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Teachers Are Demanding A Minimum Wage Of US$1,260

1 year agoTue, 09 Jan 2024 14:12:47 GMT
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Teachers Are Demanding A Minimum Wage Of US$1,260

The Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (ARTUZ) is demanding a minimum wage of US$1,260 from the government, expressing concerns that the current monthly pay of US$300 for teachers is jeopardising the smooth opening of schools. The union emphasises that teachers are suffering due to the high inflation rates in the country, ZimLive reported citing the union’s correspondence to government ministries, the Public Service Commission, and the Finance Ministry.

ARTUZ’s secretary general, Robson Chere, urges authorities to prioritize the well-being of teachers and address the challenges caused by the increasing cost of living. Chere said:

The current cost of living has risen significantly, and it is imperative that our teachers are adequately compensated to ensure their well-being and to maintain the quality of education in our schools.

It is evident that the cost of living has been steadily increasing, with inflation impacting various aspects of daily life.

This includes essential expenses such as housing, utilities, food, and healthcare.

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Teachers, like many other professionals, are feeling the strain of these rising costs, which is affecting their ability to meet their financial obligations and provide for their families.

ARTUZ believes that a minimum wage of US$1,260 would be fair and necessary to maintain quality education and invest strategically in the education system, considering the current inflationary trends. They argue that increasing teachers’ salaries would help retain experienced educators and attract new talent to the profession, ultimately enhancing the overall quality of education.

The union emphasises that fair wages not only address immediate financial challenges but also boost teachers’ morale and job satisfaction, positively impacting student outcomes. ARTUZ criticises the National Joint Negotiating Council (NJNC) as an ineffective platform for salary negotiations and calls for alternative channels for meaningful dialogue with teachers’ representatives.

The Zimbabwean government faces a big challenge as there is a risk of school disruptions due to unhappy teachers. Today, on January 9th, public schools opened for the first term of 2024. ARTUZ has stated that teacher morale is extremely low. The union said many teachers have decided to take part in sit-ins to express their discontent. They are hoping that the government will announce a salary review soon so that teaching and learning can resume smoothly in schools.

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Anonymous · 1 year ago
US$1260?dream on guys..
Rudo💅 · 1 year ago
Saka Kureva kuti teacher wanhasi arikutambira Mari 5 times yawaitambiraka,saka mochemeyi🤷
Xxx · 1 year ago
@Rudo u can't compare in literal terms
Old School · 1 year ago
In 1980 and 1981 I was a Temporary Primary School teacher, kwedu kuBuhera. I was earning a cool $60 per month. I would take my family for shopping in Chivhu every month end with no hustles at all. During that short stint I bought 2 cows, a bicycle, an Omega Stereo and above all, built a decent home comprising a round thatched kitchen, a Hozi and a three bedroomed asbestos tiled house. Zvinhu zvakanga zvakarongeka tichipemberera Independence na Bob Marley tisingazivi kuti tichatongwa naana Pfee.
Uyu anonyepa uyu · 1 year ago
1981 kwanga kusati kwaakuitwa zvemaFloor tiles vanhu vaiisa floor ngaangotaura kuti early 80s and 90s teaching yaibhadhara chete ogumira ipapo.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Mthuli said tinohomwe iri deep isina isingaperi give teachers usd
ex why uri zee · 1 year ago
haaa u can say that again...Mari ishomasa iyi.imagine ma rentals, transport... food, medical expenses .haaa woba choko eke vakaramba... ukaona gogo dzema teacher ummm na tie ana baba Aya .ko suit zvadzo 😭😭😭😭😭😭.nga
Problem vanhu minofunga kuti pay inofanira kukwana chikafu chete · 1 year ago
There is more like education,healthcare, mortgages,funeral policies,rentals or bills,clothing etc zvakawanda saka mari ishomasa iyi
Hope you will be able to get that $300 the whole of this year · 1 year ago
Those taxies are meant to pay you
... · 1 year ago
Ipai maTeacher mari vavakewo decent houses nekupfeka uye kudyawo zvakanaka. Our trs are pathetic. Let me pay them please.. allow me.
kiri · 1 year ago
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Without corruption it was gona be very possible...
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Bob akazvitaura akati ndosaka ndakachisiya chibasa che teaching hachina mare. Chi teacher chinopindwa nemunhu akazvipira because chagara hachibhadhare. Kana waona zvarema siya utsvage zvinokupa mari iri nani. Kana ndiwewo, from 300 to 1200, Kana ivo vacho vano miririra mateachers acho unotoona kuti havasi sincere pakuita manegotiations acho, infact ma politicians e opposition CCC. Bodo bodo hakuna zvakadero. Hoyoooooo...
· 1 year ago
Mari iyoyo yakawandisa havazogoni kuishandisa
The Watcher · 1 year ago
Zviroto zviroto. how can you leap from 300 to 1200? Zvimwe people should be realistic
tshaka de Zulu · 1 year ago
kkkkkk mateacher itai serious thaz robvepi kana zvarema siyai chiticha caco coZ hamuai kumanikidzwa kuenda kubasa kkkk
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
kana vakambonyimwa 400 usd wozotarisira 1200..... hazvibude
SA Politics · 1 year ago
Konhai vanhuve ko Ramaphosa akaita sei ,makazvinzwa here ...pakashata
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
bvunza makuhwa ako kwawazviona ikoko
Anonymous · 1 year ago
They consider masoja first bcz of there own security,nemapurisa anovakavhira Pama bororo .to them teachers have no value,but for a country to be called civilized and literate it's bcz of a teacher,Kuti munhu anzi a prominent Lawyer,Accountant,engineer it all comes from a educated nation comes from a teacher.give teachers Mari yekuti vafarire Basa ravo, kwete Kuti kungoenda kunotandara kuchikoro NO.

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