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We Won’t Have Any Warriors Game Played Outside Zimbabwe - Magaya

1 year agoMon, 11 Dec 2023 08:27:05 GMT
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We Won’t Have Any Warriors Game Played Outside Zimbabwe - Magaya

Yadah Football Club founder and president, Walter Magaya, has announced that the Zimbabwe national soccer team, the Warriors, will no longer have to play their home matches outside the country. None of the existing stadiums meet the international standards required to host international matches. The National Sports Stadium, Rufaro, and Babourfields were flagged down by the Confederation of African Football (CAF) due to these deficiencies. Resultantly, Zimbabwe hosted Nigeria in Rwanda for the 2026 FIFA World Cup qualifier match last month.

Magaya believes his new stadium called The Heart Stadium, located at the Yadah Hotel in Waterfalls, Harare, is a solution to the problem. The stadium features a suspended pitch and has already installed 5,000 bucket seats, along with a directors’ box and other necessary facilities. Magaya expects the stadium to be ready for international matches by February 2024.

Speaking at the official commissioning of the stadium presided over by President Emmerson Mnangagwa and attended by hundreds of dignitaries, Magaya expressed his commitment to ensuring that the Warriors can play their World Cup qualifying matches at home from next year onwards. Soccer24 quotes him as saying:

I pledge that stadium for the Warriors’ World Cup qualifying campaign next year, by February I will be done with a proper 10 000-seater stadium, that I promise you.

I have already bought the bucket seats to make it to the 10,000, I have already bought them from China and they will be arriving soon.

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So for next year I  will be ready, that I promise you. We won’t have any Warriors game played outside Zimbabwe, unless God says so, but I don’t see God saying so.

Magaya’s announcement follows the acknowledgment by Deputy Minister of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation, Emily Jesaya, that the stadium issue is a key priority for the government in 2024. She mentioned that funds have been allocated in the budget specifically for the development of stadiums. Jesaya said recently:

We would want to assure the nation that next year 2024, we will see the Warriors play at the National Sports Stadium.

Zimbabwe is set to host Benin for Match Day 3 of the World Cup qualifiers in the first week of June 2024.

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chidemo · 1 year ago
vamwe vanhu vaka jaira kungoshora ko iwe vaita zvipi Mumba mako haugoni asikuda kunyepa kuonererwa tikasvika kwamunobva ndimi munoto zikanwa nokurara kubhawa.njere hapana.usati zvaunoita ndozvoita vanhu vose kupata zirombe mushora auya kumba kwako zikugwama kana kuti zimupurwa
Prophet Magayasi · 1 year ago
Are u sure
Busani Lionel · 1 year ago
Zimbo · 1 year ago
Profet vane mazungairwa avo anobvisa Mari kuti vaite private property ivo vachitambura
ama2K musharukwa · 1 year ago
brick by brick 🧱 Ed pfeeeeeeee kusvika 2033 garwe richitonga
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Zanu yaka kundwa na Magaya pa Vision hahaha. Imagine if dai Magaya akanga ari iye President, it means kuti all our stadiums would have buckets seats hahaha. ED haatonyare zvake. There will be development in sport as long Zanu ichitonga
Anonymous · 1 year ago
If he was president you would have no cent in your pocket,, all that u work for would have been taken in the name of bussiness investment,and later build stadiums in his name,,
Pastor · 1 year ago
Well done Prophet Magaya
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Well done the Zimbabweans your money was put into good use by someone who claimed it's his money.U wil never fool God
. · 1 year ago
he said but l don't see God say so
fonsokwembo · 1 year ago
I personally thank W Magaya for this great achievement ko apa murikuti this prophet ane bag kupfuura GVT here coz vakundwa ka nemunhu asina kana lithium deal raarikuita so this definitely means funds are being misused there kusvika pakutodza kuvandudza national sports stadium chaiyo bucket seats nezvimwewo chete chete hezvo ka nhai vakuru hamunyari here weduwee gadziraiwo enyika kana 4 chaiwo
Anonymous · 1 year ago
GVT irikuziva kuti imari yakabva muvanhu vayo,, kwete yaMagaya,, akatora mari zhinji muvanhu achiti maivestments,, sezvo vanhu vari hurumende uye hurumende iri vanhu,, zvoreva kuti GVT ndiyo yakavaka 💓 stadium
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Mari dzekiba idzo nanaED vhurai maziso maZimba, that ground Zifa will be paying for each and every match, open your eyes
Gold Mafia boss · 1 year ago
Yadah football club and (president) Walter Wagaya aaah ndizvo here guys kuti Walter magaya is president uuummm ini ziiiiii hangu @Pindula taurai tinzwe apo
Wuto · 1 year ago
@ Gold Mafia boss . Iwe bhangu club president zvee , wats wrong with that nhai iwe bhanguza.
skun · 1 year ago
with all the mineral resources that Zimbabwe has should be able to run national sports stadium without hassles..there should be something called sport Zimbabwe that caters for this and run by FA zimbabwe..places like UK have the Wembley which is run by FA England..and you check that England does not even have minerals but they can afford to run their stadiums..having magaya to host the national team is a temporary thing in the future.. government needs to pull up their socks and do the right thing..
Diamond · 1 year ago
Uyu anopenga uyu…. Anomboziya even basa rema minerals kuti roshandei…. Uyu mipengo chaiyo
Jue Saidi · 1 year ago
àaah akomana uyo wescaf arikudei futi.andti ibasa raminister hre.oooh ground riye raiswa munyama
Kingpin · 1 year ago
@mai ro mafacts munawo
g · 1 year ago
🇿🇼🇿🇼 · 1 year ago
congrats 🇿🇼🇿🇼
Mai Ro · 1 year ago
parizvino dambudziko hombe ratiinaro muno munyika ndivamnangagwa nezanupf. izvo zvenhandare dzekufarikanya hazvina kukosha sterek. bhora rac****otambwa vanhu vanenzara here... ma supporters acho anowanepi mari yekuenda kudzinhandare. ko ungaenda kumafaro mumba musina chikafu? vamagaya ngavatange vanamatira nyika isununguke kubva kuhutongi hwavamnangwa.
QUICK SERVICE · 1 year ago
Captured Stadium To be ....SOON....mark my words ......
cid · 1 year ago
@ That's Why. Tamaka mazwi ako & u got 1 out of 10. There is still room for improvement.

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