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HomeCrime and Courts

CIO Agent Implicated In The Abduction, Torture Of CCC MP Takaudzwa Ngadziore Resurfaces

1 year agoTue, 27 Feb 2024 11:06:13 GMT
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CIO Agent Implicated In The Abduction, Torture Of CCC MP Takaudzwa Ngadziore Resurfaces

A Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) agent caught on video abducting an opposition Member of Parliament last year has been publicly sighted for the first time since the kidnapping incident.

As reported by ZimLive, Nicholas “Big Daddy” Kajese was seen at Pomona landfill and dumpsite on Monday, 26 February dressed casually in a striped T-shirt, a pair of jeans and trainers.

The Minister of Sport, Arts, Recreation and Culture Kirsty Coventry was visiting the landfill and dumpsite to inspect sports facilities being constructed by Geo-Pomona, the company awarded a tender to develop a power station using waste.

ZimLive reported that Kajese attended the Pomona event as the CIO officer in charge of Mabvuku, where the dumpsite is located.

Kajese was seen following proceedings and at one time stood in earshot as journalists interviewed Geo Pomona Waste Management CEO Dilesh Nguwaya.

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Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) MP Takudzwa Ngadziore was on his way to parliament on 01 November 2023 when he was ambushed and abducted by CIO agents armed with AK47s.

The youthful MP managed to turn his Facebook Live on and recorded the men as they approached from behind before they grabbed him and shoved him into their vehicle.

ZimLive sources identified two of the men as Kajese and Abraham Pasi.

Ngadziore was allegedly taken to Mazowe where he was stripped and badly tortured before being injected with an unknown substance.

His captors then dumped him in the bush where he was found by artisanal miners who called for help.

Ngadziore filed a police report at the time but the investigation went nowhere.

More: Pindula News



debt collector · 1 year ago
sometimes the zpcs were looking for the hangman for some years,yet we have them, amheno kudenga kuti vachazvimirira nyaya dzavo
M Hunzvi · 1 year ago
Nhai Pindula, ndimi munopa nhau dziri balanced and well researched. Mamboonawo here ZimEye article yemusi wa24 Feb ine musoro unoti, "Chris Mutswangwa's Farm Bombed, Burnt Down After Clash With ....?" The introductory part of the article reads, "Reports have emerged from the ZANU PF community that their spokesman Chris Mutsvangwa’s farm was subjected to a violent attack on Christmas Eve, amid the political tensions leading to his removal from a ministerial position. The incident, which has only recently come to light, involves the alleged bombing and burning of Mutsvangwa’s Halfway Tobacco farm." Tipeiwo details dzizere and why the story was not not reported from December 2023.
@Vhedza · 1 year ago
Is it new in the world that there are people paid to eliminate others? Then if new why then such organisations such as FBI, CIA KGB including our own CIO WERE created?
FBI boss · 1 year ago
Iwe FBI is not a secret agent but police.
bbn · 1 year ago
just imagine to hear that your brother or husband is taking people's lives
gumlaz · 1 year ago
vakuru vakati chisi hachieri music wacharimwa naihwo hungava hupenyu here kurararama nekubhinya nekuuraya vanhu ityai Mari varume hamutombifungiwo kuti kozvikazobuda pachena mozodii varume ndovanhu vakuita ma armed robbery ivava sekuti kana mnhu achikwanisa kukidnapper MUNHU asina Mari ko vakawanda panemari
XXX · 1 year ago
Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi owe citizens an explanation of how far Police have gone with their investigations. Failure to do it will be misenterpreted to mean. cover up by the Police. Please Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi give citizens a brief.. EHE ICHO !!!!!
LPG gas technician · 1 year ago
Haasi ye mafananidza
Hooo · 1 year ago
Iwe wega ndiwe une maziso hancho?
ninja kid · 1 year ago
mabhinya awo regai vadeiure ropa Mari ndovanoziva

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