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Mhondoro Crocodile Attack Survivor Hails Her Brave Kids

1 year agoWed, 06 Mar 2024 08:03:15 GMT
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Mhondoro Crocodile Attack Survivor Hails Her Brave Kids

A mother who was saved from the jaws of a crocodile by her courageous two young children in Mhondoro in January this year is happy to have a second chance in life.

Blantinna Magaya was moments away from being dragged under the water by the crocodile when her two children, Luckmore and his sister Peace, attacked the reptile, forcing it to abandon its prey.

Luckmore is 12 years old, and his sister Peace is only 10 years old.

On Saturday, President Mnangagwa met the two siblings and gave them US$5 000 cash each and pledged to cover their educational expenses, up to the university level.

Speaking to H-Metro, Magaya said she was grateful to President Mnangagwa and Mabvuku-Tafara MP, Pedzai Sakupwanya (ZANU PF) for honouring her family. She said:

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I want to take this opportunity to thank my children for giving me a second chance at life.

I want to thank President Mnangagwa and Honorable Sakupwanya for everything that they have done for my children and me.

Words alone are not enough but I am grateful for everything that has been done to my family.

Narrating her encounter with the crocodile, Magaya said she only remembers drowning in water with the crocodile clutching her leg. She said:

I don’t remember anything that happened when these children woke me up, all I remember is seeing them on top of me when I was about to be dragged into the river for the third time by the crocodile.

During that moment the crocodile was clinging onto one of my hands and I instructed them to hit it in the mouth.

I don’t even know how I managed to hold the crocodile’s mouth.

So, when they were hitting the crocodile’s mouth, they were also breaking my leg and when I felt the crocodile letting me go, I told them to stop so that they could pull me out of the water.

Everything else that happened I have no idea. All I remember is that I was drowning in water and I think when we get to the village they will explain to me what really happened.

Crocodiles are found in swamps, marshes, lakes, rivers, and estuaries, therefore people need to use extreme caution around these water bodies.

The reptiles are said to be most active and dangerous at dusk and night.

If you encounter one, crouch down and back away while keeping your eyes on it.

If attacked by a crocodile, aim for its eyes or nostrils. Gouge, pierce, and do whatever it takes to discourage further aggression.

However, the best option is to stay alert, avoid risky situations, and respect their territory to minimize the chances of encountering these powerful reptiles.

More: Pindula News



Ndanya · 1 year ago
Saka muri kuti vana vaani kkkk
gumlaz · 1 year ago
imi hapana mwana mudiki anovharwa kumeso tsvagai kuti vana ivavo ndevani first ndipoo muchawana chikonzero vakapiwa Mari not zvimwe zvese izvo
Adonis · 1 year ago
sure kana pamwe hapo pavatendawo misiki nesimba raakatumira kuvana yes zviriko mari yakaipa unokanganwa zvose zvakana
· 1 year ago
Mai ava kushaya wo pamwe chete pava tenda Mwari vari kungotenda tenda vana vavo nembavha hombe mbiri dzakavapa mari
Pipiro · 1 year ago
Thank God and your kids for that not zvimwe zvese
Justice · 1 year ago
Dai taitavo mari taiita maclean donation kuvamwe vedu. The effect of poverty is that our people receive dirty money from anybody. Some get initiated in the process. The young ones also get to admire even thieves as role models.
energy Mtodi&mtodi stars 🎵🎶🎵🎶 · 1 year ago
money is money it doesn't say its source as long as you are not the one stealing or initiated
dakar · 1 year ago
yoooo the brave kids ,we thank God .
Zanu Pf · 1 year ago
maita mari mhayi nezvivana zvenyu kwete zvana chibaby cheZanu pf basa kuswera kuwawata paPindula Satan
Aldyz · 1 year ago
mwsr mwari ngaakudzwe mai vanga vaparara shuwa asi asi vana vakamira
mandrose · 1 year ago
twufana utwu here guyz kuuraya garwee???
I chokwadi here.. · 1 year ago
Kuti garwe ukarikurira rikasafa rine tevera ku den kwako ,kuzoitwa revenge kana kuzo pedzerana, but mukariuraya zvinovharana
...... · 1 year ago
what a miracle oh God this is good.
ctzn · 1 year ago
brave kids, panga pakaipa
God's grace · 1 year ago
Mwari Ngaikudzwe
Nhai Elder · 1 year ago
Hamunyari here?
𝙎𝙞𝙮𝙤𝙮𝙤 · 1 year ago
Eredha semunhu mukuru munofanira kupiwa imba kuBorrowdale Brook, 1 Fortuner GD6 plus $30 000 nekuti basa ramakaita iguru.
Elders · 1 year ago
ndakauraya 2 makarwe ne R.K.O ,rimwe rechi 3 ndakaripa tombstone tekwa Undertaker bvarafa pa Kariba apo tichiraura.
aaaa · 1 year ago
saka mukudawo kupirwa Mari here cde or tokusungai hazvibvimigwe nemutemo
Elders · 1 year ago
saka waida ndife here wangu

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