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Dynamos, Highlanders Hit Back At Farai Jere

1 year agoFri, 23 Feb 2024 16:38:42 GMT
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Dynamos, Highlanders Hit Back At Farai Jere

Dynamos and Highlanders have issued a joint statement this Friday, 23 February condemning remarks made by Premier Soccer League (PSL) chairman, Farai Jere, which they described as “inflammatory”.

Speaking on the sidelines of the renewal of a sponsorship deal between the PSL and Delta Beverages in Harare on Thursday, 22 February, Jere said they deliberately fixed the match between Highlanders and Dynamos on the opening weekend of the 2024 season at Barbourfields Stadium to prevent the orgy of violence that has characterised the fixture in past seasons. Jere, who owns CAPS United, said:

We wanted this match played early in the season because we cannot allow two clubs to be holding the entire league at ransom, to bring the whole league into disrepute.

Jere’s remarks angered Dynamos and Highlanders executives who said the comments had the potential to damage the reputation and integrity of the two clubs. Reads the statement:

Dynamos FC and Highlanders FC jointly condemn the inflammatory remarks made by Premier League Chairman, Mr Farai Jere, regarding our clubs.

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His characterization of Highlanders and Dynamos as violent teams is not only reckless but also deeply concerning.

Such allegations have the potential to damage the reputation and integrity of our esteemed clubs, as well as undermine the spirit of fair play in Zimbabwean football.

We categorically reject Mr Jere’s remarks and call for them to be unequivocally condemned. As pillars of the Zimbabwean football community, Highlanders FC and Dynamos FC have long stood for values of sportsmanship, integrity, and respect.

We have worked tirelessly to promote these principles both on and off the field, and we will not allow baseless accusations to tarnish our hard-earned reputation.

Furthermore, we express our disappointment with the utterances by Mr Jere that our match day one fixture was deliberately ‘fixed’, a decision that goes against the principles of fairness and equality that are the foundation of competitive sports.

We urge the league authorities to reconsider this position and ensure that all fixtures are arranged transparently and impartially, per the spirit of fair play.

In conclusion, Highlanders FC and Dynamos FC reaffirm our commitment to upholding the highest standards of integrity, sportsmanship, and respect in Zimbabwean football.

We call upon all stakeholders to join us in condemning these accusations and promoting a culture of fairness, transparency, and mutual respect within the sport.

More: Pindula News



Robert · 1 year ago
Jere missed an opportunity to promote but chose to dig his own cumulative heap of leadership at PLS. Remarks pretty carelessly done.
· 1 year ago
Jere ashaishei nhai vanhu
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Taribo West our biggest fan died coz of these violent acts, surprisingly they repeat it evrytime they to violence....and pliz leave politics out of our beautiful game.. concerned supporter.
Wisy · 1 year ago
He is an ****, these clubs are older than your grand grand parents yet you talk ****. Please leave sports and go to politics, Zanu Pf is waiting for you ****
Blessing matikiti · 1 year ago
Munobhowa vana bembare ne bosho why pamunotmba munoita noise dzenyu dze tribal munodhina da hit
Sekuru Gweru · 1 year ago
Hiii nhai chizukuru changu,how can you as a leader speak like this? This is utterly reckless to come out of the mouth of a leader. Yoh!
Hombre · 1 year ago
What Jere said about the violence accompanying these two teams is true. However, it's very unprofessional coming from the PSL Chairman who is also the owner of a team in the PSL. He obviously sounds biased.
ćcc · 1 year ago
anaJere endai kuzanu kwenyu.motisiirao zvigaro kubhora.
maparamuro · 1 year ago
Our football needs professional admins
porongi · 1 year ago
kuti inhema here dzakataurwa ,we supporters of other teams are fed up ne misindo yebosso nedembare as if they are the only teams in zim
Dzingai N · 1 year ago
Caps yake yakarova ref and nothing was done, selective application of the law
Bhora · 1 year ago
Vanoda zvingani zvigaro kubhora kunezvematongerwo enyika variko sport and politics hazvidyidzane vana Jere tsvagai kwenyu chaiko munotikanganisira mutamvo webhora
Jere is right! · 1 year ago
instead of condemning hooligans and violence which characterizes your matches, takarasima nekupopotera Jere nxaa 👿
fugu pfeee · 1 year ago
if you fix one game it it will then affect the whole league. thats why the issue of seeding teams is not allowed.
🧐 🤔 🤨 🙄 · 1 year ago
Apa akareswa kutaura kunema sponsors too, he would have said Dynamos would have asterner, better preperatory match for their Caf assignment, that's leadership, Jere ane attitude problem even ku club kwake ku caps anotaura zvaanoda navo vakamvhotera vachapinzwa biz
jere · 1 year ago
yaa tatotanga match fixing zvekurigger ndo zvedu manje

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