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SADC Leaders Hold Virtual Extraordinary Summit On Cholera

1 year agoFri, 02 Feb 2024 11:22:05 GMT
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SADC Leaders Hold Virtual Extraordinary Summit On Cholera

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) is holding a virtual extraordinary summit of Heads of State and Government this Friday, 02 February, to discuss the cholera outbreak in the region.

In a statement, the SADC Secretariat said the extraordinary summit will receive and consider the report regarding the cholera outbreak in several member states, their state of preparedness and responses to the outbreaks.

The summit is being chaired by SADC Chairperson President João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço of Angola. Reads the statement:

The fight against cholera aligns with the African regional framework for the implementation of the global strategy for cholera prevention and control, 2018-2030.

This framework supports the new global strategy for cholera control at the country level, providing a definitive pathway towards a world where cholera no longer poses a threat to public health.

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The extraordinary SADC summit was preceded by the extraordinary meeting of the Committee of Sadc Ministers of Health with technical support from the World Health Organisation, the United Nations International Children’s Fund (UNICEF) office for Eastern and Southern Africa and the Africa Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) and another extraordinary meeting of the Sadc Council of Ministers.

According to OXFAM, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe are facing an unprecedented surge of cholera cases.

In a statement issued two weeks ago, OXFAM warned that the situation could become uncontrollable and difficult to manage.

More: Pindula News



, · 1 year ago
D'ako renyuka vascarfmore murambwi
seer · 1 year ago
l hope vaudzwa kuti tine vekwa Marange, havabatwi nemutemo yenyika asi vanobatwa ne cholera havo. Nyika yese irikudurura nekuda kwevanhu ivava
Chamisa hoyee · 1 year ago
Gud pic yaprezdent,bt siyanai nechiscavha chenyu bambo,asi hamuhwi kutsva kanhi
wilavd · 1 year ago
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Anonymous · 1 year ago
Masiiwa na NERO makabata mhepo. Hanty aikuudzai kuti SADC ari kutaura nayo zviri kuita. Manje aona kuti zvese zvandakanyeba hazvichabudi better kutiza. Hezvo SADC yacho yamainyeperwa na NERO kuti haizivi kuti kuna President ndiyo iyo iri kutaura na ED. Muchafa nekunyeberwa na Chamisa.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Masiiwa na NERO makabata mhepo. Hanty aikuudzai kuti SADC ari kutaura nayo zviri kuita. Manje aona kuti zvese zvandakanyeba hazvichabudi better kutiza. Hezvo SADC yacho yamainyeperwa na NERO kuti haizivi kuti kuna President ndiyo iyo iri kutaura na ED. Muchafa nekunyeberwa na Chamisa. Kunyeberwa zvakapusa kudero mototi ichokwadi nxaaaa. Hoyoooooo
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Expert · 1 year ago
Mr President for havens sake please inzwayi Tsitsi tatambura
Gold Mafia boss · 1 year ago
Ko kuzoisa picture yakadaro chiii nemi
Black Mambazo · 1 year ago
Taurai chokwadi kuti nyaya yema election
D · 1 year ago
Good Pic 👌Pindula.... Continue the good work Mr President......
Good Day · 1 year ago
It Shall Be Well
MuSabatha (SDA) · 1 year ago
elections were held in Zimbabwe on August 23 last year. The sadc observer mission condemned the electoral process and in a way did not endorse the elections results announced by one Priscilla chigumba. The sadc obsver mission's report was in agreement with every credible org, country and individual who pointed out that the polls were fake.. Zimbabweans have bn robbed of their voice by one emmerson mnangagwa who fronted the Taliban aah sorry, I wanted to say zanu lacoste cabal... now we hear that sadc is holding a virtual meeting on cholera... the question on every credible Zimbabwean is when is sadc going to act on the findings of its observer mission on the 2023 zim polls? its five months now! What was the purpose of sending the observer team when its findings were only going to be ignored?
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
What is a credible Zimbabwean wena dunderhead

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