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HomeCrime and Courts

Gang Of Armed Robbers Comprising South Africans Intended To Kidnap Prominent People - ZRP

1 year agoWed, 20 Dec 2023 13:56:48 GMT
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Gang Of Armed Robbers Comprising South Africans Intended To Kidnap Prominent People - ZRP

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) says it busted a gang of armed robbers comprising locals and foreigners who were allegedly planning to commit armed robbery in Kwekwe and to kidnap some prominent people in the country for ransom.

Police said two of the suspects were shot dead, while four were injured during a shootout with detectives on Tuesday, 09 December.

A statement issued by ZRP spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Nyathi this Wednesday, 20 December reads:

The Zimbabwe Republic Police confirms the death of Jabulani Ngobeni (45) and Godknows Machingura (44) during a shoot-out incident in Arcadia, Harare and the arrest of Ndiafhi Makhado (39), Andrew Masubelele (38), Paul Zhou (55) and Emmanuel Makamo (22) for conspiracy to commit armed robbery in Kwekwe on 19th December 2023.

Ndiafhi Makhado, Jabulano Ngobeni, Andrew Masubelele and Emmanuel Makamo had travelled from South Africa intending to commit armed robberies.

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On 19th December 2023, detectives from CID Homicide, Harare received information that the suspects were booked at a guest house along Mauritius Road, Arcadia, Harare. The detectives raided the guest house resulting in the suspects bolting out of the house.

Jabulani Ngobeni fired shots towards the detectives and a shoot-out ensued, resulting in Jabulani Ngobeni being shot in the hip.

Subsequently, Jabulani Ngobeni, Ndiafhi Makhado, Andrew Masubelele, Paul Zhou and Emmanuel Makamo were arrested.

The arrest led to the recovery of a 9 mm Star Pistol loaded with four rounds of ammunition.

Ndiafhi Makhado, Jabulani Ngobeni, Andrew Masubelele and Emmanuel Makomo were injured during the shoot-out and were referred to Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals for treatment where Jabulani Ngobeni died upon admission.

Paul Zhou confessed to the detectives that he booked the accommodation and hired two vehicles, a Toyota Fortuner registration number AFX 0554 and a Honda Fit vehicle AFO 7446, after receiving US$400.00 from Godknows Machingura.

The suspects revealed to the detectives that they had hatched a plan to commit robbery along Birmingham Road, Kwekwe.

Godknows Machingura was said to be in Shamva where he was monitoring the movement of their target.

Subsequently, Godknows Machingura was lured to Morgan High School, Arcadia, Harare, where he was arrested after being shot in the groin following a speed chase and a shoot-out with the detectives.

The arrest led to the recovery of a 9 mm Taurus Pistol with a magazine of nine live rounds. Godknows Machingura was referred to Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals where he died upon admission.

The Zimbabwe Republic Police reiterates that any form of confrontation or armed clash with Police reaction teams will be met with the appropriate response.

The Police is concerned with the involvement of foreign nationals in conspiring to commit armed robbery cases in the country.

Police detectives have also gathered information to the effect that the arrested criminals wanted to kidnap some prominent people in the country for ransom.

In this regard, the public is implored to be alert and safety conscious during the holidays.

Meanwhile, the Zimbabwe Republic Police applauds the public for supplying positive information to the Police.

Members of the public are urged to report all criminal acts on National Complaints Desk number (0242) 703631 or WhatsApp on 0712 800 197 or report at any nearest Police Station.

More: Pindula News



zapnax · 1 year ago
uyo godknows machingura anga ari music promoter akatorwa picture nafreeman apa Freeman zvekare akamboonekwa ana armed robber wekuuraiwa naNemaisa??????
k · 1 year ago
Kongaring Kongara · 1 year ago
This is a good job well done.The security forces must flush out criminals from the public without fear.
mk · 1 year ago
well done
XXC · 1 year ago
Zim Homicide knows. that if you are an armed robber you are a real threat to their life's , they kill you before yo kill them zvinwee zvese dzan****ndo. Udzai mbavha dzekuSA
Chief Bonolo · 1 year ago
MaElections akapera,vamwe vanhu vakanga vapihwa basa neZanu Pf ndidzodzambavha idzi FAZ,even those South Africans
doug · 1 year ago
Me and most of my friends who are here on the free news platform need not worry about being abducted or being kidnapped for ransom as they know they will not get anything, only those who are here and being paid for being here need to worry, as their pay should make a handsome ransom to those people.
· 1 year ago
Why the heck don't they just kidnap Emperor Mwene Mutapa?
chidot chezanu · 1 year ago
Chidhori chezanu I hate Yu
· 1 year ago
Join the queue
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
thanks to our all weather friend China for donating snipper pistols to our government. vana mbavha vachadashurwa vakazvirega
· 1 year ago
You next
Anonymous · 1 year ago
putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
No stone will be left unturned bust the bustards, killer yena
Zuze · 1 year ago
@Putin, a bustard is a species of bird. Whereas bastard is, well, a person like you, especially of questionable parentage, whose mother cannot vouch for the father. The term is generally used for progeny, like you, born if a very short liaison (lacking in romance), notably by mothers whose nocturnal activities are specifically for income generation.
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
@Zuze your mother did a very good job explaining to you how she fell pregnant only to give birth to an imbecile like you. You're a wasted sperm. At your age busy licking Chamisa’s Assssssshoollee
H.ure reZANU · 1 year ago
Nhaiwe, hausi unongorota Zuze naChamisa chero wakasvinura?
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Trust our police
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Nhamo yawandisa in Zim and South Africa coz in SA vanogara kuma squatter camps. Saka Money Heist yakutoitika in real life
🌚🌚🌚🌚🇱🇷🇺🇦 · 1 year ago
This story wants to create a lacuna for government to kidnap people involved in opposition politics and blame robbers the robbers. Why would robbers go out their way to kidnap people , it's access baggage.

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