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38 000 Tonnes Of Grain Stuck At Beitbridge Border Post

1 year agoThu, 11 Jan 2024 08:06:03 GMT
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38 000 Tonnes Of Grain Stuck At Beitbridge Border Post

38 000 metric tonnes of grain imports are stuck at the Beitbridge border post because of issues with the VAT requirements, which kicked off this week, reported Business Times.

Speaking during a tour of the Dendairy dairy farm in Kwekwe this week, the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water, and Rural Development Anxious Masuka, said the nation should prepare for shortages of mealie meal because of the new fiscal policies. Said Masuka:

You should be prepared for grain shortages because grain millers are having problems importing grain due to the tax and other new requirements that have come into effect.

Right now, we have 38 000 metric tonnes (of grain) that are stuck at the Beitbridge border because of new VAT requirements and ITF263 issues.

The new fiscal measures that came into effect with the 2024 national budget include tighter tax clearance certificate (ITF263) and Value Added Tax (VAT) requirements for businesses.

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On Tuesday, Grain Millers Association of Zimbabwe (GMAZ) president Tafadzwa Musarara told NewsDay that they have imported more than 200 000 metric tonnes of maize since October 20023 and can supply enough maize meal to consumers.

Speaking during a tour of the National Foods Holdings Limited facilities in Harare also on Tuesday this week, Lands and Agriculture Deputy Minister Vangelis Haritatos said the country has adequate grain in stock. 

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 1 year ago
Ko chakaendepi chibage chiye chainzi is abundance from last year's harvest
Anonymous · 1 year ago
This is so disturbing getting conflicting information from the minister concerning the maize issue.How should people brace for shortages while the president assured the nation that the nation is secured as far as grain is concerned. Secondly the government of the day doesn't have people at heart on the basis of not telling the truth. Once liars will continue doing so.lidlala ngabantu .
sekai · 1 year ago
vanoedza ma plans ese asi chabuda hapana.
Papabhungie · 1 year ago
Taizviziva hedu kuti vanhu vakuudzwa nhema naanaGarwe nezuro chaivako chinosvikq pakukohwa jiki jkki hakusisina chaastucker muroad ,chichibvep
George Dube · 1 year ago
As long as Zanu pf is in government nothing will ever come right in Zimbabwe.
Kwa Lunga · 1 year ago
Grain should be exempt from tax. It's a basic need. Are people going to starve while grain is rotting at the border?
Anonymous · 1 year ago
We imported 200 000 metric tonnes of maize but we were told Zimbabwe is food secure cause we harvested enough so why are we importing
Shameful · 1 year ago
Lies, lies and more damm lies. Will the government ever tell the truth.
skun · 1 year ago
which politician in your lifetime that you know that speaks the truth.. tikutambiswa nevanhu Ava.. mazimbo muri softaz APA zvichaora ikoko then what
XXX · 1 year ago
kusarongeka muhurumende last time minister was saying we have a 9months stock in the countrys GMB and was monitoring distribution maizemeal ,today what are u saying . Confusion yegayega
· 1 year ago
... confusion, ndipo panoti ZANU
Strategic ambiguity · 1 year ago
This is so confusing and undecisive, one end there's enough grains, there's plenty mealie meal, now we being told to brace for shortages really already whooping cough, Barely few months Russia sent grains, another month grain export to Rwanda, Grain export🧐🙄😳 so confusing what is the state of grains at the moment.. 🤷‍♂️ We know El nino is upon us not Zimbabweans alone but the rest of Southern Africa but already we are crying out louder before bereavement El nino is showing signs but yatove nzara declared Strategic Ambiguity is devil's advocate its conflicting interests, why, the minister is at Dendairy plant and brings up this bracelets for shortages and Vat issues, obviously he's keen interests in supply of Dairy products and the grain stocks get depleted too to feed dairy cows So National foods I stocks might get channeled to stock feeds, Hapana chakaipa but our sadza is only staple food zve tea ine mukaka kuseri kwemba
Ndini · 1 year ago
Only yesterday government officials said we have enough grain indicating left when turning right
Fifi · 1 year ago
Importing hehe seka zvako mhandara yekwana Chivanga
Jue Saidi · 1 year ago
who is the chairman of sadc now
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Angolian president
maparamuro · 1 year ago
Chihurumende chembavha ichi zvakaoma. We had bumper harvest the last two season and yet we have never stopped importing grain. One official says there is enough grain the other says prepare for shortages. Confusion never gets worse than this.
🚩 · 1 year ago
So that's the reason causing this maize meal shortages across the country apa the people are being told that GMB has got enough reserves to run up to the next harvest 😁
· 1 year ago
Takamboudzwa kuti nyika got a bumper harvest last year, to last us three years. Lo chakaenda kupiko chibage chacho? ZANU igonyepai muchisiya zvemangwana.

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