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"As Zimbabweans, It Is High Time We Stand Up" - Kufahakutizwi

1 year agoSun, 10 Dec 2023 16:22:56 GMT
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"As Zimbabweans, It Is High Time We Stand Up" - Kufahakutizwi

Munyaradzi Kufahakutizwi who was elected Member of Parliament for Mabvuku-Tafara Constituency in the 2 August 2023 harmonised elections believes that it is time for Zimbabweans to stand up and defend themselves against ZANU PF’s disregard for the constitution.

He was commenting on the High Court order which barred him from contesting in the Mabvuku-Tafara constituency by-election to fill the vacant post which became vacant when he was recalled from Parliament by Sengezo Tshabangu.

Speaking during an interview with NewZimbabwe, Kufahatizwi who was the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) candidate expressed concern that ZANU PF was pushing Zimbabwe towards a one-party state. He said:

They are squeezing us to the bone and pushing us towards a One-Party State.

We believe that they did this to attain a two-thirds majority so they amend the constitution and allow President Emmerson Mnangagwa to be a life president.

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As Zimbabweans, it is high time we stand up because we cannot continue being ruled by this heartless government. People are really angry.

They took away the life of an innocent pastor who was campaigning; if they had known that they would just take the seat they should have spared his life because now they have destroyed his family’s future.

He was referring to the murder of Tapfumaneyi Masaya, a clergyman and activist for the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) party, who was allegedly abducted and later found dead in Harare. The CCC claims that Masaya suffered severe injuries and his body had decomposed due to the injection of a harmful substance. 

Masaya was abducted while campaigning for Kufahakutizwi who had been recalled by Tshabangu who claims to be the CCC’s interim secretary-general. Tshabangu has to date recalled scores of CCC MPs alleging that they are no longer members of the party. However, Nelson Chamisa, the leader of the CCC, strongly denies Tshabangu’s claim and refutes the notion that he is the party’s interim secretary-general. Chamisa firmly believes that Tshabangu is being manipulated by the ruling party, ZANU PF, to recall CCC members from Parliament for the ruling party to secure a two-thirds majority.

Following the recalls, by-elections were held on December 9, 2023, and ZANU PF emerged victorious in seven out of the nine contested seats, all of which were previously occupied by CCC members.

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Gidza · 1 year ago
You should have stood up long back. You should have been pro-active rather than being reactive. Murikumhanya makarimwa.
dk · 1 year ago
mr empty vessel, why making a lot noise today, pamaihora mange makanyarara, maemptiwa beans dzaiwe mamuri makuita noise kumahumbwe, itai henyu noise, nekuti noise yenyu hatadzisi nzou kufamba, hatitadzisi kuenda mberi isu
putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
Now we are Zimbabweans, itai skiri renyu kufahakutizwi va Kufahakutizwi
chipo gumbo · 1 year ago
Mapentsha apa wasura chokwadi hako. Zanu pf is too big for this boy. Nero power is not gotten thru preaching the scripts and verses. You need to be strong spiritually, your soul must be empowered, I saw in a vision they took away your star. They hijacked your destiny. Rightnow urideme awuna chinhu. Kana Uchida kuona kuti ndikutaura chokwadi check your life. Une nguva dzekupererwa. Unosticker pfungwa dzoramba ku producer anything. In short wane nguva yaunoita blank. You need the support of powerful traditional leaders. Munokumbira kuronga nyika. You don't just get filed with tongues and say Iam going to be a leader. True that prophecy might be true but you need a higher power to anoint you, to empower your spirit. Spiritually mnangagwa is a higher power than you because he's older than you. In the spirit hierarchy is recognized, so you need a higher power than mnangagwa to ask the spiritual dwellers to accept you as a leader also highliting all mnangagwa s errors and mistakes, you promising to correctecery error he made. Ask the spiritual rulspiritual and dwellers of the realm of the spirit. Be spiritually strong a'd have a powerful group of people around you because this a serious warfare. People are sacrificed by zanu for power and you think you an just point their wrong a'd next morning you became president. They have already killed you spiritually. They know you can't do anything that's why even this mosquito chabangu is giving you headache. Your potential is taken, wangiva deme zvaro.
· 1 year ago
Wakadzidza pfupiso here iwe
mampentsha · 1 year ago
we gave chamisa and CCC our votes and they have failed to defend it. chamisa ran his presidential campaign as an independent and he continues to act like one. CCC is in a crisis yet we do not see any executive structure of the party coming together to discuss a way forward. this strategic ambiguity thing does not work, why the secrecy in an organisation this presumed to have a potential membership of 3 million? soyicela ivuthiwe! Shem kodwa wehlulekile lumfana. you are not the biblibical Joseph we thought you to be chamisa. you are too young for zanu PF politics. maybe it's time Arthur Mutambara took filled the vacuum. chamisa, please start your own Evangelical services, maybe thus your true calling.
rms · 1 year ago
@@mampensa yu might think and see chamisa as a failure if u follow zimbabwe politics closely u can not say he has failed we Zimbabweans we are different from a lot of ppl we are sellouts cowards that is why any opposition in zim suffers a lot of set back zanu is looking for a way to get chamisa in jail they are trying hard to provoke him so that he can make just 1 mis take and he is gone this situation needs us Zimbabweans to unite and face zanu not to wait for chamisa to say anything if we are really suffering we shall do the needful let me give u example of how south Africans operate if they want to strike anyone blows a whistle around 4 am and everyone is on the street bcz they are all aware no one wait for someone to tell u to
VZ · 1 year ago
tangai mabvisa gwara rinonzi Chamisa. munhu anoenda kuhondo nebhaibheri achisiya gidi makamuonepi
Wuto · 1 year ago
@VZ . Uri I.d.i.ot remunhu unotaura zvisina basa ****
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Psalms 12:7 The wicked are everywhere, and everyone praises what is evil. Keep us always safe, O Lord, and preserve us from such people.
mandrose · 1 year ago
Halt tyme tototo 2 newcasle 0
ras · 1 year ago
full time Tottenham Hotspur 4-1 Newcastle
mandrose · 1 year ago
Halt tyme tototo 2 newcasle 0
Real Wuto · 1 year ago
Ive changed my username guys iro benzi rirkuzviti Wuto imposter iroro handirini
Wuto · 1 year ago
@ Real Wuto. We don't even care , benzi ndiwe unobvuma kuitiswa nevamwe varume uchichinjiswa mazita.
Wuto · 1 year ago
chabangu u deserve to be hanged in public u're a coward
goodfighter · 1 year ago
infact it's time to sit down Mr kufa.There is no need to stand up whilst there is divisions and confusion in your CCC camp . Zanu pf 12 - 0 CCC is the score line your coach has failed
Führer · 1 year ago
Owe mbwende wofurira vamwe kuenda mberi iwe kumabvuku chaiko urikuto kwata nxa nonsense
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Everton win again with a huge victory against Chelsea 2-0 ⚪️ Fulham Hammer West Ham 5-0 🔵 Man City turn it around to take the points at Luton 2-1
QUICK SERVICE · 1 year ago
point of correction: hatizi tese tikukwara nenhamo ,imi vanoita zve politics that much muchiswera kutaura Zanu ne CCC hamusati matiii muchanatso tambura to the last number ndatii ...... Apa denga be gehena rakamirira munhu ndatii.. pepukai henyu ...tsvagai Mwari chete zveZanu neCCC ......there is no eternity in them ....By the time yamuchaona kuti hazvibhadhare rufu nekutambura kwega kwega muchadzidza .... politics is a dirty game ....kubva zvawakatanga kuVOTER uneyi .henyu Vatungamiri vemaPAto iwayo...varikuto rarama their best lives because of you nekupusa kwenyu .....pepukai is to short .......Pepuka ....Mind your own business your life And your problems and success ❣️😊.......2024
... · 1 year ago
even if you mind your own business, the effects of policies and decisions made by the ruling government will one way or the other affect you even if youre not into politics. the taxes, regulations, price hikes, will affect you regardless of who you support
ras · 1 year ago
gg · 1 year ago
wasting time. thats politics fight your own battle
Wuto · 1 year ago
@ gg. you gg it seems you want people to suffer.
Yoyoyo · 1 year ago
😁😁 Unorohwa ukaita wiwi

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