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Selmor Shares Her Father Oliver Mtukudzi's Roora List He Paid In Rhodesia Dollars

1 year agoTue, 23 Jan 2024 15:53:07 GMT
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Selmor Shares Her Father Oliver Mtukudzi's Roora List He Paid In Rhodesia Dollars

Musician Selmor Mtukudzi has posted her late father Oliver Mtukudzi’s roora/lobola (bride price) list his in-laws asked him to pay when he married his first wife, Melody Murape.

Melody Murape is Selmor’s mother.

According to a calculation done by, Mtukudzi was asked to pay 523 Rhodesian dollars.

At the time the roora list was drafted (1978), one British pound was equivalent to two Rhodesian dollars, which translates to a total of GBP262.50.

Using the Bank of England’s inflation calculator, that is £1 370.31. In USD, that is $1 741.20, reported

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Oliver Mtukudzi roora Selmor Mtukudzi

Today marks the fifth anniversary of Mtukudzi’s death. The legendary musician passed away on 23 January 2019 from diabetes.

Hundreds of popular people, fellow musicians and other prominent people attended his funeral.

Mtukudzi was declared a National Hero on 24 January 2019. His family, however, decided to bury him in Madziva.

More: Pindula News



mago · 1 year ago
mwanasikana uyo watuku arikushandiswa na melody ndiye akamupa list iroro tinozviziva melody ndiye first wife yatuku hatinei nazvo izvo go to heal
icho · 1 year ago
selmor tikwanire unobuditsa list reroora rababa kuti zvigodii wadii waburitsa list rako iwewe urikuda kutsvaga mbiri yausina melody na tuku vakanga vakarambana
uyo · 1 year ago
melody akanga akaramba tuku usatinyaudze anemge achifunga kuti Ari kuwachisa daisy but daisy ndiye Ari panyanga sorry selmor
Tuku · 1 year ago
Selmor arikutsvaga mbiri ne attention anobuditsa roora raBaba kuti zvidii, iye muridzi waro Tuku hapana paakambotaura nezvazvo, Selmor ngaashande nesimba Music yake inomupambiri yaarikuda iyo kwete kuramba owana attention neZita raTuku. Kana zvanetsa she should admit kuti akajambira music iye asina chipo chacho okurumidza kuita zvaanogona nguva yacho ichiripo coz time is running out
Amen · 1 year ago
selmour anotorwara nepfungwa uyo
brust · 1 year ago
eh zvava 0rivha tazvinzwa chero zvisinei nesu ko oye musikana yake list yaakaroorwa iripi ngaaibudise
Adiola Mavis · 1 year ago
Pakaipa apo
.... · 1 year ago
Pindula comments dzinorakidza kuti kufunga chaiko hachisi chipo chemunhu wese ndosaka zanupf ichiri kutonga 43 years after independence. Education yedu haiv**** vanhu pfungwa .
Ehe hatisi kuramba kuti list tariona but iye tuku akazouya akabvisa here roora iro or ndoraakatiza akazonoroora daisy
@pindula · 1 year ago
zvekuroora kwatuku inews here. Get other journalists if the current ones only get news from social media that is not verified and its useless.
Pindulian · 1 year ago
I news baba . thanks VaZuze nekujekesa
PR · 1 year ago
@zuze thanks for your explanation I was also lost kuti mwana wa Tuku arikuti chii
Mahla · 1 year ago
Mozotipawo maResults EChele
Nnn · 1 year ago
Mauritania 1 Algeria 0 Angola 2 Burkina Faso 0
mc · 1 year ago
handizvo zvavari kureva mhani iwe
. · 1 year ago
@Ghetto prophet sugar yacho iri kumbozvivhura yega here hanty ndimi vanhu vacho.mazuvano zvitori mufashion
XXX · 1 year ago
I do.not understand what Selmor is trying to potray of her father's marriage. Is she saying too little was paid for her mother or a lot of money was paid f6 her. Selmors mother was married appropriately at that amount of roora. It was valued appropriately at that much in those days. She should not complain on behalf of her mother. EHE ICHO !!!!!
Zuze · 1 year ago
@XXX You got it all wrong my brother. What the inflation adjusters cannot tell you is the value of the money then. I estimate that we are in the same age range and you will appreciate my intended correction. i was in boarding school In 1978, and boarding a school bus @Mbare, bread was retailing at "koroni zviviri" (25cents for 2 loaves). Roughly a loaf today is US$1. With $1 then you could buy 8 loaves. So my own estimate is that to get the real value of that roora you multiply that by 8 (EIGHT). It means in Purchase Price Parity (PPP), Tuku paid approximately 8 x US$1,700 = IS$13,700, which given the earnings at the time was a hefty sum. Ti give you an indication, my father was a reasonably good earner @Rh$54 per months, my boarding school fees gobbled a princely Rh$18 per term (Full unifors included). My bus fare to school from a rural area 100km outside of Harare was a princely 12½cents (equivalent of one loaf of bread)!
Ini Zvangu · 1 year ago
Spot on @Zuze, at Independence, 1980, a loaf of bread was exactly 12.5 cents. The Rhodesia dollar was equal to US$3. Even under Chidzero the Economy was quite stable such that you could save and budget. Unfortunately in came Vene Mitapa and the rest is disaster
· 1 year ago
Zvenyu makaraira huchi hwenyika ino .
wasu · 1 year ago
zvavo pane zvaako mazuva ano haaaa kuroora watorovera moyo padomboo
Bvepfepfe · 1 year ago
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Apa Oliver Tuku went on to become a millionaire and I met him person, he was so humble and kind. He drove a Range Rover Discovery
· 1 year ago
Range Rover Discovery? Disco is in the Land Rover NOT Range Rover

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