
Media Associates Turkish MP's Death With Israel Condemnation

Media Associates Turkish MP's Death With Israel Condemnation

A Turkish Member of Parliament who suffered a heart attack on the floor of parliament immediately after he gave a speech condemning Israel has died.

Health Minister Fahrettin Koca announced that Hasan Bitmez (53) a member of parliament from the Islamist Saadet Partisi, or Felicity Party, died on Thursday at the Ankara City Hospital, reported Fox News.

Bitmez collapsed at the Turkish Grand National Assembly on Tuesday immediately after saying Israel would “not be able to escape the wrath of God” for its war in Gaza.

During the speech, Bitmez castigated the Turkish government’s policy regarding the Israel-Hamas war. In a translated version of his speech on Tuesday, Bitmez said:

Even if history remains silent, the truth will not remain silent. They think that if they get rid of us, there will be no problem.

However, if you get rid of us, you will not be able to escape the torment of conscience.

Even if you escape the torment of history, you will not be able to escape the wrath of God.

He then turned and collapsed, hitting his head on what appeared to be a marble floor, prompting fellow MPs to rush to assist him.

Bitmez was then rushed to the hospital in “extremely serious and critical” condition. He later died.

On Tuesday, the lawmaker was repeatedly critical of Turkey’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Israel.

Also, on Tuesday, Bitmez accused Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s ruling Justice and Development Party (officially abbreviated as AK Party or AKP) of continuing to engage in trade with Israel.

During his speech, he was seen holding a sign that read, “Murderer Israel, Collaborator AKP.”

He ended his remarks by reading from a poem that ended with a reference to “the wrath of God.”

According to a report by BBC, Bitmez was a diabetic and had two heart stents.

More: Pindula News
