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HomeElections In Zimbabwe

Harare East, Mount Pleasant By-elections Set For 27 April

1 year agoWed, 06 Mar 2024 10:09:23 GMT
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Harare East, Mount Pleasant By-elections Set For 27 April

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has proclaimed the date for the sitting of the nomination court, and the date for by-elections for Harare East and Mt Pleasant National Assembly constituencies.

The Harare East and Mt Pleasant seats fell vacant following the resignations of Allan Norman Markham and Fadzayi Mahere, respectively.

Both MPs were members of the opposition Citizens’ Coalition for Change (CCC).

In terms of Proclamation 1 of 2024 in Statutory Instrument 37A of 2024 published in the supplement to the Government Gazette Extraordinary dated 05 March 2024, the nomination court shall sit at the Magistrates Court Rotten Row, Harare on 26 March. The by-elections will be held on 27 April 2024. The proclamation by President Mnangagwa reads in part:

WHEREAS, in terms of section 129(1)(b) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, the seats of members of Parliament for Harare East and Mount Pleasant have become vacant by reason of resignation of Markham Rusty and Mahere Fadzayi on the 20th of February, 2024, who were the elected members of Parliament for the respective constituencies;

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AND WHEREAS it is provided by section 39(2) of the Electoral Act [Chapter 2:13], that after the President has been notified in terms of the said section of vacancies in the membership of Parliament, he shall issue a proclamation ordering a new election to fill the vacancies in the same manner, mutatis mutandis, as is provided in section 38 of the said Act in regard to a general election;

AND WHEREAS, the Speaker of Parliament has notified me on the 20th of February, 2024, in writing, of vacancies for the afore-mentioned constituencies:

NOW, THEREFORE, under and by virtue of the powers vested in the President as afore said, I do, by this proclamation—

(a) order new elections for the constituencies of Harare East and Mount Pleasant; and

(b) fix Tuesday the 26th day of March, 2024, as the date on which the nomination court shall sit, commencing at 10 o’clock in the morning, at the Magistrates Court Rotten Row, Harare, for the purpose of receiving nomination of candidates for election as a member of National Assembly Constituencies for Harare East and Mount Pleasant; and

(c) fix Saturday the 27th of April, 2024, as the day on which a poll shall be taken if a poll becomes necessary in terms of section 46(17)(c) of the Electoral Act [Chapter 2:13].

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Shiri Choga · 1 year ago
People must VOTE ZANU PF in these elections and not useless opposition people who just wake up tomorrow and resign. mahere betrayed the people of mount pleasant who voted for her and this time around a ZANU PF MP is needed
Chibaba · 1 year ago
We are waiting for advocate Nelson Chamisa next political move. zvema By Elections itai mega
comrade John White · 1 year ago
the shi t is in you who doesn't see kuti Tshabangu musorobhangu agenda nechimuti. senator with zero votes
Chixy · 1 year ago
This is bullshi t indeed
Chokwadi · 1 year ago
This is ****
comrade John White · 1 year ago
Chamisa akapihwa Mari mafuza achiri kungosimudza kagunwe mudenga izvo zvakaendwa. Buy my book rinonzi Millions of ****s mubate yakatambika apa
comrade John White · 1 year ago
Millions of F.o.o.l.s
Anonymous · 1 year ago
@Siyoyo, you are still stuck in the past and brain washed by lies from Chamisa that there are fresh elections coming? That is a pipe dream and it will never happen. Forge ahead with your life my friend and forget about lies and propaganda from Chamisa. As for by erections, they have to be done because the consituencies were left without a representative. This time VOTE ZANU PF not avo ma fly by night leaders like Chamisa who just desert his people without notice. Kuitwa mafuza chaiko uye kuitwa vanhu vake. Kwai na Madzibaba veshanduko, if Chamisa says anything to me I will do it, ko akati......... anotobvuma. Zvinoratidza kuti they have idolized Chamisa nxaaaaa.
· 1 year ago
@anon you are stuck in zanupf's anus, remove you head out of their anus and see the light. You are too full of sh i. t.
𝙎𝙞𝙮𝙤𝙮𝙤 · 1 year ago
I think it's better for Zimbabwe to hold fresh elections not elections everyday, it don't make sense
Democracy · 1 year ago
Democracy is keep on removing elected people and hold fresh elections until you get the people you want.
Student Lite · 1 year ago
Kkkkkkk ma erections arikuitwa rini nhayi imi? Muvhundzo yana Hu re re ZANUpf na 💅Gudo
Student Lite · 1 year ago
Kkkkkkk ma erections arikuitwa rini nhayi imi? Muvhundzo yana Hu re re ZANUpf na 💅Gudo
Stubborn Gentile · 1 year ago
Gentlemen why wasting your precious time campaigning for another person to get a Job and food for his family. Hustle, Eat and sleep, just forget erections
😂 · 1 year ago
We need erections to enjoy life. Elections on the other hand are just frustrating so forget about them.
More Erections · 1 year ago
Nhai zvako iwe.All we need are erections. Why waste time voting for opposition leaders and MPs vanogona kungomuka one day voti hatichada.. Hauchada isu takapisirwa dzimba kuMuzarabani in your name??? What nonsense is that that?
nc · 1 year ago
lets campaign for blue cyclone our candidates Mahere and Markham
etc · 1 year ago
first blue cyclone MPs
Voter · 1 year ago
They disrespected the voters so no point in voting for them again in the future. Boycott and just give zanupf the seats.
mtt · 1 year ago
nemurungu ibootlicker yachamisa futi yaa politics dzezim ma1
🏃‍♀️ Chi baby Che Zanu 🌊 · 1 year ago
More seats for Zanu Pf tigosvasvanga

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