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Many Police Officers Refuse To Retire Despite Reaching Retirement Age - Report

1 year agoFri, 05 Jan 2024 08:32:04 GMT
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Many Police Officers Refuse To Retire Despite Reaching Retirement Age - Report

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has reportedly tightened regulations for officers seeking to extend their service after retirement due to a significant number of retiring officers applying for extensions. Many police officers who have reached the retirement age of 50 are reluctant to retire because they lack financial savings or assets to support themselves in retirement, NewsDay reported.

Under Section 22 (3) and (4) of the Police Act Chapter 11:10, police officers who have reached retirement age are allowed to extend their service. However, last year, the police authorities received an overwhelming number of extension applications from retired officers, leading them to implement stricter vetting conditions.

A senior police officer, speaking anonymously, told NewsDay that the majority of retiring officers apply for contract extensions as they have no other sources of income to sustain themselves after retirement. The officer was quoted as saying:

The issue is, most police officers have no savings or investments for their retirements. Owing to the meagre salaries they have been earning over the years, the majority have nothing for their retirement survival so they do not want to retire. Even after retirement, you still need to take care of your family, send children to school and cater for other family needs. So without a meaningful source of income, it will be difficult to make ends meet.

Police officers in Zimbabwe have been vocal about their low remuneration and have repeatedly appealed to Commissioner-General Godwin Matanga for improved conditions. Last year, some retiring officers received lump sum retirement packages in the local currency equivalent to approximately US$2,000, which resulted in many officers choosing to extend their service.

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citizen · 1 year ago
vanofa nenzara regai vashande
Redman · 1 year ago
judge mukuwedzera retirement age, vamwe 44 years ari minister, vamwe appointed posts at old age why then should police officers retire early?
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ashamed to be gukuraundizen(Zimbabwean) proud Rhodesian
% · 1 year ago
Haaa Pindula pic manyama kkkkkk
...... · 1 year ago
Mukuru wangu, ku Pension uko kwavanenyaya, ma interest anobva kupi, iro bond here, retirement iyi hakusi kuti havadi, asi zvichabuda ipapo zvinoshungurudza ukararama I lucky most of these retired officers are dependent on kids wh are either diaspora or are gainfully ployed the rest pakaipa, that's when you see some trekking kumapurazi koita havo Ana shutugun ikoko the whole pension issue in Zimbabwe is so painful pathetic and hurting to say the least
🚩 · 1 year ago
As soon as you attain 20 years pensionable service, why wait. Average retirement on pensionable service is 38 yrs... at 38yrs ungashaye chekuita here mapurisa enyika? Ukadarika that 20 yrs pensionable service unenge wakuhoresva change yemari yako yepension. Otherwise unenge uchizvihoresa ngema interests yemari yako yepenjeni.
iwe · 1 year ago
vana handiyende vakawanda munyika muno kwandoshanda kukanzuru yechinhoyi kunemumwe mukuru ayitoramba kuyenda iwo makore akwana apa hutano payitenge pasisina kuita semunhu achafira pabasa apa baba vayine hutsinye sei.vese vakabuda mabasa vakanyinwa mari dzavo asi ivo pavakazoyenda zvavo yavo mari vakuyida.
cloe · 1 year ago
makazvinzwa here kuti chi beb che zanu pf chakafa
bla bla bla · 1 year ago
chakasara kuna 2023 chi baby che zanu.changa chisina zvakakwana.
dddd · 1 year ago
Tea yekumwira mupoto inonyatsopa simba rekubata mboma kkkk
Rudo💅 · 1 year ago
ndoendepi ne 2 bhobho
candidate · 1 year ago
what retirement for president. because lwant the post am50years
Passion Java · 1 year ago
🙄 ED has no limits, in Zim u can be President in your 90s like Mugabe who was doomed zvake. To be President you have to be 40 year old and above.
👺 · 1 year ago
Ndoo pavakakanya ipapo. President shd range btwn 40-70yrs.Chembere ngadzizorore kumba nevazukuru. Taneta kutongwa nechembere neHarahwa.
🌻🌻🌻🌻 · 1 year ago
@Tongofanana shame sure zvinorwadza taura hako apo unenge wakatarisana nezvakawanda Wanda zvekuita chokwadi hupenyu wacho ma 1 chayiwo mwari vachapindira one day zvichanaka hazo.
Yoyoyo · 1 year ago
😁😁 Ngavaite march vachiita protest. ED and his government yehuwori havana kana ne tsitsi. These police officers have families.
Tongofanana · 1 year ago
lts not Police Service only almost all Civil Servants meet that situation when you retire from Government Service nowadays. l retired last year and was given ZWL 500,000 - 00 Bond after saving Government for 40 years in the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare kkkkkk. But on contribution to the Govt. Pension Scheme all those years l have contributed millions of ZWL Bonds plus USD the time we were being paid in USD? l really wonder what went wrong? All my contributions plus State side only to be paid that little ( ZWL 500,000 - 00). for serving 40 years it aches me. To make matters worse our Ministry does not allow to apply for an extension of service like the Police Service. Right now l can still serve but l not allowed any more. Those who retired before us some ten (10) years ago received USD15,000 - 00 during the USD era. l was very unluck to retire now with nothing to say l have served Government for 40 years. May be God knows when he will Bless Me. Let me keep quite for now.
Big Dhara Munhu Mukuru · 1 year ago
😐😐😐 Sorry hey, Zimbabwean government is so heartless and the people who were given the task of taking care of the needs of retiring civil servants havana kana ne tsitsi
🌻🌻🌻🌻 · 1 year ago
Mari zero ndosaka tichimwa nepoto jolly jus yacho 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
doug · 1 year ago
What does retire mean? We have people who are supposed to have retired elsewhere being taken to do work at all levels of occupation. The courts have even put aside retirement age for some individuals! We have people who are in positions of power who can change their age of retirement at will, taking away opportunities from the youth and very abled and very brained. With too many generations in the workplaces, the country moves backwards as the older generation do not want, or fear changes to what they know from decades ago, a the young generation want to do things the modern way with the use of technology and adopting new world standards. It may be fear of poverty if they retire, or the fear of the corrupt deals being exposed as soon as they retire and have no access to keeping the deals under cover.
Muzeketwa · 1 year ago
Munhu ngaa retaye paanzwa kuda not mandatory
doug · 1 year ago
@ Muzeketwa. Pane zvikonzero zvinoisirwa retirement age. Kukwanisa kuita retire paunoda kana kusvika kufa uripabasa zvinongokwanisika nevanesimba rekusha Dura mutemo, asi havakwanise kushandura Simba remumuviri, kurodzeka kwepfungwa kuti vaite basa nemazvo.
Vinshie · 1 year ago
vaka retire vobei
🌻🌻🌻🌻 · 1 year ago
Zimbabwe police manyama🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
nony · 1 year ago
Does the rest of the country not have electricity or it's only here in Bulawayo,Pumula we are going on day 2 without Zesa
kamukono ketsambarafuta👉👌💧 · 1 year ago
God bress orodhi pumura .....nyika yese inemagetsi akunze kwaikoko
. · 1 year ago
no electricity everywhere else
.... · 1 year ago
kuno hakunawoba since yesterday.
🧐 🤔 🤨 🙄 🤪 · 1 year ago
It was said kuti busbar fault ku Insukamini interchange substation, whatever that is, it's only known by the power utility itself, and there was no power country-wide but now power since been restored So if your area is affected by now most probably it the load shedding schedule
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Here in Highfield in Harare we last used Zesa on the 21stDecember last year and restoration of it we've to consult the Oracle..!
lolo · 1 year ago
jolly juice iya ye2rand
pppp · 1 year ago
papic apo pindula makaoma kumwira tea mupoto
Dickson · 1 year ago
vanhu ngavaende kumba vamwe voana dzimba ku camp ma juniors anzwa nekurenta these are the ones vanorambira kubasa kunodzinga ma juniors instead of helping them shape their future and role as members .nhai kutora imba ye camp kunge musha wako
VZ · 1 year ago
hanty vaiita basa rekurova vanhu vachitadza kuSaver mari, ngavamáme
Bhomora Zvekuti · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣 Nyika imwe neimwe inovakwa nevene vayo. Zvino ndosaka vachizoita mbavha. Ma 8 to 9 men gang of robbers. Dai vakatoenda zvavo ku Securico or ana Safe Guard
Pipi · 1 year ago
If retirement age is 50 let it start to every sector
Pipi · 1 year ago
If retirement age is 50 let it start to every sector
dddd · 1 year ago
security sector i24/7 pabasa baba no over tym

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