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Villagers Live In Fear As Human-Wildlife Conflict Rises In Zimbabwe

1 year agoMon, 12 Feb 2024 06:36:30 GMT
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Villagers Live In Fear As Human-Wildlife Conflict Rises In Zimbabwe

Villagers in Tsholotsho district, Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe, are concerned about the increasing population of lions, hyenas, and jackals that are killing their livestock. They also mentioned that the number of elephants is growing, and these animals are destroying their crops. According to the Chronicle, the issue was raised during a meeting between Minister Mangaliso Ndlovu and the Sipepa community, where the minister engaged with communities to understand their challenges regarding the environment, forestry, and wildlife.

Human-wildlife conflict is a growing problem in Zimbabwe, with climate change-induced droughts being identified as a major cause. As droughts occur, wild animals like elephants, lions, buffaloes, hyenas, and wild dogs stray into communities in search of food and water. This leads to conflicts where villagers lose their livestock, crops, and other properties, while some people have been injured or killed. The situation is particularly prevalent in Lupane, Binga, Hwange, and Tsholotsho.

During the meeting, community members expressed their concerns. Mr. Dumisani Nkomo mentioned that hyenas and jackals were killing their livestock, forcing them to keep the animals in pens for most of the day. He was quoted as saying:

Wild animals like hyenas and jackals are killing our livestock here. We have been forced to keep our livestock in pens for the greater part of the day because of these wild animals. How can we have good co-existence with hyenas and jackals? These animals do not benefit us at all unlike elephants which can be sold for the benefit of the community.

Mr. Msitheli Sibindi raised the issue of lions attacking their livestock and noted that some of these lions had collars, indicating they were being used for research. He called for action to address this problem, suggesting that those conducting research take measures to mitigate the conflict. He said:

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What is of concern to us is that some of the lions attacking our livestock have collars which shows that they are being used for research. Can’t those who are doing research do something about them because Campfire has failed us.

He also emphasised the need for a strong boundary fence to keep wild animals away from communities, as well as culling to manage the animal population.

Mrs. Florence Nkomo shared her personal experience of losing four cattle to lions in January and urged authorities to address the problem. Councillor Gift Tshuma reported that 21 animals had been killed by wild animals since the beginning of the year, leading to concerns about the safety of children walking long distances to school.

Minister Ndlovu acknowledged the challenges and highlighted the issue of the blanket ban on ivory and elephant trade imposed by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). He said:

I am troubled because the CITES treaty is now being used to dictate what countries like us which have animals can and cannot do by countries that do not have animals.

We have a serious fight within CITES because through them we are not allowed to sell ivory of even animals that died of natural causes.

In Zimbabwe, the conflict between humans and wildlife is causing serious harm. Over the past five years, approximately 400 people have lost their lives due to human-wildlife conflict, according to ZimParks, the country’s parks and wildlife management authority. In 2020, there were 60 deaths and 40 injuries. In 2021 alone, more than 80 people were killed by elephants, and many others were injured by animals like crocodiles and hyenas. This makes Zimbabwe the country with the highest rate of human-wildlife conflict deaths in the Southern Africa region.

The number of human-wildlife conflict cases is increasing, with 68 people killed in 2022 as they entered wildlife areas or when animals strayed into villages. This conflict is a result of the growing populations of both humans and wildlife. In the first quarter of 2023, there were 22 deaths and 43 injuries related to human-wildlife conflict.

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Vimbainashe T. Chigara · 1 year ago
Be proactive – Since most animals are naturally afraid of humans, conflicts often arise when animals become habituated to humans or associate them with food.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Vamwe kutotaura chokwadi nezvemapere. Hanzi naRudo chinonakidza kukwira kunge horse. Imika vanhu ityai mwari
💅Rudo · 1 year ago
picture rechimhuka chiri paheadline randitora moyo, chimhuka icho chinonakidza kutasva chinoita kunge horse or motorbike
poacher · 1 year ago
ini ndinoda kugarahangu ikoko, ndinofarira mhuka
Bonzo · 1 year ago
Mukaisirwa fence munoba kana zvakakunakirai kana zvaipa mochema rongekai
w · 1 year ago
Bere iro rirkutokwata zvaro ska problem iripapi
ct · 1 year ago
bere harina kumira mushe rinodya munhu
Clemence · 1 year ago
Tambai mess mujairane. kwedu tozvishandisa kundo royesa shandisai njere imi. zvinodyikawo idyai
PVC · 1 year ago
we wants told you kuti just deploy gen'a revzimparks. Mapere achipera vakadzi vevanhu nevanasikana vachinhumburiswa chitiudzayi zvamunoda.
Major · 1 year ago
These animals do not benefit you???... Imi... Ana magwinha (hyenas) keep nature at balance... You invaded their territory and you are also over multiplying and reproducing yourselves.... God is not a fool to have created and located those animals there... Imimi ibvaiko
june · 1 year ago
tochadyiwa neshumba
Emmerson · 1 year ago
Dambudzo was excited to see animals in Botswana .Of cause he was right because because we no longer have wild animals except for game animals in Wankie and other game reserves. It's very fortunate to come across a rabbit.We ate them all during Hondo ye Minda.
XXX · 1 year ago
Human-Wildelife conflict is in every districts where there is Zimparks. Recently I visited Nyamakate in Hurungwe. They also had these reports of lions, jackles and hyenas often killing.their animals during the day or night. I have often read these stories of human-wildelife conflict in areas like Guruve and Dande. Sometimes too elephants brake fences and come to communal lands where they cause a lot of havoc. EHE ICHO !!!!!
Anonymous · 1 year ago
True Bro
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Call him president not Dambudzo, respect your president the only official state president in Zim.
KILL THE BOER · 1 year ago
Dubula all the elephants and share the meat. Witches please adopt all the hyenas and keep them in your silos. Hunters domesticate all the jackals
Reign · 1 year ago
pedzeranai ikoko hanti ndoland yqmaichemera pamaivhotera Zanu asi one ndaona amedzwa neshumba
Angela · 1 year ago
kkkk anonakidza ma comments ePindula
gaucho of pampas · 1 year ago
@reign wandipedzera waona one amedzwa made my day
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Dzokera kwawakabva kana usina tsamba ye resettlement. Zanu chiororo, futi hamuna kuti vhotera taka rigger.kkk
🚩 · 1 year ago
Human resettlements encroachment into game parks must be reversed. Alternative Safe resettlement land be identified and allocated to the victims

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