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More Than 2.7 Million Zimbabweans In The Countryside Are Facing Hunger - Report

1 year agoSat, 06 Jan 2024 10:19:39 GMT
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More Than 2.7 Million Zimbabweans In The Countryside Are Facing Hunger - Report

More than 2.7 million people in rural areas of Zimbabwe are facing hunger in 2024, according to the latest Zimbabwe Vulnerability Assessment Committee (ZimVAC) Rural Livelihoods Assessment report. This translates to 26% of the rural population. The report also states that approximately 100,482 metric tonnes of cereal will be required to feed the food-insecure population during the peak hunger period from January to March 2024. Read the report in part:

During the peak hunger period (January to March 2024), 26% of the rural population is projected to be food insecure. This translates to 2 715 717 people. At least 100 482 metric tonnes of cereal will be required to feed the food insecure population during the peak hunger period.

These projections contradict the government’s assurances that there would be no starvation and that the country had sufficient food stocks. The Ministry of Industry and Commerce announced this week that it has engaged key stakeholders, including the Grain Millers Association of Zimbabwe and the Grain Marketing Board, to discuss the supply of maize meal in the country. In a statement seen by Pindula News, Sithembiso .G. G. Nyoni, the Minister of Industry and Commerce, assured the nation that the Grain Millers and the Grain Marketing Board have committed to supplying sufficient maize meal through various distribution outlets, including formal retailers. Additionally, ZIMRA, the customs authority, has pledged to facilitate the clearance of imported maize at ports of entry and exit. However, the minister does not provide specific details or an assessment of the current state of maize supply.

Zimbabweans have struggled to feed themselves in recent years due to the country’s economic decline and a changing climate. The depreciation of the Zimbabwe dollar has led to limited purchasing power, and the prices of essential commodities, such as wheat flour, maize meal, sugar, and rice, have increased significantly. The country’s food situation has been deteriorating, with increases in food poverty and total consumption poverty datum lines.

The projected food insecurity will have a devastating impact, particularly on marginalised communities in Matabeleland. Child malnutrition is expected to worsen, poverty levels will increase, and some children may drop out of school due to the inability to pay fees. Farmers are also facing challenges, including failed crops, poor livestock conditions, and disputes over agricultural land.

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Miss Jessica · 1 year ago
Soon after bumber harvest after bumber harvest we are facing hunger. How come to you so
@kalo its · 1 year ago
Name netone internet APN netone.Internet then save
Funny that starving population will get aid from those we say sanctioned us · 1 year ago
yet rural is said to be the strong hold
Anonymous · 1 year ago
It depends who is given the aid to distribute as to who is seen to be giving.
XXX · 1 year ago
nzara yapinda munomama chete makaisa X
☝️☝️☝️☝️ · 1 year ago
ko kuma**** ndiko kwenyu ka kutadza kutaura zve sweetened beverages mukungofunga mboi bedzi
aaaa · 1 year ago
kusvirirawa $1 iiiii pakaip
unity · 1 year ago
I am in sore need of love, do me a favour guy by sending me prostitutes phone numbers
Town fellaz · 1 year ago
guys nzara is not in rurals areas alone mutown ever since mataxes aMthuli Ncube came to effect mukupisa mahu*re kusvigwa dollar kuti araramise vana pakaipa vanhu woooye 2024 vanhu vanofa nenzara chete
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Vakanyatso vhotera Zanu Pf vanhu here avo vekuma rural areas???? Coz hahahah ED akawoma moyo haana kana ne tsitsi
Dhadza · 1 year ago
nzara haina basa nevhoti.Chamisa akambotonga nyika ipi?ndiyani akaitirwa zvakanaka naChamisa?musamanikidza vanhu kana kushora mavhotes abuda coz zvaunoda iwewe handizvo zvandinoda.ini ndinoda kupihwa purazi ,iwe unoda kushandira murungu papurazi.
@dhadza · 1 year ago
purazi racho unorimwa nei iwe uchinokumbira mbeu ku next door
Pugeni · 1 year ago
Purazi unoridii
🚩 · 1 year ago
Not only the countryside is affected the urbanside is deeply affected
Tom · 1 year ago
Ndomubairo wacho, Ndivo vakanyengedzwa nechicken Inn yeone day vakabvuma kuvhotera garwe.
Ndini · 1 year ago
Your statistics are from Mars which Zimbabwe are you talking about its an insult to us Rural people
· 1 year ago
It might nit be your area but truly in some rural areas people are affected by hunger
.... · 1 year ago
So you are saying this pic is a joke and that the news is fake?
naume lamboos · 1 year ago
Kongaring Kongara · 1 year ago
Is it not true that Zimbabwe had all the Grain Silos full and more on ground?That is last harvest of 2023?I hope that grain is still around and no one will go hungry this time. If we hear stories then sure we are killing ourselves on our own.
X Genea Technologies · 1 year ago
actions speak louder than words
Chaka · 1 year ago
Very ignorant people, if yu ask one of those picking up grains, yu will be surprised. They can even tell you that this is manner from heaven.
... · 1 year ago
I remember as a kid in 2008 yhings were really really tough but we Soldiered on. I pray that the Lord intervenes and whoever has power to secure our countries food security ir supply puts theur ego and lust fir money aside and use it to its intended use. May God help our leaders to put personal issues and work as Zimbabweans without partisan mentality thats done by ZANU PF leadership and its MPs. We're all Zimbabweans we all pay taxes we all desserve equal treatment. We all lay aids levy from our salaries to support those with HIV and AIDS but we're not on yhat group but we're proud of that. So ED use our PAYEE and 15%VAT wisely cause trust me even if you buy the whole country the day will come thst instead of burying you with your luxury car we will just put you in a wooden box and your wealth will no longer be yours and you wont have power over, same as to everyone taking what belongs to Zimbabweans
😎🔥 · 1 year ago
Ndiwo mazuva ekutonga kweGarwe But don't worry...#Godisinit
🫢 · 1 year ago
kunongera shanga dzawiswa nemagonyeti pakayipa

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