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Govt Implored To Remove VAT, Duty On Condoms

1 year agoTue, 13 Feb 2024 16:19:31 GMT
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Govt Implored To Remove VAT, Duty On Condoms

Population Solutions for Health (PSH), the distributor of Protector Plus condoms, has urged the Government to remove Value Added Tax (VAT) and import duty on condoms to make them easily accessible to promote condom usage in the country.

This comes as Zimbabwe celebrates International Condom Day this Tuesday, 13 February, a day set aside to recognise the role played by condoms in preventing HIV infection, Sexually Transmitted Infections, and unwanted pregnancies.

In a statement, PSH said there is a shortage of domestic funding for condom procurement, hence its call for duty and VAT to be scrapped for condoms. It said:

Population Solutions for Health Calls for Increased Domestic Support for Condom Procurement on International Condom Day Population Solutions for Health (PSH), the distributor of Protector Plus condoms, is pleased to join the Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC) and the global community in commemorating International Condom Day on Tuesday, February 13, 2024.

This day serves as a reminder of the critical role condoms play in preventing HIV, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and unintended pregnancies.

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As we observe this day, we want to emphasize the shortage of domestic funding for condom procurement and call for the removal of import duty and VAT for condoms. This will make condoms more affordable in the market and secure the future availability of condoms without donor funding.

While Zimbabwe has achieved considerable success in condom programming, more work needs to be done to address the challenges that threaten to reverse the gains.

PSH noted that the condom programme in Zimbabwe heavily relies on donor support which has reduced over the years. It said:

The condom program heavily relies on donor support which has reduced over the years, negatively impacting funding for public and social marketing sector condoms, which serve the marginalized communities and low-income earners.

The shortage of domestic funding for condom procurement and related programming further worsens the situation.

The commercial sector’s condom supply has been decreasing over the past two decades, partly due to higher taxes (VAT and Import Duty) on condoms, which make commercial condoms expensive and unviable.

PSH is actively supporting the MoHCC in developing a sustainable condom market that promotes long-term condom use with reduced reliance on donor funding.

A key aspect of this effort is advocating for increased domestic funding for condoms and the removal of VAT and import duty on condoms.

As International Condom Day is commemorated, PSH remains committed to advancing condom programming and expanding access to quality sexual and reproductive health services and products.

By addressing challenges in the market, significant progress can be made in preventing HIV, STIs, and unintended pregnancies.

Using condoms has several benefits which include protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as HIV/AIDS, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, and syphilis.

They are also an effective form of contraception, helping to prevent unplanned pregnancies when used consistently and correctly.

More: Pindula News



Bvudzijena · 1 year ago
isu tagara tichirova **** saka its useless
Bvudzijena · 1 year ago
isu tagara tichirova **** saka its useless
Zim-Sketch · 1 year ago
let's fight for removal of tax and Vat on basics not pleasure things like ****s??? we crying about the sugar tax that had make most basics unaffordable... someone busy talking about ****s..... S:ex is enjoyable whilst the stomach is full.....
Zim-Sketch · 1 year ago
let's fight for removal of tax and Vat on basics not pleasure things like ****s??? we crying about the sugar tax that had make most basics unaffordable... someone busy talking about ****s..... S:ex is enjoyable whilst the stomach is full.....
Zim-Sketch · 1 year ago
let's fight for removal of tax and Vat on basics not pleasure things like ****s??? we crying about the sugar tax that had make most basics unaffordable... someone busy talking about ****s..... S:ex is enjoyable whilst the stomach is full.....
Zim-Sketch · 1 year ago
let's fight for removal of tax and Vat on basics not pleasure things like ****s??? we crying about the sugar tax that had make most basics unaffordable... someone busy talking about ****s..... S:ex is enjoyable whilst the stomach is full.....
Zim-Sketch · 1 year ago
let's fight for removal of tax and Vat on basics not pleasure things like ****s??? we crying about the sugar tax that had make most basics unaffordable... someone busy talking about ****s..... S:ex is enjoyable whilst the stomach is full.....
Zim-Sketch · 1 year ago
let's fight for removal of tax and Vat on basics not pleasure things like ****s??? we crying about the sugar tax that had make most basics unaffordable... someone busy talking about ****s..... S:ex is enjoyable whilst the stomach is full.....
Zim-Sketch · 1 year ago
let's fight for removal of tax and Vat on basics not pleasure things like ****s??? we crying about the sugar tax that had make most basics unaffordable... someone busy talking about ****s..... S:ex is enjoyable whilst the stomach is full.....
@ · 1 year ago
. · 1 year ago
mabharangizha · 1 year ago
Anongodzora naidzo nzungu dzakati kuuya idzi rinoita remhandara
iwee · 1 year ago
Iiii Rudo anoda kusvasvangwa let's hope buri harina kushama kunge komichi
super · 1 year ago
TOTAL DISASTER shame ☠️☠️☠️🤑🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃 ini speed kutiza hatimire ini naChivhayo. kusowe. zvedu
· 1 year ago
💅Rudo · 1 year ago
Ndafara kuona pic iro😋, zvinonakidza kuwona murume achivhura packet re CÖNDOM womuona achiri pfeka pa merengerenge yake. Sandike inini ndinobva ndasekerera nekuti anenge achiyitambisa before ayipinza mandiri.
· 1 year ago
sugar daddy waRudo · 1 year ago
unenge unoda bo.nde
Tough one Jozi · 1 year ago
Mzansi ya namwa nema Sanctions tavetese mudariro.... Kunoti wo ne El nino iyi yaa tavepama 1 better isu vamwe tave nhinhi avo vexenophobia avo vachaziva kuti ku America hakuneyi kuti muna Elon Mask SANCTIONS I shamhu ine munyu
if it is true ava vaita ekukumbira unlike e zim · 1 year ago
tell us more
Wasu · 1 year ago
pachinzvimbo chekubvsa padoro nechikafu.. kwaakt mma****.. maakuiitira kubasa kwenyuka vanamanyenga vana
Rudo💅 · 1 year ago
💃💃💃ndafara hangu mufunge,vanasi**** vanga vanzwa nezvirwere nekutadza kutenga zvava kuzotengeka
Rudo💅 · 1 year ago
ndati vana iwe pindula ka
....... · 1 year ago
Let's hope ladies have shaved enough for the day ❤️🤪
..... · 1 year ago
Sorry I mean saved🙄
Hakudanwi anonzwa mangwana · 1 year ago

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