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HomeCrime and Courts

20-year-old Woman Arrested For Throwing Her two-month-old Baby Into A Toilet

1 year agoSun, 24 Dec 2023 09:26:24 GMT
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20-year-old Woman Arrested For Throwing Her two-month-old Baby Into A Toilet

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has arrested a 20-year-old woman for allegedly throwing her two-month-old baby into an old toilet in Charigwati Village, Seke, on December 21, 2023. The police discovered the baby’s body in the toilet after receiving a report. The woman had left Chitungwiza and moved to Mayambara Village, Seke, while her husband was at work. Read the police report:

Police in Chitungwiza have arrested a 20-year-old woman for a case of infanticide in which she allegedly dumped her two-months-old daughter in a disused toilet at Charigwati Village, Seke, on 21/12/23. The suspect had escaped from Chitungwiza while her husband had gone to work and relocated to Mayambara Village, Seke. The offence came to light after the husband found the suspect without the child on 22/12/23. The police have since retrieved the remains from the disused toilet.

Baby Dumping is a growing problem:

Baby dumping is a prevalent crime in Zimbabwe, with many women being arrested for it over the years. Some women attribute their actions to poverty, while others abandon their babies in hopes of securing relationships with new partners. The president of the Zimbabwe National Traditional Healers Association (ZINATHA), George Kandiero, believes that women often abandon their babies due to neglect by the father. Kandiero also believes that baby dumping may be a result of multiple partners, making it difficult for the mother to identify the child’s biological father.

Some argue that the lack of financial resources to support the baby is a common reason, while some emphasise the importance of educating girls about reproductive issues to prevent such situations. In 2021, a student from Great Zimbabwe University was sentenced to six months in jail for baby dumping. She explained to the court that she didn’t know what to do with the baby since she was still studying at the university.

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Grenade. · 1 year ago
lni zvangu to tell the truth l'm a single mother of 5 born in 1980.but l struggled ndenga zvangu bcz we separated vanha vachiribadiki zvisingaite so l'm used to the situation come what may come and batokura zvavo no stress.
Moreblessing Ali · 1 year ago
Vana Mahere vanzwa nekubvisa vana ne hanger wani. Leave chi baby alone
zimocco · 1 year ago
haaa pafair varume we are the trouble causers ,pamwe pachona tinokidzwa tichiramba ropa redu buh hazvisi right its better kuti kana wamitisa munhu wako uite plan rather kwete kungoti mukadzi ndiye arasa mwana saka ndiye ane mhosva ,ipapa mface uyu akutonyeba ayisatoda kuchengeta mwana uyu which leads her wife dumped the baby
Bhomora Zvekuti · 1 year ago
😐😐😐 Life so apa kune a couple that has been struggling to have a baby for years shaaa. The world is just crazy
· 1 year ago
Imagine,isn't there a facility were you can surrender your child when you're really really not able to take care of it.
Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru · 1 year ago
😢😢 Yes there is, I heard that orphanages take those babies and also your name and your details so that the child will have a parental record
Tape Manyama · 1 year ago
nyayi veduwee
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
6 months for killing just becoz its a woman. 30 years for jamba sparked a row
Grenade. · 1 year ago
There are so many contraceptives so choose one suitable for you.
Jue Saidi · 1 year ago
mumwe wacho chibaby chezanu arasa vana vakawanda
Munya Mutopa · 1 year ago
true 💯
Munya Mutopa · 1 year ago
soon zanu will legalize baby dumplings
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 @Jue Saidi wataura chokwadi chaicho 👏👏👏

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