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A House Needs To Cost Less Than US$5 000 - Mafume On Housing Options

1 year agoThu, 28 Dec 2023 05:10:23 GMT
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A House Needs To Cost Less Than US$5 000 - Mafume On Housing Options

Recently re-elected Harare mayor Jacob Mafume (JM) has said the local government authority was working on measures to ensure that the cost of houses comes down to US$5000 to make them affordable for low-income earners to build their own homes. During an interview with NewsDay reporter Sharon Buwerimwe to discuss his plans after bouncing back into the office, Mafume discussed his plans to address the issue of settlements and provide affordable housing options.

Mafume acknowledged the recent incidents of flooding in areas like Budiriro 4 Paddock and Kuwadzana Extension. The Zimbabwe Republic Police announced last week that 15 houses were partially submerged in water in Budiriro after recent heavy rains leaving several people stranded and a six-year-old girl missing.

When asked what the local government authority was planning to do about the settlement issue, Mafume emphasized that housing is a problem that needs to be addressed at both the city and national levels. He said:

We are also addressing the issue of settlements. We know there are floods, people are living in areas where they are not supposed to be living. I also visited Budiriro to see the houses. Housing is a city problem and a national problem.

We need to find a solution around housing. Firstly, we need to deal with the approval of our houses. What we define as a house is now a colonial structure.

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We need to change our materials, we need to reduce the cost for someone building a house so that they don’t stay in shacks.

So we are going to ask our planning department to experiment with new methodologies — panel building, a house needs to cost less than US$5 000 for it to be a low-cost housing.

We need to put up a house with very limited amounts of money and I think technology has improved the extent that we can build a decent low-cost house.

Our country does not experience earthquakes, does not have instability, therefore, there is really no need of building some of these monuments to nothing.

Every year, more than 50 families in Budiriro face floods because their houses are built in wetlands. The majority of wetlands invaders just construct houses without permission while some buy land from landbarons who are also not authorised to sell it by the local government. As a result, thousands of people have lost their homes over the years when the authorities demolished their structures. Sadly, they are not compensated or given new land. Urban and semi-urban areas suffer from a severe housing shortage due to the influx of people moving to cities. 

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Anonymous · 1 year ago
I am just wondering what type of a house will cost less than $5000 to build. Has the Mayor sought advise from the technocrats in council?
Anonymous · 1 year ago
I think its possible for a decent structure to be less than 5000 because perimeter wall yemaconcrete pannels that can cover 300sqm can cost a maximum of 2000usd fix & supply. So for a 81sqm housing structure utelising same materials, it gona cost same 2000usd, then roof can take 1500usd, then remained 1500usd is used for finishings
Its building material costs not houses nhai mayor · 1 year ago
pane pauchanodzisa price of imported building material here sezvo tisina industry, vanazvo muno they import raw material
Dzimbahwe · 1 year ago
Mastands tofanira kungopiwa mahara coz ivhu iri takarifira
· 1 year ago
kana uchiti wakafa ndiyani anyora marara ayo
kkkkk yes we died for the land · 1 year ago
Died kufa
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
Ma Cabin here
Shepherd Mawoyo · 1 year ago
Harare city Council is being run by people who don't understand a city, a city is not a village, make everyone one in harare pay Council thru charging their mobile fone. If all pay 5% Of their airtime to Council harare will be great, mbavha dzavandisa thru land in harare
gabarinocheka · 1 year ago
very correct ambition is correct thats where oor president cde hon Tshaavangu is taking us Dubai
I was thinking of a wooden house(cabin) · 1 year ago
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ngaanyarare munhu uyu, kana arikuda zvekutaura ngaatitaurire kuti council yakaguma rini kuservicer nekutengesa ma stand, ngaatiudze kuti waiting list yavanotorera mari kuvanhu vasina mastand inoshanda sei pakupa mastand acho , ngaatiudze kuti vachapa mastands when and ndiani anotarisirwa kupiwa mastands first, ngaatiudze kuti council inotarisawo here vaya vane ma disabilities uye varipo zvakare pa waiting list. Technology yozotaurwa as a condition , asi stand yadini zvayo, yavapo
evan · 1 year ago
mdhara idya wakanyarara. Those dreams we dream in Mars
🤸🏃 · 1 year ago
Mayor ari right if Yu look at how chicken inn built their buildings nowadays haana kuzadzwa mazidhina but rather it's mostly simbi then ma tiles
Tina · 1 year ago
If wishes were horses beggars would ride
XXX · 1 year ago
muparamuro usanyepera vanhu kuti vakapusa ,land kanakuti mastands hatengeswe zviripachena and not proportion ally available wangu and zvotoitrwa purpose,, making land available dose not mean varikuzvara land , planning kanavasingaigone ma¹,zvinhu zvamazuvaano pavane technology hazvifanire kutora time vanhu vanhu Mari yekutenga nekuvakwa mastands vanayo
maparamuro · 1 year ago
@xxx munhu anotenga stand yemukoto akapusa wena hapana imwe nyaya. There is a procedure that is followed when you buy urban land, if you don't know it we say wakapusa. There is also a procedure followed when you build in urban areas, kana usingaizive wakapusa. Kana usingaizive basa ra councillor tinoti wakapusa, councillor works for the residents of a specific local gvt area, he/she works for the people, if people can't use the councillor they voted for tinoti vakapusa. In short vanhu vakapusa nekuti vanotenga land ye council nemukoto votanga kuvaka pasina approval ye council. Vanhu vakapusa vanovhotera munhu to represent them then end up saluting their servant, ndiko kunonzi kupusa chaiko
Pipi · 1 year ago
It's a challenge especially mastands enhanho
XXX · 1 year ago
Jackie inzwa the problem is ma authority hamusikupa kanakutengesa land in time so if you don't have it available and affordable ndimi murikukonzeresa malandbarons nekuvakwa kwedzimba muma wetlands , population is growing fast hence need housing .Gvt newe make land available and affordable inTIME
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Christmas Fc 2 - January Disease 0 Return league 09 January
$5000 · 1 year ago
hazvibude izvi
Tsuronzuma · 1 year ago
Wangu, ma panel aya hasviki US$5k kumisa ka den kanogarika zviri boe.
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
apa mafumhe arota
putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
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Yoyoyo · 1 year ago
😁😁 I agree with you mayor even though muchiyitira wiwi mubhod****
@NEWBRAINS · 1 year ago
anyone ane maresults. epl played yesterday
putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🐊🐊🐊 · 1 year ago
Very true Mayor Mafume

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