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It's Parents' Responsibility To Pay School Fees For Their Children, Says Minister As Govt Reneges On "Free Education" Pledge

1 year agoSun, 28 Jan 2024 09:48:36 GMT
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It's Parents' Responsibility To Pay School Fees For Their Children, Says Minister As Govt Reneges On "Free Education" Pledge

The Minister of Primary and Secondary Education Torerayi Moyo said that every parent and guardian has the responsibility to pay school fees and levies for their children, and this must be done on time, reported The Sunday News.

This comes after school heads complained that some parents were unwilling to pay fees for their children, yet the law prohibits school administrators from sending learners away for fee arrears.

Addressing heads of primary and secondary schools, district schools inspectors and education officials at St Columba’s High School in Bulawayo last week, Minister Moyo said:

As the Government, we have said it is the responsibility of every parent and guardian to pay school fees and levies for their children and we are demanding that these be paid on time.

A delay in the payment of school fees and levies means that operations at our schools will come to a halt, a standstill.

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Those children from underprivileged families have safety nets at their disposal. (But) it is illegal to turn away learners for non-payment of fees and levies.

Schools should find ways of collecting that money. We have heard here that the fee collection rate at St Columba’s is 89 per cent, this is commendable.

Moyo said school heads and School Development Committees were to blame if parents and guardians did not pay school fees. He said:

If you are a headmaster of a school, whether it is in an urban area, high-density area, or rural area, if parents are not paying school fees then there is a problem, emanating from a headmaster or School Development Committee chairman.

Ensure that you hold regular meetings with parents, tell them the importance of paying school fees and show them projects that you want to do, they will be part and parcel of what you want to do.

As the Government, we are not saying they must not pay, but we are saying they must pay on time.

I visited Chireya High School where the collection rate of school fees was 75 percent when schools opened.

They were showcasing projects that they were doing, a laboratory is under construction and everyone wants to be associated with good work happening at a school.

The Minister also warned school heads that those who continue to defy Government orders on school fees will be dealt with. He said:

I am here to remind those defiant authorities that we are going to apply the law, we cannot tolerate a situation where people continue to defy our instructions.

We are compiling a list of defiant school heads. We have instruments that we can use to punish those schools.

We can even transfer those headmasters who are resisting instructions. I am not threatening you but that is a fact.

We cannot continue to tolerate school heads who do what they want.

In 2020, the Government amended the education law to make it an offence to expel children for non-payment of school fees or for becoming pregnant.

In 2019, at least 60% of the children in primary school were sent home for failing to pay fees, according to the state’s Zimbabwe Vulnerability Assessment Committee (ZimVac).

More: Pindula News



Mdara Odza · 1 year ago
Before elections: Free education from next year After elections: It is parents' responsibility to pay fees
. · 1 year ago
it is also governments responsibility to make sure the economy is working so that people have jobs so that they can pay school fees for their children
most popular · 1 year ago
so simba munaro chaizvo rekupa vakadzi venyu multiple orgasms muchigadzira vana asi simba rekuriritira vana ivavo hamuna????????? unoona munhu anotambura ane vana 9 kana 12 ayaaaas chinjai mindset ma zimbabweans moziva kut your family is your own responsibility.
@most popular · 1 year ago
havasi vabereki vakutaura izvi it's yo minister angoti mwana haadzingwi ko vabereki saka vodii kana vasati vaiwana
Nyasha · 1 year ago
Everything that Yu said doesn't make sense😏 meeting parents regularly won't bring money in the parent's pocket. It's like it have become the headmasters responsibility to persuade parents to pay at the same time being expected to supervise the school activities
Zim-Sketch · 1 year ago
and a govt department zimsec will not allow you to sit for the exams if you fail to pay exam fees....... zvinhu zvacho so
Ndini · 1 year ago
yes minister you are right also it's government responsibility to pay salaries that can sustain us
Anonymous · 1 year ago
At the same time, no student should be expelled from school or denied access to exam results for non-payment of fees. MaZimba, mbanje dzamunosvuta iVariety ipiko????😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Tribalistic monk · 1 year ago
Kkkkkkk guys most of these parents are ZANUpf supporters who wasted their time and energy in campaigning for other parents jobs. We the Chamisa fans were busy preparing for life after elections because we know that whether ZANU loses or win there were still going to be some serious economic problems. To be honest guys ZANUpf supporters are now a burden to the society because they want to be spoon fed all the time. Those people don't even complain no,no,no. They are like Zombies and they survive with the little funds while their rich steal from them too much. I saw a couple of ZANUpf man sitting in a bottle store idle and watching their MP who is a Bottle store owner in a very weird way ,acting like a hungry mongrel looking forward to be saved a meal.
Vana ngavadzidze nema resources enyika zvinongoitawo venyu · 1 year ago
hakuna mabasa, chikafu chaicho chekuti mwana adye achienda kuchikoro hapana
Parent · 1 year ago
ndobhadhara pandinenge ndaiwanira haisi secret kuti zvinhu zvakaoma muazimbabwe pamwe pacho trikutorara nenzara nenyaya yematiTaxes atisingaizve kuti anobva nepi
Jue Saidi · 1 year ago
tinyararirei makavimbisa free education tisati taita mavote nhsi makutaura dondo
🏍🏍🏍 · 1 year ago
mr moyo yo governmenthas killed the livelihoods of yo people and you are even boasting that you have acquired phd using zanu pf ill gotten money. make the economyfunctional and see if yu will have parents and guardians failing to pay fees. ask ED to fulfill his promises of free education awwhen he campaigned in 2023 election. otherwisewe do not take anything that spewsfrom the mouth of zanoids.
Mistress Mombassah · 1 year ago
minister taurai kwamaswera kwete kutinyaudza
No free meals · 1 year ago
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