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ZBC Presenters To Face Disciplinary Action Over King Lobengula Comments - Mangwana

1 year agoWed, 10 Jan 2024 10:00:54 GMT
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ZBC Presenters To Face Disciplinary Action Over King Lobengula Comments - Mangwana

The permanent secretary of the Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Nick Mangwana said the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) will take appropriate action against two presenters who made controversial comments about King Lobengula and colonialism live on air.

ZBC presenter Victoria Manase, and Farai Magada, who was a co-host on last Wednesday’s Good Morning Zimbabwe (GMZ), are under scrutiny following their remarks.

Speaking last week live on air as they discussed apartheid in South Africa, Manase claimed that King Lobengula was enticed with sugar into selling his lands to colonialists.

Magada argued that despite its “ills” colonialism was a necessary evil as they could now “sit in front of cameras and wear proper clothes not nhembe.”

In a post on X (formerly Twitter), Mangwana said King Lobengula was deceived by Europeans into signing a mineral concession, that became known as the Rudd Concession, adding that “The sugar nonsense is just that.” He wrote:

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Now to those who argue that this brought positivity to the people of Zimbabwe and future generations, there is nothing original about this banal argument.

In 2017 Helen Zille of South Africa had to apologise after she said there were positive legacies of colonialism such as “piped water, transport infrastructure and an independent judiciary”.

Colonialism dehumanized people, made them subjects to a foreign-based monarch, changed their way of life and pillaged their resources.

Can an African American argue there are positive legacies of slavery because slavery made them Americans? Of course, that’s a very heightened level of ignorance.

There was nothing wrong with the African way of life. There was nothing wrong with the African economic system.

There was nothing wrong with the African’s Religious systems and certainly nothing wrong with the African’s dressing.

The administrative issues around a related trending issue will be dealt with by the institution. It is adequately equipped with codes, rules and guidelines to deploy.

Asked by one of his followers to “just reproach what those ladies said and make them apologize, then fire them”, Mangwana said:

You are the same person who will immediately turn around and say the Perm Sec is interfering with the running of the ZBC, corporate governance blah blah. I said the issue will be dealt with by the institution.

Mangwana was also asked to give updates on disciplinary action against the presenters to which he responded:

I am not the employer. Their employer will take the necessary action.

The decades-old narrative suggests Lobengula, the king of the Ndebele people in what is present-day Zimbabwe, made a deal with British imperialists in the late 19th century, trading mineral rights for sugar. This has been dismissed by historians as false.

Historians say King Lobengula was made to sign the mineral concession whose contents were not fully and truthfully explained to him by a white missionary Charles Helm, who spoke Ndebele fluently and was the intepreter.

More: Pindula News



Sunata · 1 year ago
Inga makatidzidzisa ku history kuchikoro primary and secondary wani pataikura paye haisi mhosva yavo.blame it on history lessons Mangwana
Tshabangu · 1 year ago
utiini mfazi
Ndini · 1 year ago
Anonymous l don't have socks so lhave nothing. to pull prove to me good example Tshabangu Obert mpofu really baboons watching. ****o
Ndini · 1 year ago
Anonymous l don't have socks so lhave nothing. to pull prove to me good example Tshabangu Obert mpofu really baboons watching. ****o
Ndini · 1 year ago
Anonymous l don't have socks so lhave nothing. to pull prove to me good example Tshabangu Obert mpofu really baboons watching. ****o
Ndini · 1 year ago
Anonymous l don't have socks so lhave nothing. to pull prove to me good example Tshabangu Obert mpofu really baboons watching. ****o
nc · 1 year ago
sugar yes tarisai zviri kuita Chabangu
👀 · 1 year ago
Is that the colour of the carpet kana kuti kubvaruka?
u · 1 year ago
Shona people you see ndebele people semabharanzi
Agara · 1 year ago
Ma bharanzi, it was said Lobengula was conned into this signing ka Xa kale that's was just another level of ****ity, hubharanzi chaiwo Then ava votaura zve shuga zvavo ava they get a severe punishment kukunda yema descendants a Lobengula, what the hell is that, what's so glorious nekutengesa nyika netvigiri zvayo vamwe they say it was actually a bubblegum that he chewed forever, measuring a furlong against the sweet being chowed by colonialist
· 1 year ago
Musazvinetsa henyu hakusisna achiri kuona zbc takuona zvimwe zvnotarisika kwete mahumbwe
🌀🌀🌀🌀 BLUE CYCLONE 💙 · 1 year ago
vadzingwa basa vakdzi ava
Bhuru · 1 year ago
I know Nick Mangwana & this whole cabale very well, he just commented bcoz of the public outcry but that's the end of it, you will never hear about the story again & about what happened, he is a permanent secretary in a ministry, why is ZBC themselves not commenting, they shud have issued an apology by now, hear me well nothing will be done about this & you will continue seeing these ladies on the program without apologies or anything
Anonymous · 1 year ago
There is no consequens to this because its how the presenters know the history albeit flawed.
Jimu · 1 year ago
it just talking why hait worker vanhu ngavataure ziripo hazvina kuitika here tisasarudze zvekutaura hakusikutuka
Anonymous · 1 year ago
@king Selassie, there is nothing special about watching other News channels beside ZBC TV. Infact it shows that you are a brain washed puppet. Ivo vacho varungu havatodi nezvenyu but imi takarazima kumhanyira zvevarungu. Say I don't watch, not We do not watch. Ndiwe wega usingaoni ZBC TV.
ten hug · 1 year ago
imi sekuri anonymous zvenyu zviri primitive and monopoly siyai vanhu vachi criticizerZBC which is in favor of zanu pf chero winky d vanomurambira ma songs. you zanu blood sucker!!!!!!!!
@Anonymous · 1 year ago
wonai mega ztv yenyu hatione **** isu ndochii ichocho mediocre everyday
ten hug · 1 year ago
dai murikutaura nezva munangagwa kut anga ari included pagukurahwindi taitoti zvimwe nani manje Lobengula watingazibe isu 2k
. · 1 year ago
just leave them be we dont watch ztv and those who do, don't take anyone there serious
terminator · 1 year ago
beauty without brains
Ndini · 1 year ago
The truth hates Ndebele tribe are a problem
Anonymous · 1 year ago
,,,😅😅😅😅😅 the truth hates!!! Iwe Ndini!!! Pull up your socks😂😂😂😂😂😂
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Is it because they don't support Zanu
Pipiro · 1 year ago
the defeat of the west in Ukraine · 1 year ago
Fire them
Me · 1 year ago
Those ladies are beautiful, unfortunately they have no brains.
... · 1 year ago
Their attempt to impress Zanu Pf backfired.
Chaka · 1 year ago
We want an independent society where people have freedom of speech and idiology. Could someone have been biased in their discussion she need to be corrected. Why being punished. The next thing we crave very much about is a discussion in regard of this gvt with its leadership.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Very correct Chaka. I also take exception to the idea Lobengula sold the country for sugar and trinkets. Lobengula was under duress. Whether he signed agreements or haf decided not to sign, the settlers already had made up minds, had plans and knew they had the force. However, as you say, no o e should be punished for wrongful thinking. Actually, thatis the wrong story I also learnt from primary school to secondary school history, so its natural to have people taking it word for word as the correct narrative.
verbatim · 1 year ago
Lobengula kaMatchobana was very foolish to exchange his birthright with sugar so why are you protecting his ****ity
sad emoji1
Dilated people · 1 year ago
To them an attack or mockery to their King of yore years they go beserk but if they attack other Kings and our Mbuya nehanda its glorious, Demo rino kanganwa muti waratema but muti haurikanganwe
mm · 1 year ago
mabika chale akomboitambwa gore riya afarira okocha
makatuni · 1 year ago
mabika akavhura hombe asingazivi Kuti chinyavada chichaita sechaakukutiza chinokuruma nekumuswe choisa uturu wobva Wafa woiswa mumochari wonzi post mortem wobva wadhedhwa ma ma organs AKO Ono ongororwa
mampentsha · 1 year ago
for the first time in his life, Mangwana has said sensible staff. he does set the record straight about this sugar nonsense. the statement by the two ZBC presenters was inflammatory and can invite genocide and therefore can not go unpunished.
· 1 year ago
Genocide was perpetrated against the Ndebele nation in 1982, not because of senseless utterances but because someone was hell bent on establishing a one-party-state.
makudhipisa · 1 year ago
siyanai nekudhipisa hazvisi Boe because tikazodhipisawo munoti eke siyanai nawo madhipisi munonyura zvamuchose don't dhipisa
Anonymous · 1 year ago
So is there no freedom, od speech in Zimbabwe? Thought not!
kaffir · 1 year ago
No wonder they are paid peanuts because they do not the capacity to think.
· 1 year ago
Asi kuri kunyepa here kuti Lobengula sold land "Nxale eMadhleamammgundwana..." whom he termed "his cattle" for sugar, muskets, Champagne for his sister, Ningi and £200..."?
Teeman😎 · 1 year ago
we all know that he sold it.but why say it on air they wanted to prove what by saying it pamhepo wazviwana zvawaitsvaga

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