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Govt Commences Rehabilitation Of Roads In Harare In Preparation For SADC Summit

1 year agoThu, 29 Feb 2024 16:46:08 GMT
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Govt Commences Rehabilitation Of Roads In Harare In Preparation For SADC Summit

The Government has commenced the rehabilitation of the Harare – Chirundu Highway starting at Harare Post Office (peg zero) ahead of the 44th Southern African Development Community (SADC) Heads of State and Government Summit scheduled to be held in Harare in August.

The Herald reported that at least 40 greater roads in and around the city have been lined up for the rehabilitation exercise which is being overseen by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development.

The roads where the ministry shall apply asphaltic concrete overlay includes Samora Machel (Jaggers to Kuwadzana Roundabout), Dieppe roundabout, Glenara/Samora junction, Glenara/ED Mnangagwa Road, Chiremba (through Braeside), Robert Mugabe/Abdel Gamal Nasser, Josiah Tongogara, Harare Drive roundabout Jaggers, Lomagundi Road (selected sections), Simon Muzenda Street/Robert Mugabe junction to Tongogara Road, and Simon Muzenda Street/Robert Mugabe junction to Tongogara Road.

In a statement, the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development the rehabilitation of the roads is to facilitate an efficient and smooth flow of traffic during the SADC summit. It said:

The Republic of Zimbabwe shall be hosting the 44th SADC Heads of State and Government Summit in August this year.

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As part of the preparatory works, the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development is tasked with constructing and rehabilitating road infrastructure to facilitate efficient and smooth flow of the delegates and the citizenry during the summit.

The ministry has initiated a procurement process for the above Greater Harare roads to engage the contractors that are compliant under Category A to participate in the tender through competitive bidding to ensure that there is value for money.

The SADC Summit roads construction works include the urban section of the Harare–Chirundu Road project from Julius Nyerere Way to Westgate traffic circle (Second Street and Lomagundi Road), which is being rehabilitated, widened, and dualised and includes street lighting and landscaping.

The ministry has directed the contractor apportioned that section on the Harare–Chirundu Road project, Fossil Contracting, to immediately prioritise the works for completion on or before July 31, 2024.

Exodus and Company has been directed to prioritise the urban section from the Lomagundi intersection with Second Street to the new Parliament Boulevard main access.

The works on this section will include dualisation street lighting and landscaping for completion on or before July 31, 2024. Said the Ministry:

Lastly, pursuant to the Cabinet approval obtained in April 2023 for Bitumen World to construct the North–South Corridor Link and the new Parliament Main Accesses, the ministry has directed Bitumen World to prioritise the New Parliament Main Accesses including street lighting and landscaping which also must be completed on or before July 31, 2024.

The ongoing works show the commitment by the ministry to deliver meaningful progress towards infrastructural development and ensuring satisfactory road infrastructure in support of the August SADC Summit.

Bitumen World is constructing about 13km of the Old Mazowe Road from the Westgate roundabout and is expected to complete all the roads by July 31 this year.

After constructing the 13km, the Government plans to reconstruct the other part of the road up to Mazowe, linking it with Bindura Road later this year.

The other road currently under construction is the 7km boulevard that stretches from Bindura Road straight to the New Parliament Building.

It will have eight lanes (four on the right side and four on the left side) and all this is expected to be done by mid-year.

Others are the 4.7km crescent around Parliament and a 2km road that will also lead to the New Parliament Building.

More: Pindula News



· 1 year ago
pari kuda kubiwa mari ipapa regai mugoona henyu.kungoti hazvo zvese hazvina maturo, tese tichafa
rosemary · 1 year ago
until they repair the 4 sets of traffic lights on lomagundi Road, 2 of which have been non operational for nearly 3 years, there will be no smooth flow of traffic to the new Parliament
. · 1 year ago
ko Mbudzi interchange inopera rinhi
baba jukwa · 1 year ago
taura zvako kkkkkkkkkkk
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Putting lipstick on a donkey doesn't make it pretty.
baba jukwa · 1 year ago
why is it only Harare ko Bulawayo haina ma roads here ko Gweru ko Zvishavane nemamwe ma twn. it's like umwe neumwe anofanira kugadzira side rake and deadline iyo vakaibata zivai kuti road idzodzo ndedziya dzeku nyungudutswa nezuva kana kwaku pisa or ma potholes achawanda kukunda agara aripo.
baba jukwa · 1 year ago
why is it only Harare ko Bulawayo haina ma roads here ko Gweru ko Zvishavane nemamwe ma twn. it's like umwe neumwe anofanira kugadzira side rake and deadline iyo vakaibata zivai kuti road idzodzo ndedziya dzeku nyungudutswa nezuva kana kwaku pisa or ma potholes achawanda kukunda agara aripo
SADC sucks · 1 year ago
roads have to be fixed regularly kwete zvekumirira chimusangano chemahumbwe chisina zvachinobatsira an ordinary person, nonsense
doodles · 1 year ago
Like lipstick on a swine.....improve the flow of the economy.....not to impress similarly drunk peers.
Chombas · 1 year ago
Ndo pa unoona kuti Mwari Chete ndowanokwanisa ku gadzirisa zvinhu not zanupf couz vanhu vari kutambura nyika yakazara golide ne zvimwe zvose ngatidzidzei kuita zvinhu zvedu tinamwari hapana munhu akambo enda muvhu aine Mari asi uno yenda usina chaunacho kana ukaba zvakadii time I chakwana yekufa ziwai nyaya idzi regai Kuitira vana we Zimbabwe utsinye hakadai
BIG T · 1 year ago
Ndokunyadziswa uku
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Whoever is saying roads are for visitors is ill advised because after the summit, the delegates will not take the roads with them back to their countries but will remain here for us as Zimbabwe. After all, when there is a big event happening, infrastructure are upgraded just like what happened in SA during world cup hosting, grounds and roads and other infrastructure were built. Ghetto ramuri kuswera kutaura ndiro rinotungamirirwa nema CCC lead counselors who are sleeping on duty. Muchamuka henyu. Hoyooooo.
☝️ · 1 year ago
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 do you know kut the likes of Sean Mnangagwa havana nguva yekuswero wanikwa pa Pindula nana Chivayo???? so wy wasting your time and energy bootlicking a coterie of gangsters and mercenaries masquerading as the gvt of Zim?????
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Uri mbudzi
Tapz · 1 year ago
But do you know why its a free pindula where u comment anonymously?????. The comments dont end hear. Free pindula is not free internet. Someone with interest on your comments is paying for the internet.
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Haugoni spelling yaCouncillor
Citizen · 1 year ago
😂 5months 😂 maybe 5years. History tells us so.
Zvimwe zvimwe asi apNa · 1 year ago
aaaah take these visitors to the ghetto and they will know the story, why painting a false image when an international event has to take place. it's more like dressing your kids in nice cloths because a visitor is coming to stay with the family. when all along the usual dress like rascals.
. · 1 year ago
Saka Roads are for visitors isu hatina basa
laugh emoji1
.. · 1 year ago
Kkkk ee are useless we are like milk cows, our job is to be taxed
Anonymous · 1 year ago
Usaite kunge maisango dya huku kana pauya vayenzi
hoo · 1 year ago
nhai zvinooita here izvi

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