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Invictus Sends Muzarabani Gas Samples To United States For Laboratory Analysis

1 year agoTue, 13 Feb 2024 14:59:43 GMT
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Invictus Sends Muzarabani Gas Samples To United States For Laboratory Analysis

Invictus Energy, an Australian oil and gas company has said gas samples retrieved from the successful Mukuyu-2 ST1 well campaign are set to reach the United States for laboratory analysis this week.

In its latest update on Tuesday, 13 February, Invictus said the results from the lab analysis are anticipated within 2 weeks and will provide confirmation of the samples’ hydrocarbon composition. It said:

Invictus Energy Limited (“Invictus” or “the Company”), is pleased to provide an update of the gas samples acquired from the Mukuyu-2 ST1 well and gas discovery at its 80% owned and operated Cabora Bassa project in Zimbabwe…

Following the two gas discoveries from the Upper and Lower Angwa reservoirs in recently completed Mukuyu-2 / ST1 drilling campaign, the downhole gas samples acquired have completed export procedures and are due to arrive in the United States for analysis at the end of this week.

Initial analysis is anticipated to be completed within the next two weeks following which the Company will provide the results as soon as available.

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In December 2023, the oil and gas firm announced a second gas discovery at its Cabora Bassa project in Zimbabwe.

The discovery was made at the Mukuyu-2 well, which is located approximately 6.8 kilometres northeast of the Mukuyu-1 well. The Mukuyu-2 well was drilled using the Exalo Rig 202.

Invictus said during the drilling process, the Mukuyu-2 sidetrack well reached a total depth of 3,360 meters above the interval.

More: Pindula News



Anonymous · 1 year ago
Taakuzofa nemari manje maccc achichema, ED Pfee
zim · 1 year ago
mu zimbabwe mune zviwakwa ,asi uuuum
Bob · 1 year ago
No Sanctions given to Zimbabwe tinzwe mbavha dzichihumana full stop
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Vana @ doug, ndapotsa ndati @ dog, usarwadziwe ne progress iri kuitwa neZimbabwe. We know that you are against progress iyoyi kuti vana ve Zimbabwe varambe vachitambura just like what your stooge Chamisa wishes so that citizens up rise against the government. Manje maruma dombo because Mwari ari kutinzwa zviri kufamba musingade musingade. Hoyoooo
.... · 1 year ago
MaZimbo arikutambudzwa neZanupf not Chamisa or EU or USA. Zanupf ndiyo yakapa authorisation yekuburitsa ma diamonds worth $15bln . Mari iyoyo iri muma accounts ezanupf elite in safe havens in Europe and Panama. Kana gas rikabuda it's of no use to the general person, vanoramba vachingotambura nekuti ndizvo zvinodiwa ne zanupf. Angola export oil but has some of the poorest people in Africa.Nigeria exports oil but it's citizens are braving xenophobia in SA because back home there no benefits from the oil. In Zim it's worse, zanupf owns all the mines, BNC was closed because of poor management, BNC yaive musimboti we Mash central. Freda Rebecca is on the verge of shutting down. Hakuna kwatiolnoenda nembavha idzi .
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Isarudzo Yako nhamo kana rugare, vamwe tatopinda machena so, iwe uchiri red yellow kabanga blue isu tiri pakare payeZanu pf. Hapana Mai vanopa chikafu makudo vana vavo vanenzara. Kkk
doug · 1 year ago
If you read and understand the article, there is no reason why you should react that way, unless if you have a grudge with me from elsewhere. Unlike some people who written please someone hoping they will be noticed and be rewarded or. be given things they have not worked for, I am my own person.
....... · 1 year ago
These tests are only meant for carbon concentrate to determine the homologous carbon series it might have contained
,,, dott · 1 year ago
hope kuti ma samples aribho bcz nyika ino inofana kuzoita mari zhinji, soon south africa & other African countries vachauya kuzotsvaga mabasa muno
Speaking of which · 1 year ago
SA yawana wo mugove wema SANCTIONS : Hameno anamzansi ne Xenophobia yavo vachaita sei Yatopiwa ka Vale ipapo ipapo ndonzvira ngoni ne tsitsi anamainini ku Bulawayo uko vachaita sei
. · 1 year ago
makes me wonder hatinawo here vanhu ve science mu Zim or it's that we don't have the technology to do the analysis. why the usa
doug · 1 year ago
Laboratory analysis of Zimbabwe gas samples in America.
Munya Mutopa · 1 year ago
yet munangagwa claims zimbabwe is progressing
Anonymous · 1 year ago
It is progressing zvakanyanyisa.
pk · 1 year ago
😂😂😂😂😂😂 it's called strategic marketing they are already telling the Americans kuti kuno kwaibva vanoda kutenga ma shares including gas racho ngationesanei mukambani yedu
@pk · 1 year ago
Hevo ana pk, chozivikanwa hapana. When you drill for water, you don't send rock samples to Outer Hebrides for tests - mvura inongobuda. When they drill for oil, oil gushes out and the well gets capped so as not to waste oil until it's piped to wherever the refinery maybe. Izvi zvenyu zvekutotsvanzvadzira kuti pane gas here kana kuti kwete, kutungana kwembudzi. Garai maziva kuti gas dololo kuMuzarabani.
Mukuyu-2 · 1 year ago
Ndaneta nebasa pasina chinobuda.
Ian Smith · 1 year ago
So what happened to sanctions if they are able to send samples to USA?
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Tapinda tapinda, wezhira wezhara, wezheve wezhowezha, nyengu mumafuta mungatiite sei, Chirumuhanzu shaha yemavhitori. Takamira nashumba wedu. Imi vana nyongorosi netu red, yellow nebru hapana zvamungatiite.

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