisa kunze uko are u keeping cool muzuva riri kugocha iri
Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru · 1 year ago
🙄🙄🙄 Gore rakupera vamwe vasisiri panyanga. I want ED to do the same kana kungonzi ayita heart attack
@Big Dhara · 1 year ago
comment yako ndaifarira
· 1 year ago
if he dies of a heart attack, he would be replaced by his deputy.
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
dai mwari akutora big dhara. pasi pano handipako

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