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HomeElections In Zimbabwe

ZANU PF Parliamentary Candidate Says Foreign Medical Trips Must Be Banned

1 year agoSun, 21 Jan 2024 15:03:35 GMT
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ZANU PF Parliamentary Candidate Says Foreign Medical Trips Must Be Banned

An aspiring Member of Parliament, Joseph Tshuma, who is the ZANU PF candidate for Tshabalala-Phelandaba in the upcoming 03 February by-elections, has said Government officials including President Emmerson Mnangagwa should be banned from going outside Zimbabwe for medical treatment.

Speaking during a media conference held in Bulawayo on Wednesday last week, Tshuma also criticised Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) MPs for disrupting proceedings in Parliament regularly resulting in their ejection.

He dismissed claims that the ZANU PF-led government has neglected Matabeleland arguing that the region lacked representation. Said Tshuma (via the Southern Eye):

We have got Members of Parliament who have gone there to sit, not representing us. People think that if one goes to Parliament and speaks about issues you become anti-ZANU PF. ZANU PF is there for the people so that they get the best in their country.

I can dare you right now. If I go to Parliament, my first speech and first proposal is to ban all ministers and even the President himself, from going to seek medical treatment outside the country.

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I want them to know that when they fall sick they must go to Mpilo or Parirenyatwa hospitals.

No one should go outside the country. Let’s all get treated here, that is how you get your country fixed.

I am not being anti-ZANU PF by saying that we want functional health systems.

Zimbabwe’s political and business elites generally seek medical assistance at foreign hospitals due to the country’s dilapidated healthcare delivery system characterised by an acute shortage of basic medicines.

More: Pindula News



🚩 · 1 year ago
Chiwenga would not approve of that nonsense
Gold Mafia · 1 year ago
Chiwenga introduced that as Health Minister. He was also the first official to disregard his own directive. The directive was never reversed, so it still stands.
one · 1 year ago
Mugabe ndicho chakakonera all this ****
one · 1 year ago
Mugabe ndicho chakakonera all this ****
Champion · 1 year ago
VaTshuma, you're not the first to say this, so it's aping. Zanu Pf Number 2 said that as policy. He was the first person to be flown out to China soon after saying that.
cid · 1 year ago
**** wanzwa kunze torapwa bho.pls kune zvakakwana muno muney
cid · 1 year ago
**** wanzwa kunze torapwa bho.pls kune zvakakwana muno muney
haize · 1 year ago
kutaura kwemunhu asati apindaa muparliament machina kana vavemo ndovachatanga kunorapwaa hosha dzavagara vaiinadzo kudharaa
super · 1 year ago
chokwadi hachiputsi ukama
bounty hunter · 1 year ago
kkkkkk this guy is a CCC...
@Vhedza · 1 year ago
Tichadzidza rinhi kuti kana munhu ataura sense we applaud him/her ? Yes the best is to oppose as we are opposition. Pakaipa
maparamuro · 1 year ago
Takatoremara 😅😂🤣🤣 if zanupf says we need good roads and streets we must say noooo😂🤣 if they say we need a functional health delivery system we must say noooo😅😂😂🤣kupenga chaiko
Anonymous · 1 year ago
It's all because they have had 43yrs to fix these things and they have not. We just don't believe them anymore. It's just like when muroyi says everyone is entitled to be on earth until their natural span, we just don't believe it coming from muroyi, good as it may be. In fact we begin to think that he wants to waylay us and attack when we least expect. As for the aspiring MP, this is how not to behave in ZANU PF. Whether he gets the seat or not, his sunset in the part has begun. You do t do that withZANU. im actually sure he ie a jonny co.e late, has not yet mastered the rules kkkkk.
Zanu pf · 1 year ago
akudzingwa mu party manje manje soooo
🚩 · 1 year ago
Doesn't make sense, what if I go as a visitor ndichirapiwa ngemali yangu zvangu.
ctzn · 1 year ago
true ,100%
Vybz Kartel · 1 year ago
No comment 😂😂😂
After · 1 year ago
After he gets the parliamentary positions he will be gone poof like dust
Anonymous · 1 year ago
We will keep an eye on this person and see how far he gets or how long he lasts. My money is on about 6 months after he is elected.
ostallos · 1 year ago
that's my seat

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