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Welshman Ncube Suggests Chamisa Is Pushing "Others Out Of The Party"

1 year agoSat, 16 Dec 2023 09:36:38 GMT
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Welshman Ncube Suggests Chamisa Is Pushing "Others Out Of The Party"

Welshman Ncube has suggested that Nelson Chamisa is trying to “push others out” of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) party. Ncube, a former Industry and Commerce, made these comments on X when William Zambezi asked if Ncube was involved in “illegal recalls” started by Sengezo Tshabangu. Tshabangu has been recalling CCC Members of Parliament and Councillors, claiming that they no longer belong to the party and were forced onto the voters by Chamisa. Zambezi, a former police officer, said:

Good evening Prof @Welshman_Ncube. Are you involved in Tshabangu illegal recalls? Yes or No

However, Ncube did not give a direct or clear answer. Instead, he said:

Then ask me the question if I had any prior knowledge of the 2nd set of recalls whose letters appear 2 have been written during the week I was mourning & burying my mother & I will answer that I didn’t & again the lie detector dial will not move a millimeter. Now give me a break! U don’t dictate 2 me how I answer any question I choose to answer. But I will answer your question even though I believe that you are a team member of the trolls set up by the Emperor to push others out of the party.

The title “Emperor” is used for Chamisa, who is sometimes called Nero. This name comes from the Roman Emperor Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, who ruled from 54 to 68 AD. Nero was known for being luxurious and cruel. 

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Ncube makes these comments at a time when some people are saying that certain important people in the CCC are involved in the recalls by Tshabangu. Ncube, Tendai Biti, and Chalton Hwende are some of the well-known people who are often accused of being part of this plan. They have said that these accusations are not true, but they do openly disagree with how Chamisa does things.

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@anonymous aka muchasvinura aka creature e.t.c · 1 year ago
you sound like an extremist but you don't frighten nobody. you are just one of the opportunists around Chamisa, all you doing is sing for your supper. I do not think Chamisa agrees with all that vitriol you are spewing. it's a fools party over there but it's about to be over!
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Are you loyal to your leader Mr Welshman and crew?
No Vacancy at the top · 1 year ago
There is no vacancy at the top. CCC is not for those seeking positions.Start your own thing if you are after positions.Just a free tip to let you know that some have tried before failed dismally.
Creature · 1 year ago
This creature tried to hide behind a smoke screen. If this creature wasn't happy with the choice of candidates in Matebeleland, why is the creature recalling in every the whole of Zimbabwe Matebeleland? The creature is showing its true colour and motives.Now that we know what's behind your ugly head, our spirit will never break.
Madam Chabangu · 1 year ago
Chinhu ichi chinonetsa kuuraya mhani.Just like others before her, Chabangu is sure to fail too. She is wasting her time. Our spirit will never die because of this.Sorry! You can't divide us madam Chabangu.We know what has gone wrong and we want to fix it.
Muchasvinura Henyu · 1 year ago
Zanu pf failures created opposition politics.People have become aware that ZANU pf has failed to fulfil their dreams and aspirations. This awareness is deeply seated in everybody's mind.Chamisa,not Biti nor the prof is the rallying point.There is no vacancy at the top
Muchasvinura · 1 year ago
Zanu pf failures created opposition politics.People have become aware that ZANU pf has failed to fulfil their dreams and aspirations. This awareness is deeply seated in everybody's mind.Chamisa,not Biti nor the honourable prof is the rallying point.There is no vacancy at the top
Muchasvinura · 1 year ago
No need to answer in parables.Whats wrong with being precise eg No I'm not involved. It clears the suspicion. A long and winding digression is unhelpful to clear the thick cloud of suspicion around you especially when something like that. happened before.
Chicken out · 1 year ago
black and yellow wiz khalif
Realist · 1 year ago
I stand with Prof Ncube... I respect his intellect. I like his resolve and demeanor. I rest my case .
@mampentsha · 1 year ago
You forgot to say you love his failures too. MDC-Ncube.
mampentsha · 1 year ago
I am not @ Realist. true that.
tboy · 1 year ago
Chief Bonolo · 1 year ago
Tese tinoenda kunhamo,but tirikunhamo tinorunner macompany through the fone,you could have talked to Chamisa about the recalls but you were foning sengezo then wakuti taidiscusser zvenhamo,mutengesi garawaenda
. · 1 year ago
Ncube knew about the first recalls. So he and Tshabangu are complicit
reader · 1 year ago
re-read the tweets or alternatively go to Twitter (X) and open welshman's account you will notice that this Pindula news story actually has omitted that part of his tweets which answers about the first set of recalls. this story is written to receive people into believing that Ncube is the power behind the Tshabangu recalls.
@reader aka mampentsha · 1 year ago
Your stubborn defense of Ncube speaks volumes of your allegiance
mampentsha · 1 year ago
😂😂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂how did you know both names (reader & mampentsha) are one?
xxx · 1 year ago
w Ncube iwe pfeka bhurugwa indava kufamba usina kupfeka
Expert · 1 year ago
I think definition yekupenga kusapota mumhu kuti adye ne kuba mari inofana kudyiwa ne every Citizen yenyika iyoyo
Boss wiwi · 1 year ago
ndasangana nabvumbururu akatengesa 4n nezuro
Fifi · 1 year ago
🤣🤣 zvinoratidza kuti u were a fan of his, just like the rest of us.
doug · 1 year ago
Ncube did not give a direct or clear answer? What type of journalism is this? Should the reporter give as news what he or she has not understood? What did the reporter want to extract from Ncube as news? If the reporter was not aware that Ncube's mother had recently passed away, what else would we say the reporter knows of Ncube. Soon as the reporter was made aware, the reporter should have apologized, given their condolences and let him mourn his mother as he was ein a frame of mind to talk of or concentrate on any other thing besides the bereavement. The reporter should have shown Ubuntu. It is unfortunate that most of the news nowadays is "manufactured" by journalists at the office desk or even in bed at home!
mampentsha · 1 year ago
the news is actually an extract from Ncube's X account and interpretation there-of. Ncube does give a clear response to the questions asked him it's only they the reporter fails to understand the quality of the response Ncube gives because it is not in the 'yes/no' format. or maybe the reporter wants. to hear what he has written not what Ncube says. okay gabantu lokhu okuthunyiwe kuyahlupha 😂😂😂.
Kaiser Sozés · 1 year ago
"Then ask me the question if I had any prior knowledge of the 2nd set of recalls whose letters appear 2 have been written during the week I was mourning & burying my mother" what of the 1st set of recalls?
mampentsha · 1 year ago
"...& I will answer that I didn’t & again the lie detector dial will not move a millimeter. Now give me a break! U...". concentrate on the word 'AGAIN' in the above quote. this shows that the first part you are asking about has already been answered in the negative. I will suggest that there is a tweet missing between Zambezi's question tweet and Ncube's response tweet as contained in this news report. I will also suggest that the reporter has left out that part to mislead his readership into believing that Ncube avoided/evaded answering mr Zambezi's question tweet. be careful of these Pindula news stories, most of them are done by Intelligence people(c.i.o) as part of their propaganda effort. so 'reader beware!'🤔🤔🤔
mampentsha · 1 year ago
there is this general tendency to hero worship a leader/ persons in positions of power inherent in the Shona culture which I have observedfirst with the worshipping of Mugabe by zanu PF, and then it was Morgan tsvangirai in MDC and now it's chamisa in the CCC. katsika ikako has been the downfall of Zimbabwe in the case of Mugabe and the breaking apart of MDC in the case of tsvangirai. now it's manifesting itselsef with the current problems at CCC. to most especially people raised in the Shona culture to oppose or to hold a different view or opinion to that of the leader is considered to be ' kupanduka' and therefore the old Shona culture slogan ' pasi ne mhandu' should apply to the opposing voice. it is indeed unfortunate because opportunities to self correct are then lost to the leader.
· 1 year ago
Vana Ncube vanonetsa pakut Havadi kutungamirirwa zvino isu **** tnoti munhu asingadi kutungamirirwa ngaafome party yake atungamire kwete kuda kuvhiringa bato revanhu
Anonymous · 1 year ago
I also noticed that. Just because we voted for you, doesn't make you immune from criticism . There is no accountability in Zimbabwe. If you say Chamisa is failing as a leader unonzi tanga yako party. That's why our leaders feel entitled to rule, they know they can do no wrong.
@Anonymous · 1 year ago
Your type would never vote for change and democracy. Muri vemaChicken Slice akaora.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
@Mampentsha I long saw it, and will continue saying it. The core of our country's problems is the SHONA. Even some among the Shona people have acknowledged and said so. Look at issues like stealing and corruption. Among the Shona, this is regarded as kungwara. Corruption links to politicians are called connections. You must have connections! ZANU is praised for killing people, stubbornness and arrogance as ndeye ropa. SHONA culture has no moral values. That is why their Pastors and Bishops are involved in so many corruption cases. They heroworship thieves and murderers. They don't cate about the poor and the downtrodden. The Shona Church leaders even promoted and lead with tribalism in their Churches!!!!!!!!!!!
mampentsha · 1 year ago
🤔🤔🤔some facts can be very stubborn and hard. but for progressive discussions, let us not stereotype each other.
Tman · 1 year ago
Tshabangu & Chamisa vamwe chete Ava chasara kuramba vachifukunura ma MP mustruggling party iyi
· 1 year ago
Keep your trolling within plausible limits
Jue Saidi · 1 year ago
àaah asingazive kuti ncube mutengesi ndiyani .ngasiyane nachamisa.ende chamisa tinongomuda zvakadaro famba Nero famba tinosvika.ndezvenyu izvo
dictator chamisa · 1 year ago
chamisa is worse than Mugabe. thank God he lost the election cos akapinda shuwa tinomunamata
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
kumwashuka mwashuka
· 1 year ago
Ncube ngaabve mutengesi gore Riya akamukira Tsvangirai
mampentsha · 1 year ago
it is tsvangirai akamukira vamwe cake by refusing to abide by the vote he had called over mdc's participation in the Senate elections. tsvangirai in so doing violated the mdc's constitution. it is the same disregard for constitutionalism by chamisa which is tearing CCC apart as of now.
@mamp... · 1 year ago
asi ndiwe mumwe wenyoka dzacho zviripachena ncube mutengesi
Zita · 1 year ago
Zita raMampentsha rinotaura rega kuti vamwechete naTshabangu. Tribal loyalty runs in the blood
mampentsha · 1 year ago
@Zita Saka ndizvo zvauri kuita here being loyal to Chamisa kutotadza kutsiura NEPA anenge atadza zviripachena because of 'tribal loyalty's? why are you so quick to play the tribal card Everytime an argument doesn't go your way? I think you need to gwow up.
mampentsha · 1 year ago
and anyways people should know and understand that Tshabangu is his own man he needs not be under another man's control to act as he has done.
· 1 year ago
Mari yake iri kubva kupi? Someone is bankrolling him, and why? There is nothing like a free lunch
mampentsha · 1 year ago
to disagree with chamisa does not mean to support Tshabangu thus what I am reading from welshman's response. clearly the man is not the force/ power behind Tshabangu.
Fustsek · 1 year ago
Ye knew about the FIRST RECALLS. So he is behind Tshabangu
NM · 1 year ago
CCC bodo ,nyaya dzacho kuwanda
Tk · 1 year ago
Yes, nyoka ngaibude Mumba.....!
mampentsha · 1 year ago
iwe ndiwe nyoka you blind follower. why are you so quick to judge?
hh · 1 year ago
Chamisa is ok to do so , there is snakes in the Party
Anonymous · 1 year ago

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