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Police Block CCC Marches Against Tshabangu Recalls

1 year agoThu, 11 Jan 2024 06:10:16 GMT
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Police Block CCC Marches Against Tshabangu Recalls

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has blocked planned protests by “Concerned Citizens”, who are members of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) led by Nelson Chamisa.

Concerned Citizens had notified the ZRP of their intentions to hold peaceful protests on Tuesday across the country over the recall of CCC legislators and ZANU PF’s victory in the August 2023 elections.

Police said the applications failed to meet the provisions of the Maintenance of Peace and Order (MOPO) Act.

In a letter dated 03 January 2024, Officer Commanding Hurungwe District, Superintendent Kezias Karuru advised the convener of the demonstrations, Mathew Chapfura to comply with the law in his application. He wrote:

Reference is made to your notification dated December 30, 2023 on the above subject. This office is not able to take action on your notice as it lacks the requisite averments.

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The Maintenance of Peace and Order Act is explicit on what constitutes a notice and averments required of the notice. Please comply with the law.

ZRP spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi told NewsDay in an interview on Wednesday, 10 January, that the approval of notifications to conduct demonstrations is usually determined by the “existing situation” on the ground and by the security assessment of the regulating authority. Said Asst Comm Nyathi:

Organisations and entities intending to conduct processions or demonstrations should comply in full with the provisions of The Maintenance of Peace and Order Act Chapter 11:23.

This includes the official appointment of a convener, engagement with local regulating authority and interaction with other stakeholders among other requirements which include the safety and security of the community especially other people not involved in the procession or gathering.

In this regard, the Zimbabwe Republic Police implores organisations and their entities to fully familiarise themselves with the provisions of the Maintenance of Peace and Order Act Chapter 11:23 and to notify the regulatory authority about their gathering.

The approval of notifications will be determined by the existing situation on the ground and by the security assessment of the regulating authority.

Convener of the planned demonstrations in Hurungwe District, Chapfura told NewsDay that they intended to march peacefully in protest over the recalls and the “sham” 23 August 2023 elections. He said:

We intended to march along the streets with placards to register our disgruntlement over the unlawful recalls of elected legislators from Parliament.

We are in protest of the by-elections. They are illegal. If we are to have an election we have to start afresh under free and fair conditions. We wanted to protest against Mr Mnangagwa’s victory because the election was a sham.

We wanted it to be a peaceful protest in full compliance with the law, that is, with the presence of the security officers, and marshals among other things.

Dozens of CCC legislators and councillors were recalled by Sengezo Tshabangu, a controversial party activist who claims to be CCC’s interim secretary general.

Tshabangu initiated the recalls on the pretext that the elected officials were imposed on the electorate and had subsequently ceased to be CCC members.

Meanwhile, the ZRP has reportedly blocked more than 100 of the opposition party’s planned gatherings for allegedly failing to comply with the MOPO Act.

More: Pindula News



sorry · 1 year ago
vanhu vese vanozviita vanoziva sterek muZimbabwe gadzirisai Mari iyo hamusi kuona kut vana veZimbabwe tatambura hr nemari yenyu iyo musangwarira kutidzidzisa chirungu pano paPindula
kuitisana · 1 year ago
ini handichada zvokuitiswa im done voting zvakatokwana 2023 itayi mega
Mhereyenyoka · 1 year ago
Jachurawachachura hari yemangai haina pamusoroi
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Waste of time applying to demonstrate
Ben · 1 year ago
Xabhangu conman jawakadya chamuka mbava
Ndini · 1 year ago
Tshabangu is showing ED that he is not in charge how can a president dance to Tshabangu songs Tshabangu is the DJ and ED is on dancefloor e kokotsha kkk it's not Chamisa on dance floor
Bhomora Zvekuti · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣 Tshabangu is going to suffer hell on earth very soon. He won't survive 2024 something terrible is going to happen to him
· 1 year ago
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Kana maita ma so called peaceful demos zvozodii? Hausikuona kuti you are wasting your time. No one will give a damn nazvo. You think pane achauya kubva kunze kweZimbabwe kuzopindira nyaya dzemuno. Forget and smile. Hoyoooo
🚩 · 1 year ago
Zvozvoitika azvinei newe baba... nyarara.
SegNyati · 1 year ago
ZRP to demonstrate against retirement at age 50 with no meaningful pension.
🚩 · 1 year ago
The wicked are red eyed... the stigma of electoral fraud is reigning in Zanu pf, bayesaba amagwala. Tshabangu is an illegitimate Zanu pf structure being forced on the CCC.
maparamuro · 1 year ago
Tshabangu is a member of CCC, why march against him and not just expel him from the party? Organisation have disciplinary procedures and measures, why is CCC failing to invoke it's internal processes as happens in all normal organisations most of all political parties? What are we missing here?
@maparamuro. · 1 year ago
Tshabangu haasi weCCC, ndeweZANU.
· 1 year ago
Nhaiwe maparamuro, akakuudza kuti CCC ine chigaro chinonzi Secretary General ndiani?
maparamuro · 1 year ago
Good people if he is not as you say why did Chamisa, the only constitutionally recognised official of the party sign an affidavit to that effect and submit it to the courts? Takaomberera strategic ambiguity, ne structureless and constitutionless as innovations against better judgement from vana Magaisa and others who understood the law governing institutions better, today it's coming back to bite us. Intelligent people look back at their mistakes, acknowledge them and make corrections and then move forward. One has to be extremely naive to accept the narrative that Chamisa does not know Tshabangu and that Tshabangu is not CCC. Hazvishande. There is no such thing as a one man party. The strategy was wrong and failed dismally. Manup and make corrections. Staera yekuti kana vanhu manetsana matadza kuwirirana motanga kuti uyu hatimuzive haina production iyi.
Ndini · 1 year ago
It's better to be a tool of rich wealthy good hospitals. western countries than to be a tool of a donkey if you don't need west why ask sanctions to be lifted
gf · 1 year ago
ukanyora neshona unofa here bhururu
@gf · 1 year ago
Zvinongooneka kuti chikoro dololo. Dzokera kuChindunduma Upper Top neBorder Gezi Institute of Green Bombers
zim · 1 year ago
iwe unodireyi kuita teacher pa pindula tibvirepo
comments readers association of Zimbabwe · 1 year ago
we have noted with concern the exodus of learned and progressive commentators on pindula who contributed to the development of the nation through informed and well organised comments on political social and economic aspects of the nation .However with the remaining commentators ,nothing said the better .we urge all commentors to be familiar with the purposes of media and conduct themselves as such . yours faithfully .goodfighter (interim SG)
Ton · 1 year ago
Vagona mapurisa maDemo emuZim anonetsera kuti haana maResults asi kutoti vamwewo maZimba arikuedza kuita business ndiwo anoitwa Looting nekukanganiswa kushanda nekurovesa vanhu nemboma nemapurisa ndiyo outcome yeDemo yemuZim. Plus pane mbavha dzinenge dzakamirira Demo iyoyo kuti vakwanise kuLooter saka ipapo panobva panetsa coz Gvt inozongoti vanhu veCCC vakalooter zvinhu purpose yeDemo yacho yoshaya basa
Vybz Kartel · 1 year ago
No comment
Yoyoyo · 1 year ago
😁😁 Ya good June cholera plus isu ve ccc tofarira kuita wiwi pese pese
🦊 · 1 year ago
Sometimes it is good to hide your ****ity. You don't even know which month the article is talking about

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