
Remains Of 21 People Found In Bulawayo

Remains Of 21 People Found In Bulawayo

The remains of 21 people were exhumed from a housing development project site in Bulawayo’s Killarney suburb, the latest Bulawayo City Council minutes on cemeteries and burial services have revealed.

The source of the human remains, which were reburied at the city’s Luveve Cemetery, remains a mystery as the minutes were silent on the matter. Reads the minutes:

The human remains were exhumed by the Department of National Museums and Monument of Zimbabwe.

According to the council minutes, Luveve Cemetery received bodies from outside the city among them from Victoria Falls, Umguza, Nkayi, Gwanda, Harare, Gutu and Insiza all of which recorded 1 each.

The Southern Eye reported that in 2011, pupils playing football at the grounds of St Paul Secondary School stumbled on human bones sticking out of the ground.

The remains were re-buried without forensic investigations.

Human remains have also been discovered in some parts of Matabeleland where Gukurahundi massacres were carried out in the 1980s.

In 2018, villagers discovered human remains scattered along the banks of the Bhode River near the Kezi business centre.

Several skeletons were also dug out in the area on the instructions of Chief Nyangazonke.

The villagers were ordered to re-bury the remains without any forensic investigation to establish their identity and cause of death.

The remains were re-buried at the Kezi Rural Hospital graveyard.

More: Pindula News
