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Edgars Stores Has Appointed Chesternoel Mutevhe As Its New Chief Financial Officer

1 year agoTue, 09 Jan 2024 18:31:47 GMT
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Edgars Stores Has Appointed Chesternoel Mutevhe As Its New Chief Financial Officer

Edgars Stores Limited Zimbabwe Group has appointed Chesternoel Mutevhe as its new Chief Financial Officer (CFO) starting from January 1st, 2024. This comes after the previous CFO, Happiness Vundla, resigned in November, ZimLive reported. Mutevhe brings valuable experience to the role, having worked for seven years at CFI Holdings and most recently serving as Group Financial Director. He also held a finance position at Karo Platinum in Zimbabwe. His appointment reflects the company’s dedication to improving its financial stability and implementing a strategic turnaround plan.

Edgars faced challenges in the past year, including declining profits attributed to a difficult market environment. Former CEO Tjeludo Ndlovu and CFO Vundla stepped down due to these challenges. Like other retail companies in Zimbabwe, Edgars struggled with currency distortions, rising inflation, and competition from the informal sector. The COVID-19 pandemic further worsened the situation, as lockdowns led to outdated merchandise sales and increased competition from pre-loved clothes sold by informal traders at lower prices.

To address these issues, the Zimbabwean government has introduced measures to level the playing field for formal retailers. Wholesalers without proper registration and tax clearance certificates are now prohibited from buying directly from manufacturers, aiming to reduce unfair competition from the informal sector and encourage its formalization.

With his financial expertise and successful track record, Mutevhe is expected to play a crucial role in steering the company towards profitability and long-term sustainability. Edgars hopes that with a new CFO in place and supportive regulatory measures, they can regain their position in the Zimbabwean retail market. 

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chinese vesion · 1 year ago
Mkayz · 1 year ago
Thief beware of him
· 1 year ago
Congratulations, amhlophe makorokoto
Yoyoyo · 1 year ago
😁😁 Ngaasazoita corruption seya ED ikoko. Mari yagara ine muyedzo
Bhomora Zvekuti · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣 Sorry to all the female employees vanenge vakanaka vaye nekuti type dzana Chesternoel dzino Bhozvongora zvekwa bvumburu
Shona Version · 1 year ago
Edgars Stores Limited Zimbabwe Group yakadoma Chesternoel Mutevhe semukuru wayo mutsva wezvemari (CFO) kutanga kubva muna Ndira 1, 2024. Izvi zvinouya mus**** mekunge CFO yapfuura, Happiness Vundla, yakasiya basa muna Mbudzi, Zimlive yakashuma. Mutevhe anounza ruzivo rwakakosha pabasa, akashanda kwemakore manomwe kuCFI Holdings uye nguva pfupi yadarika achishanda seGroup Financial Director. Vakabatawo chigaro chemari kuKaro Platinum muZimbabwe. Kugadzwa kwake kunoratidza kuzvipira kwekambani kuvandudza kugadzikana kwayo kwemari uye kuita hurongwa hwekuchinja. Edgars akatarisana nematambudziko mugore rapfuura, kusanganisira kuderera kwepurofiti inokonzerwa nenzvimbo yakaoma yemusika. Aimbove CEO Tjeludo Ndlovu neCFO Vundla vakasiya basa nekuda kwematambudziko aya. Kufanana nemamwe makambani ezvitoro muZimbabwe, Edgars akanetsekana nekukanganisa kwemari, kukwira kwemitengo, uye kukwikwidza kubva kuchikamu chisina kurongwa. Denda reCCIDID-19 rakawedzera kuwedzera mamiriro ezvinhu, sezvo kuvharika kwakakonzera kutengesa kwekutengesa kwechinyakare uye kuwedzera kwemakwikwi kubva kune zvipfeko zvakafanodiwa zvinotengeswa nevatengesi vasina kurongeka nemitengo yakaderera. Kugadzirisa nyaya idzi, hurumende yeZimbabwe yakaunza matanho ekuenzanisa nzvimbo dzevatengesi. Vatengesi vasina kunyoreswa kwakaringana uye zvitupa zvekubvisa mutero vava kurambidzwa kutenga zvakananga kubva kune vagadziri, nechinangwa chekudzikisa makwikwi asina kunaka kubva kuchikamu chisina kurongwa uye kukurudzira kugadzirwa kwayo. Nehunyanzvi hwake hwemari uye rekodhi yakabudirira, Mutevhe anotarisirwa kuita basa rakakosha mukutungamira kambani kune pundutso uye kusimba kwenguva refu. Edgars anotarisira kuti neCFO itsva iripo uye matanho anotsigira ekutonga, vanogona kuwanazve chinzvimbo chavo mumusika weZimbabwe. More Pindula News

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