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ZBC Board Fired, Two Female Presenters Suspended | Report

1 year agoWed, 10 Jan 2024 12:10:52 GMT
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ZBC Board Fired, Two Female Presenters Suspended | Report

The Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Jenfan Muswere has dismissed the state-owned Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) board, reported The NewsHawks.

This comes after two television presenters claimed live on air, that Ndebele King Lobengula Khumalo sold the country’s mineral resources to British imperialists for sugar.

The presenters, Farai Juliet Magada and Victoria Manase have reportedly been suspended for saying colonialism was justified to some extent and repeating the falsehood that King Lobengula sold the country to the United Kingdom for sugar.

The NewsHawks reported sources as saying Muswere fired the Dr Josaya Tai-led board over several key performance, oversight and corporate governance issues at ZBC, as well as the tribally divisive remarks by the two female presenters. Said the source:

The minister (Muswere) has dismissed the ZBC board and got the acting ZBC chief (currently standing in for Adelaide Chikunguru away on holiday leave) to suspend those two ignorant presenters who are peddling old tribal myths and lies on national television. Their show was scandalous.

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Interestingly, one of the presenters (Magada) is the lady who was entangled in the messy Robson Mhandu sex scandal at ZBC.

A video clip of the presenters has now gone viral with them discussing historical issues about the end of apartheid in South Africa in 1994.

The discussion, which they described as trivia, focuses on South Africa, colonialism and slavery.

During the discussion, the presenters made the remarks that sparked outrage.

The sacked ZBC board, chaired by Tai, included Thomas Bvuma, Tsitsi Dangarembizi, Heliate Rushwaya, Dorothy Mabika, Devnanda Popatla, Reverend Thompson Dube and Brian Mutangandebvu.

More: Pindula News



Ghetto Prophet · 1 year ago
Ndoo kurova tsuro negwenzi rayo shame.. Uchitot basa uri kuita nemazvo subordinate yokudzingisa kkk.. Kungot kushandira munhu hakuchaita these days, anenge achingotsvaga mhosva
Thandiswa Nxumalo · 1 year ago
Vele kuryt bebe suspended bayazenzisa yinto abangayikhuluma yonaleyi...It shows ukuthi bangama tribalists forgetting ukuthi different tribes watch ZBC
Dj TECH · 1 year ago
handichaziva zvakanyatsoitika naking lobhe manje ,history yandisiya ummm Inga ma1
skun · 1 year ago
eish zvakaoma ..kudzingirwa lobez ma1.. nyaya yakatanga neya chabengula and now we r here..zvakaoma..lobez powerful even after his demise.. I doubt any1 is going to go outa line after this.. pakaipa...
. · 1 year ago
who cares only numbskulls and dead bits watch ztv
Saint · 1 year ago
trying to bootlick Ndebeles, asifuni bumbulu zinja
mm · 1 year ago
ko team iri haripihwi mascript here b4 presentation
lemon · 1 year ago
but hazvina here kinyorwa muHistory books kutishukandiyoyakapinyoresazviroo so kana zvakanyorwa they were just airing from the book without editing .
Bhuru · 1 year ago
Hazvina pazvakanyorwa izvi chero ukaenda kupi it's just oral history nothing written, correct me if im wrong mondiudzawo kwamakazviverenga
maparamuro · 1 year ago
Fix the education system so that it is pro Zimbabwe and pro Zimbabweans. This lie was in the history books of the past and those who were taught this lie were never taught the correction. Our education content is pro west and anti Africa. If this content is not fixed we will never develop as Africans.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
@Bhuru, chiitai appeal zvamajaira ne CCC nana Chamisa kuti sei CEO asina kudzigwawo. Unozivei nezvema structures e ZBC kana mashandiro avo?
Bhuru · 1 year ago
Your problem is you look at everything with a ZANUPF mind, you are not open minded saka handina nguva newe
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Inini handiteerere ZBC kana kuona TV yacho nokuti zvandiona nemeso angu pandinofamba ndicho chokwadi chezvirikuitika muNyika....
I watch Zbc · 1 year ago
Ma presenters acho manyama kanii Iii
😎 · 1 year ago
Saka I chokwadi ka kuti nyika yakatengeswawo ne chewing gum na Lobengula, This is absurd, they talk ill of Ana Mbuya Nehanda, but when it comes to us saying anything about Lobengula, they get hysterical to flight on social media and make appeals to their seccenistical movements to thwart what they incline to tribal and the gukura era the only thing charging all this mayhemals are SANCTIONS full to f... Word stop Presenters only made content available and even now so many are seeking the video containing such and at least people are now aware there's aZBC TV to watch, Ana Jenfan this is no big issue to talk about and we grew up knowing that kuti it was in fact chewing gum when they were playing or gambling with the land, that why wacina enyamalelele cause murungu fo each sweet he at and finish it was worth furlong, so many sweets North and East were measuring furlong our Lobengula remained in one place trying struggling finish his only sweet, that, to day, turned out to be a chewing gum The simplicity of the narrative is was robbed, whichever way, it doesn't matter so its immature to couple this with firing those presenters with one was on a pending issue nezve gender it's unfair
👆👆👆 · 1 year ago
this i.d.i.o.t 🙉🙉🙉
Nyasha · 1 year ago
Hanzy muboard radzingwa muna Heliata Rushwaya 🤔I hama ya Henrietta Rushwaya or just kungofanana kwemazita
Bhuru · 1 year ago
Young sister yacho
Bhuru · 1 year ago
The board which has nothing to do with daily operations of the broadcaster has been fired, we are not told about the CEO & COO and their executive who are responsible for daily operations, the presenters themselves have been suspended of which are the chief culprits, interesting developments, remember the board is appointed by the minister & this minister who fired it is new hez not the 1 who appointed it, i feel that politics is at play
Ndini · 1 year ago
Lobengula Nehanda. didn't have 5 o levels. didn't have WiFi didn't have laptop didn't have cellphone didn't have jeans so what's your problem with these dead useless guys
Ndini · 1 year ago
kkkkkk we just reading frompindula we don't watch Zbc who cares what's happening at ZBC we don't even know what the presenters or the board members whether they are all ED relatives in any event Zanu is tribal that's in their constitution
Ndini · 1 year ago
kkkkkk we just reading frompindula we don't watch Zbc who cares what's happening at ZBC we don't even know what the presenters or the board members whether they are all ED relatives in any event Zanu is tribal that's in their constitution
ba two · 1 year ago
zve Zbc kungodzingawo vanhu basa kwagara Hakuna basa changosara izita but handifunge Kuti it still has good audience at all ngavaende Ku Joza havashaye basa
defeat of the west in Ukraine · 1 year ago
they deserve it
chembere · 1 year ago
I support you wangu this country belongs to all tribes they want to divide vanu those Ladies ngavadzingwe
Xxxclan · 1 year ago
Nyaya ya Robson Mhandu yakazopera seyi. Maybe yakatoitwa swept under the carpet seya Susan na MwenePfee
zelensky 🇺🇦 · 1 year ago
ukaona zvinotaurwa ne ma presentations inoitwa ne sabc vs zbc zvakasiya sabc vonotaura zvavanoda kuna kushora anc.❓😄😄😄
ladoman · 1 year ago
such utterance cause squables, political upheaval and intolerance, therefore we shun such divisive pathes
doodles · 1 year ago
Iam absolutely stumped by this development, such out right malice, on national television.....I myself dont buy the narrative that it was out of ignorance that the so called presenters nuanced mediocre tribalistic leanings. Thats deliberate pre meditated hate speech.....they need to get fired too and prosecuted
😎 · 1 year ago
Apa you simply drooling to get charged tribally you are not the only tribe Zimbabwe s got but because you want attention you knick such lame points to thrive your alterior motive recently we did see a gay Gayton, making noise at borders with authorities whether trying to sneak into the country through undefined border entries and denouncing his/her nationality which is Zimbabwean, but so many knew him growing up in the Midlands, anyway, its good riddance cause status yacho its a disgrace really
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Marombe akabva awedzera pa statistics. ZBC yagara yakadhakwa plus hakuna mari svinu uko. ZBC yagara ine corruption kudhara. It's better if the presenters look for jobs elsewhere maybe ku Botswana or Lesotho kana ku Asia nekuti many Asian countries need people who speak good English
🌀🌀🌀🌀 BLUE CYCLONE 💙 · 1 year ago
haaaa ibga zvaratopera basa ZBC,,, chimwe chinhu chinodzingisa basa taura nezvaChamisa rinopera kuseni seni like this
Tambaoga · 1 year ago
iyoyo ipoint umwe rinopera akapinda munzara
lobengula · 1 year ago
haa saka zvinodzingisa munhu basa here izvozvo mhatä iwe ,iyo Zbc inomboshamisireiko zvekuti munoita basa munhu uchitotya kusasa zvaunoda ,handika ndoentertainment yachona here
· 1 year ago
mampentsha · 1 year ago
how did the 2 so ignorant presenters get the slot on such important historical topics? are they qualified/authorities in the subjects they were discussing on air,to a national audience and probably international audience kana kurikuti pane vekunze nanoteerera ZBC? chii chorikumboitika ku ZBC?
Romnive investments · 1 year ago
Zvakanaka wani
Joker · 1 year ago
Ko board isinei ne day to day operations yadzingwa asi CEO & other executives vasara? Interesting
Ngwere chaiyo · 1 year ago
zvakaoma xuwa,,,basa kungopera nekuda kwalobengula akafa waz,,,ndezve chinhechekende izvi
Short reipapo · 1 year ago
ahhh ndokwatasvika 😂😂😂😂😂😂midzimu isna skiri inokudzingisa basa gore richitanga..
laugh emoji2
Tambaoga · 1 year ago
amana musatambe naLobhe.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Issue yandinowona iripo ndeye lack of training and lack of preparation. The presenters acted like lay people or phone in commentators or contributors. A commentator could say that, then the presenters would have to play a moderation role. So its as if they were just told at short notice without any planning or preparation to go and sit in the room and present a program.
Alheit · 1 year ago
Robson Mhandu let's meet to celebrate the fall of Pharaoh Juliet Magada. Inonzi back to sender

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