
What You Need To Know About Sale Disposal Of Vehicles, Change Of Ownership

What You Need To Know About Sale Disposal Of Vehicles, Change Of Ownership

The Transport and Infrastructural Development has outlined the correct procedure for the notice of sale and disposal of vehicles. The Ministry said:


Do you want to sell or dispose of your vehicle and you have been wondering what is the correct procedure for the notice of sale and disposal, worry no more because the Central Vehicle Registry department has all the answers to your questions in the following steps that outline the correct process:

1. Cut out the section of the notification that indicates the change of ownership from your vehicle registration book and submit it to CVR.

2. Obtain a stamped certificate or slip from the CVR to inform that the notification has been made.

3. Deregistration is done in the system once a notice of sale is done.

4. Complete the change of ownership. Previous owners who have sold their vehicles should inform the CVR so that they can receive a notice of sale.

**NB: It is important to follow the correct procedure of sale or disposal because it ensures legal compliance and a smooth transition of responsibility from the previous owner to the new owner.

More: Pindula News
