2023/24 Rainy Season Not Over Yet - Met Department

The Meteorological Services Department (MSD) said that the 2023/24 rain season is not yet over with scattered showers expected this month.
MSD head meteorologist, James Ngoma, told NewsDay that the expected rains will be unevenly distributed. He said:
Currently, we are seeing light and isolated showers in most parts of the country.
The rainy season is not yet over as we will get a few more rains in March. The rains have been going round the borders of the country.
Zimbabwe Farmers Union (ZFU) secretary-general, Paul Zakariya, told NewsDay that the anticipated rains will do little to save wilting crops. He said:
We will not get as much in terms of yields as expected because the situation has already been compromised.
Zimbabwe Commercial Farmers Union president, Shadreck Makombe, said most crops have reached the permanent wilting stage. He said:
Most crops are already wilted and dry. We are not expecting crop resuscitation if the rains come.
We are in a drought situation and most farmers made a loss and this has negatively impacted the yields.
Meanwhile, Ngoma said the uneven distribution of rainfall has negatively affected farmers who depend on rainfall while those with irrigation systems expect a bumper harvest.
More: Pindula News