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Zimbabwe Adds Antimicrobial Resistance Module To Nursing Curriculum

1 year agoWed, 27 Dec 2023 08:05:37 GMT
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Zimbabwe Adds Antimicrobial Resistance Module To Nursing Curriculum

The Ministry of Health and Child Care, with support from the World Health Organisation, its partners and the UK’s Fleming Fund, has introduced an antimicrobial resistance (AMR) module in the nursing school curriculum for registered general nurses, primary care nurses, and midwifery, beginning in 2024, reported The Herald.

As of November 2023, seven experts had trained a total of 106 registered nurses, primary care nurses, and midwifery educators from the country’s northern and southern regions on topics such as AMR in HIV, AMR in malaria, AMR in fungal, AMR in bacteria, sample collection, the role of nurses in the fight against AMR, the structure of bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, and antimicrobial stewardship.

The acting WHO representative in Zimbabwe, Professor Jean-Marie Dangou, said WHO supported the training of 106 nursing educators on effectively delivering the new AMR module. He said:

Recognising the crucial role of nurses in the fight against AMR, WHO actively supported this integration by training 106 nursing educators on effectively delivering the new AMR module. This proactive approach equips educators with the necessary skills and knowledge to confidently guide students through the intricacies of AMR prevention and control…

The WHO also helped to mobilise resources for Zimbabwe’s AMR program. The UK government provided financial assistance to the Republic of Zimbabwe through the Fleming Fund and the AMR Multi Partners Trust Fund.

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According to Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, antimicrobial resistance happens when germs like bacteria and fungi develop the ability to defeat the drugs designed to kill them. Resistant infections can be difficult, and sometimes impossible, to treat.

Antimicrobial resistance is a naturally occurring process, but AMR increases in antimicrobial resistance are driven by a combination of germs exposed to antibiotics and antifungals, and the spread of those germs and their resistance mechanisms.

AMR does not mean that the body is resistant to antibiotics or antifungals. It means the bacteria or fungi causing the infection are resistant to the antibiotic or antifungal treatment.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 1 year ago
I hope that prior to this, they were at least aware this stuff existed even if they didn't get formal instruction. Since the days of MRSA, medical community has been bracing for the super bug that may end it all.
Putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
AMR CCC, Tshabangu, Chamisa
mbare phamacy. · 1 year ago
I agree with you as far as AMR is about microbes defeating the antibiotics since this is consistent with an opposition which has failed to remove the ruling party from power but has instead started enhancing the status quo via recalls and splits
c · 1 year ago
Where did the sanctions go-to? Ndipo pauno ona kuti vanhu ve Zanu ma dunderheads, kunyeperwa zezviri pachena kudai?
doug · 1 year ago
Those who are helping us with life giving and life preservation training and skills are those who are said to have put sanctions, and, those who helped us during the war with weapons are still giving us weapons
mbare phamacy · 1 year ago
what has that got to do with the AMR module in the nursing curriculum?
mbare phamacy · 1 year ago
akomana siki dzinorapwa mum are mums backyard clinic nezvimapiritsi zveku Zambia mahwani ndipo paunonzwa zvakunzi AMR module bvisai icho muchipise zvinhu tirapwe proper hatirege MCAZ tosvitsana mayo kuma Pena nemishonga yepa Zambia usiri pamutemo tobva tafa hedu ne resistance yacho nekuti hurumende matirasa
mbare phamacy · 1 year ago
takutozivawo ma company ekunana India manesi akadzidzira totoakunda mushonga ma doctor tinosvitsana kumapena tobva tava defeats Ivo vachiti ethics njani njani mcaz zvine basa reyi tinozvirapa tega tichigadzira resistance siyanai nesu
mbare phamacy · 1 year ago
mugozodii tikarwara tinongokobha ma antibiotics kuMbare akaitwa smuggle from Zambia ana Cotrimoxazole ana Amoxicillin vese tinawo tatove ma dhokota asina Ku funds resistance yamunorreva totangira ipapo module or no module sei tichidhurisirwa
Anonymous · 1 year ago
You are talking nonsensical. This subject is well above your semi literate mind.
mbare phamacy · 1 year ago
well I'm glad you have exposed your poor grasp of the issue under discussion.those who read my post understood the gist of what I was saying and how it dovetails with anti micro bacterial resistance especially the use of prescriptive drugs non prescriptively by those who do not follow the advice of real medical personnel.anywat at anonymous remain anonymous and in the shadows because we do not engage shadows when it comes to serious policy issues

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