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Bulawayo Mayor's Statement On The Reopening Of Egodini Mall | Full Statement

1 year agoThu, 08 Feb 2024 14:17:44 GMT
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Bulawayo Mayor's Statement On The Reopening Of Egodini Mall | Full Statement

The Bulawayo City Council has reiterated that all taxi operators, informal traders and the commuting public should have moved to designated vending sites and designated taxi ranks at Egodini Mall by the end of the day on Friday, 09 February.

In a statement, Bulawayo Mayor David Coltart warned that traders operating outside the confines of the City’s by-laws will be dealt with accordingly. Reads the statement:

The Reopening of Egodini Mall Taxi Rank and Informal Traders Market

The City of Bulawayo in partnership with Terracotta Pvt Ltd reopened the Egodini Mall for Commuter Omnibus operators and commuting public on Monday, 5th February 2024.

As advised in our earlier notice dated Sunday, 28 January 2024 we expect all taxi operators and Informal Traders to have moved to designated vending sites and designated taxi ranks by the end of the day, Friday, 9th February 2024.

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There has been movement into the Egodini Mall Taxi Rank and Informal Traders Market (Phase 1) by the Taxi operators and commuting public and it is anticipated that as the days progress, there will be more and more of them moving into the rank.

The movement of taxis into the Egodini Mall Taxi Rank and Informal Traders Market is gaining momentum since the commencement of the relocation exercise early this week. The engagement of commuters and operators is ongoing.

The City of Bulawayo is also working on enhancing enforcement to ensure that members of the public use the designated taxi rank.

The Egodini Mall Taxi Rank and Informal Traders Market (Phase 1) has availed 400 bays currently and is further expected to avail 767 more bays in the future bringing the number of bays to 1167 in total.

The verification process for Informal Traders at the Egodini Mall Taxi Rank and Informal Traders Market (Phase 1) has been finalized with all 400 available bays now allocated.

The procedure was done using the following preference on a first come first serve basis;

Informal traders who were relocated from Egodini and are on Council’s registry. Informal traders who are on Council’s waiting list.

To date, there has been a spillover where people have signed for the next batches of vending bays.

The City of Bulawayo has a deliberate policy to deliver safe work spaces and settle Informal Traders to decongest the City.

The policy seeks to further allow vendors to trade in Suburban areas while also establishing markets in Western areas such as the Nkulumane Safe Market at Nkulumane Complex, which is almost complete.

The vending bays in the Western areas allow proximity to the markets and reduce operating costs. A total of 10000 informal bays are available throughout the City and we urge Informal Traders to regularize their operations by registering with our offices at Basch Street.

In addition, the City has also designated 2nd Avenue and Lobengula Street as a designated Informal Trading site with approximately 700 bays earmarked and these are currently under construction.

The City of Bulawayo is also in the process of developing and decongesting Fifth Avenue where a further ± 500 bays will be established.

We thank the residents of Bulawayo for adhering to our bylaws and operating from designated vending areas.

The City remains committed to improving livelihoods by providing appropriate working spaces for the informal sector.

Traders operating outside the confines of the City’s bylaws will be dealt with accordingly.

The City of Bulawayo is on high alert for the prevention and mitigation of cholera and efforts continue to be intensified to improve overall sanitation in the City.

We urge all Traders to operate from designated sites and maintain high levels of sanitation.

The Official Opening of Phase 1 of the Egodini Mall Taxi Rank and Informal Traders Market will be conducted once the initial pilot phase of relocation has been completed and fine-tuned.


08 February 2024

More: Pindula News



🧐 🤔 · 1 year ago
We have a situation that makes people reluctant to move to those places, the space barons, this would have had a formidable force only if every registered vendor get this bay direct from the council office not the notorious mikando groups and some clubs as they are unfair subletting and charge exorbitant rentals to prospective vendors, the other thing most of these vendors do not want to pay tax, and that makes them vulnerable to exploitation by space barons, it is that exploits that they won't take The other thing is, to decentralise those that can afford to do business in to should abide by city byelaws, those who can't your place would be where you come from western and Eastern suburbs Vending places at low rentals and no sale of counterfeit and contraband
tafman · 1 year ago
@ncubez&Ttt....tikava nemuono wakadaro yese, nyika inosumukira shuwa
TTT · 1 year ago
Chakanaka tendaiyiwo, regardless of affiliation.
anonymous · 1 year ago
reply@tafman chokwadi chakanaka chakanaka problem iripo nemaZimba we just oppose fir the sake of oppossing ngatibvumei kana munhu aita chakanaka nyangwe ariwe part ipi vaMnangagwa vanezvavanoita zvakanaka ngatizvibvumei izvozvo uMlungu wethu nangu uyazama asimsekeleni ngokufanayo
tafman · 1 year ago
@💅 Rudo...ko zvaunotombonzwisisawo wani. think deep and abandon a party full of blood hands. you are so much welcome to join the new revolution
Rudo💅 · 1 year ago
chakanaka chakanaka torumbidza
Tribalistic monk · 1 year ago
What happened on Harare, I remember the same thing was said about vendors? I don't think this will work because they're more than a thousand vendors I Bulawayo..
🌀🌀🌀🌀 BLUE CYCLONE 💙 · 1 year ago
choziva basa icho tarira uone kuchna kwakaita rank iyo padp iro
🚫 · 1 year ago
Hokoyo BSAP yekudara
de cavour · 1 year ago
d cavour · 1 year ago
siyabonga mlungu.abantu please abalandele okutshiywo ngumlungu please asifuni zstory
unknown · 1 year ago
siyabonga mayor. asenzeni kanjalo ke bantu bakithi.
whereas · 1 year ago
Edio't anotonhora, chitunha
Expert · 1 year ago
Koritati unopisa

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