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Karenyi Kore Named Leader Of The Opposition In Parliament

1 year agoFri, 26 Jan 2024 15:38:09 GMT
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Karenyi Kore Named Leader Of The Opposition In Parliament

Member of Parliament for Chikanga Lynette Karenyi Kore has reportedly been appointed as the leader of the opposition in parliament by CCC, replacing Amos Chibaya.

Chibaya was recalled by disputed CCC interim secretary general Sengezo Tshabangu and subsequently barred by a court from running in by-elections set for 03 February.

The decision to elevate Karenyi Kore comes after CCC leader Nelson Chamisa resigned from the party on Thursday.

The party subsequently issued a statement saying the CCC’s leadership structure would revert to the officials elected at the MDC Alliance congress in Gweru in May 2019, before the party rebranded to CCC on 24 January 2022.

Karenyi Kore was one of the MDC Alliance’s three vice presidents alongside Welshman Ncube and Tendai Biti.

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According to ZimLive, CCC has called a meeting of its standing committee on Sunday to appoint an acting leader to take over from Chamisa, with both Ncube and Biti expected to attend the meeting.

ZimLive reported a source as saying CCC was also seeking urgent talks with Tshabangu. Said the source:

One of his stated goals was that he wanted to return the party to constitutionalism and collective decision-making.

The resolution to return to 2019 structures achieves that and given that he is the one that is now recognised by parliament and the courts as interim secretary general, we hope he will be happy to surrender the party back to its elected officials.

Meanwhile, several CCC MPs have taken to social media to show their loyalty to Chamisa and say they “stand with him.”

However, none of the MPs has resigned, but they will be expected to back their words with actions in the coming days.

More: Pindula News



Lloyd m Chifurira · 1 year ago
chamisa is capable. but tshabangu imposter is using state institutionns .that's a Zapf deal. chamisa recalled mayor and the minister of local government ignored. mudhenda accepted a latter from someone whom he don't know.. but he rejected the latter from someone claiming to be ZANU pf sg
Lloyd m Chifurira · 1 year ago
was tshabangu secretary general for MDC alliances. why the courts are protecting him. kungoti vamwe pfungwa hapana. 9 member commitee only ndebele guy
Lloyd m Chifurira · 1 year ago
fake team triple CCC will not use and her use MDC alliance constitution.
🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 · 1 year ago
isu regai timuke tipinde muchi round hedu izvo zve politics izvo ndezvaana Nero nana ED.
Sir Sherlock Holmes · 1 year ago
A group of losers are making a lot of noise.
Takenote/NB · 1 year ago
chamisa anofanirwa kudzidza kt munhu haisi mhuka vanhu vaanenge anavo mapurisa , masoja , maCID nemaCIO apresident ED Saka anofunga kt ane vanomutevera, paanozocheuka anoona kusina vanhu kkkkkkkk isu toseka, inotongwa NeZanu pf kwete nevaroti kkk
🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 · 1 year ago
mfana nerisoni a piece of advice from an intellectual to you goes like this.... pliz wadii waita zvekuchechi zvaana God is in it zvako zviya.wena nyika haitongwe nema theorist inotoda man of action zvako ne team yako zvekungo taura chirungu izvo Inga muri kungoita murmuring muchitaura vocabulary kudaro? ED uyu akangofanana na robie madhara edu siya vatonge ko hanty wakangosvika zviripo here???
.... · 1 year ago
Chamisa is not capable of learning. He lost MDC for the same reason he is losing CCC. Disregard of the constitution. If he forms a new party with a constitution and structures and people still stand with him it shows how really du.mb Zimbabweans are.
Inu Ini zvangu ziii · 1 year ago
Rega ndinyarare zvangu zvePoritikisi taneta nazvo..
doug · 1 year ago
While the press tells the nation know from Tshabangu's side that he has appointed Korenyi Kare the lady processes ignorance of it and says that she is behind Chamisa. I hope the press will give her side. as they take time to stop following the self imposed and see the other part of the story to give a balanced news report
CDE Che · 1 year ago
Chamisa should learn something from this incident. I myself have learnt something from this incident.
Chibabababa · 1 year ago
Takakuudzai kt Pane zvinhu zvisingadyiwi 1.**** 2.Zanu PF.ZveCCC Zanu yapindira papi siyanai nezviparty zvisina chiro.Kwaimbova neZumu kukauya MDC kukatevera MDC-T kukauya MDC Alliance kukazotevera CCC ikozvino kwave neCCC-Kore naChamisa.Zanupf remains Zanu of since 1987
Derere · 1 year ago
Am beggining to think that those guys who were barred from contesting the 3February By election did that deliberately knowing that the courts would favor the Sugar boy 😏they already knew that they want to form a new party this was just a way of showing the world how captured the judiciary system is and if Nero is to form a party he have many sympathisers and will surely get international support in form of donations
Tk · 1 year ago
Dei tiine vanhu vakawanda vanofunga sewe taidai tavamberi
jue Saidi · 1 year ago
good move Mr President chamisa.ndichitenda vanokupai mazano tinoda imimi kwete zita rekuti ccc masiyana nezvimbwa sungata zvinoshandiswa nezanu
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Kkkk the benefit i got from the drama is that no voluntary organisation should be based on an individual, collective leadership could easily have sorted bulawayo issues without calling a gathering, now chamisa goes to SA pretends that his problems are ed caused, i disagree nelson, even the movement you say is coming treat it as your maize field this dog will follow you, you can not resolve challenges and you are afraid of congress. You tell xoli like you have devine power for zim sorry youngerman every zimba has potential to be leader take that approach you get credibility which as i write you have lost a significant portion, hope books are in order wild dogs are waiting for that
Lloyd m Chifurira · 1 year ago
chamisa is a cloud puller
Lloyd m Chifurira · 1 year ago
to invite tshabangu is to give CCC to ZANU of. to be recognized by captured court does not make him a member. CCC. looking chamisa recalled mafume but the minister ignored the later this mean it's a ZANU pf deal
💛💛💛 · 1 year ago
Victory is certain people's party. Ccc
VZ · 1 year ago
asi vaitarisa mātâko here
outlaw · 1 year ago
Chamisa chibaba heads are rolling pwaaaas
Chamisa chete chete · 1 year ago
Nemumvura mese we are behind you Chamisa
JB · 1 year ago
Forward ever backward never , that is the WAR cry. Ahoy maChampions
Cecil John Rhodes · 1 year ago
Please this Zanu pf propaganda .Wait to hear from Chamisa himself . Yes people are dispondent but be on gaurd, There has been a dearth of communication from Chamisa himself but the struggle goes on.

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